Not really alive swiss section
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Posted : Dec 24, 2009 11:35
On 2009-11-10 17:08, tHuJoN wrote:
I think also its a bit about the mysticalforum ... wich i also enjoy myself ... i think a lot of swiss people don't speak english ... so they prefer to writen in the MF (in german)...
honestly i think the french speaking ppl are way more into english as the german spaking ones ... and also do way more efford to speak english in forums ...
I disagree...German people have a much more better english, in 12 years living in switzerland i never found somebody who was not able to speak english in the german part, but i know soooo many guys from the french part who don't know a word. That's a wrong argument i think.
Probably mystical forum works very well just because there's a really strong and deep psy culture (underground and mainstream) in the german part...No more reasons needed to explain that.
@Brousse: funny video mate, so nostalgic to see artamis again, it's just a big hole in the ground actually.
Merry christmas Swiss family |
Freakulizer / Khainz
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Posted : Jan 6, 2010 17:53
On 2009-12-24 11:35, ayalien wrote:
On 2009-11-10 17:08, tHuJoN wrote:
I think also its a bit about the mysticalforum ... wich i also enjoy myself ... i think a lot of swiss people don't speak english ... so they prefer to writen in the MF (in german)...
honestly i think the french speaking ppl are way more into english as the german spaking ones ... and also do way more efford to speak english in forums ...
I disagree...German people have a much more better english, in 12 years living in switzerland i never found somebody who was not able to speak english in the german part, but i know soooo many guys from the french part who don't know a word. That's a wrong argument i think.
Probably mystical forum works very well just because there's a really strong and deep psy culture (underground and mainstream) in the german part...No more reasons needed to explain that.
@Brousse: funny video mate, so nostalgic to see artamis again, it's just a big hole in the ground actually.
Merry christmas Swiss family
after 29 years of living in switzerland i have many friends who don't speak english at all ... nevermind maybe u were lucky |
MorNinG MaGiC
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Posted : Jan 12, 2010 03:04
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 12, 2010 15:21
I also know many people from every region of Switzerland who speak only their main language....
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Posted : Jan 15, 2010 22:40
As I see it, all this cannot be explained satisfactorily. It's a mix of several components. It's like the regularity of prime numbers: You can discuss it for eons without ever getting to the core of it.
Another reason that hasn't been mentioned yet certainly is that Isratrance is for Trance music only, while Mysticalforum has a very wide range of thematic forums. You can even discuss your love life there, which still seems to be a little bit more important than Trance music Therefore, I don't see anybody who is not that saddle fast in English registering to Isratrance just for discussing Trance.
Isn't there any exclusively French forum for Trance dans la Romandie?
Roman (living in Zurich, and HATING it)
  Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 18:21
There are no french forum in Romandie and neither in Ticino...
this is the tree of the subtopic in isratrance, as you can see, there are plenty of other topic then only trance...
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I think is because the german scene is a little bit closed mind... you can see it in the music... most of the partys as the same music since many time, melodic full on... and now technish proggy or commercial proggy...
I mean there are other stuff, but is a minority.... the scene is quite local, In many places int he world you have people from everywhere to the party is like a global gathering, in many swiss german partys you have a big swiss german core of afficionados...
I always have seen the swiss german scene as something that can be good, but that is like a subworld in the scene...
But that's my idea
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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 19:18
Well, of course you can discuss other topics here too, but everything is a bit related to Trance. The offtopic forums are not really offtopic forums imo... So I still think the range of themes to discuss at Mysticalforum is wider, but that might be a question of taste
Other than that, you are right about the closed mindedness. As an artist making none of the boxed music, I'm confronted with it everyday in Switzerland, getting nearly no feedback from Swiss people, only if I crave for it
Then again you could say that Trance people in general are rather closed minded, as I see it...
  Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001! |
Master Margherita
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Posted : Jan 19, 2010 13:24
Other than that, you are right about the closed mindedness. As an artist making none of the boxed music, I'm confronted with it everyday in Switzerland, getting nearly no feedback from Swiss people, only if I crave for it
welcome to the club |
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Posted : Jan 19, 2010 20:15
So, u guys wanna listen to my music? U wanna, eh eh? Please do, please, s'il te plaît, I'll give u link, but please listen to my music. I'll send u a CD, for free, eh? And to your friends, of course, but pleaseeeE!!! And by the way, I'm open for bookings!!! Everytime, everywhere, also for ur marriage! People say it's nice, u know...I've time next weekend!
  Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001! |
Mobius Shrivatsa
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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 16:46
People stick to each other, its normal, but where is the limiting factor? Language? I wouldn't say so... As an expatriated Swiss, Ive been to many parties in both german and french parts...not as many as i'd like, but I gotta say that its not so easy for "foreigners" to face the geographical closed mindedness and cultural boarders of this little country, it leads to biased opinion and prejudice... People are friendly but it takes time for volks to consider, welcome and share with you..
Or maybe im just a Swiss guy trapped in an alien body... hmmm
The contents and layout of this forum are designed and oriented for people from different countries and are more specific to a certain group of people in the psy scene, people who are maybe more involve.. In my opinion its more focused and on-topic...deleting posts is not cool though, a warning or something would be nice its not like the admins have much to do here anyways...
  Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 8, 2011 02:55
2 months without one person replying to another user's post... it's getting worse!
We gonna get shut down soon if we don't do anything about it.
  «They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.» |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 21, 2011 01:12
you mean the swiss section or the whole forum?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 5, 2011 23:56
swiss section of course
  «They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.» |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 2, 2011 23:50