"Some autonomous regions in Spain lead Europe in the use of renewable energy technology, and plan to reach 100% renewable energy generation in a few years (objective "all electricity from renewable sources, AERS). Castilla y León and Galicia are especially near this goal, producing in 2006 70% of their total electricity demand from renewable energy sources, and 5 communities produce more than 50% from renewables."
i mean people do can break on through, dude, it's not a time for scepticism, but a time for an optimism & taking action
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Posted : Mar 31, 2011 12:40
Wind and solar energy are veeeery far away from the levels of energy they can produce.
I think they could be the main power source in most countries... Multiply the eolic stations and sun panels!
Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 31, 2011 20:24
Optimism is great but we need realism to effectively tackle the energy issue.
Inactive User
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Posted : Mar 31, 2011 20:48
On 2011-03-31 12:40, Xamanist wrote:
Wind and solar energy are veeeery far away from the levels of energy they can produce.
I think they could be the main power source in most countries... Multiply the eolic stations and sun panels!
we need to be more precise here
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 01:26
Its not a debate whether we should use coal or nuclear energy, of course none of them, and if technology has moved faster than what energy can provide its a sign of greed. Not to talk about what they use to create stuff in the industry, and all the chemicals that is being used.
This is very simple, The wheel is spinning, and its going downhill and at the end of the hill stands mankind(and of course everything in nature, but without a saying), watching and debating a problem that they created them selfs. "ohh but its such a beautiful wheel, lets keep it spinning"
And this wheel can and probably will smash the living shit out of life.
Thats okey we humans choose this road, its not a question about stopping it and taking a good thought about what we can do that would be good for everybody.
All hail greed!?
I dont like a debate that has a premise on that technology is they future and we need all energy to support it. And lets not talk about the economic system. Its a god damn conspiracy if any.
Consider the leakage of energy the industry produce??
Now put this in small scale, a small town, better yet a village. And use this energy to create only good things, yes its possible to be objective.
I have had this in thought now when going grocery shopping and its scary, real damn scary. Cabbage from germany in sweden, 1euro per kilo, Ecological cabbage from sweden, 2 euro wrapped in plastic!!?? So of course one wonders what is wrong? Its a scam, you fool people that they are environment friendly, that they do good, and you charge them a little extra for it! My answer: LOL
We live in a financial bubble where greed is nurtured, So its not strange people get killed in the name of greed... Just the thought of losing something in this world makes people fight, people kill for love, which then is not love any more.
Nature will fight back, we will be overpowered and the best we can do is to surrender and live smart and be more happy,
I wish i was brave enough to abandon this system and reclaim the nature and live in it with other happy creative individuals. I see humans more happy than ever.
So now that its said and done, maybe i should go to mcdonalds, grab me a king size menu, Put on the tv, computer, washing machine, microwave, flush my tap for icecold water, take a long and warm shower, charge my cellular-phone, Call for take out, go shop at lidl and buy cheap products from outside my country just so i can afford the electric bill.
Then i also take my car for a spin up to the forest and breath some fresh air, but first a stop at statoil, or Q8 to fill the gastank with some cheap gasoline.
Now lets talk about sustainable living, and man you wanna come and take this away from me? "I pay taxes for god sake, who do you think you are? are you even working?"
Now lets all just forget this topic, please, we know we are all just humans, its not our fault that we know so much and still just give a shit.
Maybe im just brainwashed to think like this and playing the ball just the way its supposed too, maybe all these machines and fossil fule and nuclear energy is not dangerous at all, And all the cows and pigs and chickens are the most happy animals to get killed in a nice factory just so i can eat them, every day if i want... yes if only i beg to god and thank him for all this, everything will be alright.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 02:08
Nature does not 'fight back' against us.
It's not like the earth gets PMS when we pollute it and fuck it up.
We just destroy biodiversity and make it shittier for ourselves.
At a certain point, if it's bad enough, we'll kill ourselves off and most likely a large portion of the living species on this planet.
Contrary to popular hippie belief, this is not the worst thing in the world - there have been many, many, many global cataclysmic events in the past that have wiped out most life on earth. It will happen again.
We are not going to revert back to a primitive state, unless we're ok with vast swaths of the population dying.
Honestly, the only solution I see for unfuckulating the world is the proliferation of significant technology that fundamentally changes our society.
What happens when there is free energy? and we can produce any physical object we want in our own homes with a 3d printer?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 02:42
Just change your consumptions habits, and try to influence in the people around you, and everything its gonna be OK.
But it has to be a BIG change.
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 03:08
Yeah like i told you, just hang on, just embrace the greed and forget this topic.
Your 3d printer will come and you can print a new planet, haha, Even if all things come to a end, it is the natural way, but contributing to it by using possibly life extincting techniques sounds more than stupid, just to have something that really dont matter in the long run.
If i was not able to think that there is something wrong, If the nature of things is this evolution, not decided by humans them selfs but a destiny given from the start, then i would embrace all the opportunities life had to give. I would not think twice but use all resource´s given.
But its not that simple, you give me a coin and i can flip it. And i see something fundamentally wrong going on, and on and on...
Why should i wait for a 3d printer? and free energy is already reality.. it just got stolen from us by greed
We can joke this away, No construction worker would build a skyscraper without a phat paycheck, But he would build a beautiful home for his family and for his friends for free, for only the love and for the joy his community gives him.
That is the difference, You ask anyone that is working close to the industry if they would do it for free or for only the love of the community!
HELL NO would you get as answer for 99%
Cause there is no community! At least not a community of love, but a community of money,
Its fine, if we all want this structure, but you cant buy love.
you can sit and wait for your scientistic, futuristic dreams to come true, for some device you can connect your brain to and it will create the things of your fantasy. Have your own nuclear powerplant in your backyard and have all the most impressive gadgets in the world. Hopefully you have some people to share them with.
But then if you knew that all those things and even your own existence could just disappear in a second if your powerplant blew. would you not choose to invest in something else?
I would!
But its okey i am taking a reality check and utopia is just a beautiful thought
But please, stop fucking and making babies cause we cant give them a future anyway, at least not a bright future, lots of problems to solve, its nice to be so damn creative
haha i love my cynical side
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 05:20
i would totally cook for free if i lived in a community that would provide me with the ingredients. i've often wanted to start a farming commune, just so i could cook forever and ever for people that enjoyed it.
no one seems to enjoy anything enough to do it for free......
Ok, I did not read the whole thread, but, I did got stuck and watched all the MONSANTO documentary, I was not aware of this company until now....IT IS THE MOST EVIL COMPANY i had ecountered so far, and I did a lot of studies about monopolies and such, but this one is something else...
THIS COMPANY HAS to be destroyed or stopped.
we are dealing here with something that is growing secretly and WE ALL are victims of this wothout even knowing it.
HOW CAN THIS BE STOPPED???? I would say, from now on, as musicians, labels and such, could put at least one line NO TO MONSANTO, that's a start, for real, all artists and labels should add this line to EVERY release on CD!!!!!
no joke....so people will at least google and see what is monsanto, because i did not know about this, but that i know, Im furious!!!!
Please ALL ARTISTS AND LABELS< ADD ONE LINE TO THE CD SLEEVE... NO TO MONSANTO, if we are here to make a change, this is a start, put your balls in the game.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 18:42
On 2011-04-06 18:17, Enertopia wrote:
Ok, I did not read the whole thread, but, I did got stuck and watched all the MONSANTO documentary, I was not aware of this company until now....IT IS THE MOST EVIL COMPANY i had ecountered so far, and I did a lot of studies about monopolies and such, but this one is something else...
THIS COMPANY HAS to be destroyed or stopped.
we are dealing here with something that is growing secretly and WE ALL are victims of this wothout even knowing it.
HOW CAN THIS BE STOPPED???? I would say, from now on, as musicians, labels and such, could put at least one line NO TO MONSANTO, that's a start, for real, all artists and labels should add this line to EVERY release on CD!!!!!
no joke....so people will at least google and see what is monsanto, because i did not know about this, but that i know, Im furious!!!!
Please ALL ARTISTS AND LABELS< ADD ONE LINE TO THE CD SLEEVE... NO TO MONSANTO, if we are here to make a change, this is a start, put your balls in the game.
Well I agree Monsanto is the worst company in the world, but the suggestions are pretty naive.
What we need is all the light on them, a broad coallition of NGO and a permanent negative campaign.
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 19:38
On 2011-04-06 19:25, lessless.sb wrote:
dont deny please or u are on the their side ?
please be honest. thx.
We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Grapes Of Wrath
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Posted : Apr 13, 2011 01:04
Anholt offshore wind farm will consist of 111 wind turbines which will make it Denmark's largest wind farm. It is expected to generate its first CO2-free power in 2012. On its completion in 2013, the farm will be generating green power equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 400,000 Danish households, or 4 percent or Denmark's total electricity consumption.
A power equivalence of 400000 households (Denmark has a population around 5.5 million people) yet only supplying 4% of the entire country´s energy consumption. It´s certainly not my lava lamps and my computer taking the cake here, meaning private energy consumption would seem to be a very small part of what a country consumes. Naturally just being alive and breathing makes me an impact but i fail to see what i as an individual can change, except demanding the industry takes it´s part of the responsibility (ha ha yeah i know we will be waiting a long time for that to come) If i could trade in my oil furnace for something more effective i would, but i live in a city, so my own windmill is out of the question for many legal reasons and the sun is not really out for half the year. I will take anything that does not have an immediate chance of exploding in my face over what i have now.
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