IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 29, 2014 17:36:37
...forever will it dominate your destiny.
No seriously, I just got most of my Eurorack parts in. And I'm ridiculously excited and this is addictive. I could buy like... another 3Ux90hp right now and still find more modules I could use (if only I wasn't already in debt!)
Still waiting on a +5v adapter, and I've got a few modules + a Kenton USB still in the box, but most of it's set up.
I don't have a lot of patch cables at the moment but I've already done a bunch of tests:
-> Intellijel Rubicon self-FM in just about every way possible. This is the deepest oscillator I've ever used.
-> Boogie's phase-inverted outputs in series AND parallel with Dual Borg to make the nastiest multi-peaked band pass thing I have ever used.
-> Using the self-oscillating Borg filter to FM the Rubicon to get all kinds of odd metallic textures.
->Multiplying signals, overdriving them, and feeding them all into the Dubmix, inverting the phase on some, spreading them, then running the output through the Minitaur for deep fat bass tones
-> Running out of cables so fast.
Seriously I'm going to need a lot more cables.
And more modules. This is the most fun I've had making music in ages and I haven't even hit record.
Will post pics and videos once I get the place a bit more set up.
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 31, 2014 11:29
Just get 15u x 104hp rack like the one I'm having built. Then over time fill it up. I'm planning two of these racks. 30u x 104hp should keep me Entertained
Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 1, 2014 19:16
15 U!
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 2, 2014 00:07
Yup. The case alone is costing me $1750.
Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 2, 2014 00:26
Awesome........ another euro addict, welcome to th e world of never going out. Going onn holiday, talking to your friends or girlfriend and being a totel nerd when it comes to vcas
Sound lime a really nice rif
How smooth are you finding the boogie filter,
Moog ladder with vactrolllolololololos
°°°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 2, 2014 08:25
Boogie is fucking beautiful, but with ANY resonance not what I would subjectively call "smooth" in the way that a Moog might be...
With res around 30-60%, it has this awesome, kinda vocal-like, almost nasally quality that's totally unique and different than anything I've ever used before, digital or analogue.
...Which is AMAZING for band/hipass use when combining 24db/12db outputs with the phase-inverted 18db/6db in various combinations through a mixer.
Filter comparisons will be one of the first videos I knock out when I get a chance. I'm all about filters with character. Will do Borg 1 & 2, Boogie, and Minitaur for reference... and why not, maybe throw some of DIVA's models in there for kicks if that would interest people?
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 2, 2014 13:31
Its worth mentioning the lvl input for the boogie will have a huge impact on the resonance circuit,
I alwys go into a vca (malekko) before my borg1.,
Can give a massive difference if you drive the input and will suppress the res amount giving a bigger range
°°°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 3, 2014 02:02
On 2014-11-01 19:16, loki wrote:
15 U!
It's interesting you say this as I could easily fill it with Intellijel modules & a few Doepfer utilities alone.
Then another 15u for The Harvestman, MakeNoise & 4MS.
Cuntus Maximus.
Martian Arts
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Posted : Nov 3, 2014 08:06
Welcome to the debt club...Dunno if its going to happen with you as well, but productivity in terms of finishing tracks, went down a slippery slope for me for the last two months (although the fun has skyrocketed), which is absolutely fine as I am going through manuals and tutorial videos, mainly to understand the features of Maths and Wogglebug alone. These two modules by them selves can create a universe of patches, with very few cables.
The trick to learn how to use you modules, yet move on with the music making, is to loop 16-32 bar loops in the track and start patching according to the manual, yet have stuff in tune for your track.
Also don't sell your other synths on impulse, even if you are not using them right now...I was inclined to do so, but I am going to stick to the "never sell stuff I use in tracks" rule, even if the only things that get switched on in my studio for the last month, is the modular, the moogerfoogers and the x0xb0x.
I have a Make Noise Rene on its way, as well as a cheap Doepfer ADSR and LFO (A-140, A-145) and a Harvestman Malgorithm.
I am also borrowing the Doepfer A-106-6 XP VCF which is a fantastic value for money (15 different filter types, 8 available simultaneously), general purpose, CEM VCF based on the Xpander.
Next purchase will be a couple of Doepfer A-132-1 dual VCAs.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 3, 2014 09:16
I know how you feel nectarios...
I tried to talk my ex into going on the game to fund my eurorack addiction.........."I you loved me you'd do it." she wasn't having it
what was her problem...id be around to take care of her. shed get a cut.... whats the problem.
°°°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 3, 2014 18:56
Debt club indeed... already there over this. Hope it doesn't get worse haha, but we'll see.
It's true about the productivity vs. fun - I'm not working on tracks but this is awesome!!
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 3, 2014 19:51
record everything.......become your own sample library
or it never happened.....oh and a bit of audio if you don't mind
°°°ACTS 4:12°°°°
Martian Arts
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Posted : Nov 6, 2014 14:17
Rene is here
1st patch
Make Noise Rene driving ARP Dual VCOs, Ring Mod out > VCO 2 FM input, VCO 2 Saw out > ARP VCF cut off CVin. Wogglebug Chaos adds CV to VCF cut off, Wogglebug Smooth VCO out modulates Rene X input for glides.
The only sound source, is the ARP VCF in self oscillation.