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Nonsense from Youtube claiming ID over videos...

Cosmo Circle
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  57
Posted : May 5, 2016 00:34:06
Have this happened to anyone else here?

So the situation is this...

I got a notification from youtube saying that someone else, a third party claimed rights over content featured in one of my videos.

The video is a live stage footage from 5/6 years ago, the quality is rubish, very poor visual footage and the audio footage is also mediocre...

But the video ends up having 300k views because its played in a well known festival,

Aparently the claimer wants to monetize the video, and the notification from Youtube basicly said, that Adds may apear in it...

They even said (hillariously)
the claimer allows me to have video in my channel, but he will receive the revenues from the adds as well as statistics of it...

(oh amazing... you let me keep my own video, were i played my own music... but you will monetize it as it was yours! fantastic!)

but the anoying part of all this, cames when i realize what this is all about...

The claimer, is basicly someone who copyrighted a Podcast of a DJ set... read well!

Some idiot, made a DJ set containing on of my tracks, and then copyrighted it as a Podcast...

and now he is claiming rights over live acting video because it happens i played the same track featured also in his Podcast...

Wich it happens to be my Cosmo Circle - New Age track...

Isnt this amazing? seriously, when you think you have allready seen everything... shit allways knock your door

And i am sick and tired of this shit, i know i can allways dispute this, and i would certainly win the dispute, because if i have to go into the last consequences, i am the author and i will allways win, even if i had to take the 24bit steams into court to proof i am creator of the content...

But they keep doing this, over and over, because its anoying, it takes a lot of work to someone to dispute this kind of issue, and the revenues you take from it, are minimal...

they live from exploring people who dont care or dont try to dispute this kind of issues...

I visited the website of the company who works for the claimer, and basicly they have a department for this kind of things... they know the flaws of the youtube copyrights policy, and because of that they try to take advantage of it.

Anyone in the music bisness knows that a Podcast is not a track, a DJ mix is not a track...but yet they revert an entire video of one hour and half into someone else just because it was claimed a copyright...

Unfair, and anoying, its because of shit like this i cant get motivation to produce and release more content, i am tired of greedy people trying to live from a colapsed music industry...

*Sorry for the long post, but i had to share this. this forum seems dead anyway!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
Posts :  1397
Posted : May 5, 2016 10:38
maybe you can claim the podcast illegal to youtube since you are the author of the content. anyhow weird situation. 300 k views sounds like a lot. hopefully you get a gig or two from that publicity. and yes this forum is like 25 psy-nerds or so.

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : May 7, 2016 02:03
Write to youtube, send links and explain the situation. If you write something with half the length you wrote here in a more formal tone, my best guess is that they will comply to you.

This "error" happens because half of the dispute process is automated.
Respect!           .
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Nonsense from Youtube claiming ID over videos...
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