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Nonessential gibberish

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
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Posted : Jul 24, 2003 00:02
Well, most of what we write is necessarily that. Is it essential to us in any way? Absolutely not. What we write is a way of expression, in the end, even language, is a way of expressing thought. And a rather clumsy one at that.

Music, writing and every other form of expression is an extension of one person outside himself. What drives a person to do this? Each one has his own reasons. Fun being a main one among the reasons. But what makes psytrance an experience to the listener?

Ultimately - it boils down to thought. We listen to music because it is both a creation of thought, and a creator of one. For each person, it's a subjective experience, sometimes with emotional content, sometimes without. When a musician creates something - does he think "I'm creating a track!!!" to himself all the time, or is he busy actually making it? Why does someone do the things exactly the way he does it? The mind has reasons, for each different person his own. The entire process of 'why' and 'how' breaks down when trying to explain simple things like a hihat sequence. It's just some noises in a certain order. Beyond that, it's all subjective analysis and thought.

The basic question of 'why do I love psytrance?' that's been asked on this forum in many different disguises (from the 'best of' threads which are in a way just looking to confirm what someone likes in the music to other quasi-philosophical nonsense that I type here from time to time) still remains unanswered, because it can't be. The explanation can't be put into words - because thought is much deeper than language. Douglas Adams wrote that the meaning of everything was 42, which may be seen as a rather brilliant point of sarcasm at philosophy and it's grinding the universe with thoughts and trying to explain things. But the deeper meaning behind what he wrote in that entire book, is that perhaps the best answer of them all, with a big smile from ear to ear, a simple 'why not?'.

Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 24, 2003 14:06
...i m shure 42 becoming reality some the babel-fish
maybe in some dna-codes ?

however, nice thoughts you ve shared with us. i agree, each thoughts depends on what a person has experienced in it s life.
while reading i ve asked myself what s the point he likes to point out...well..."why not ?"

bOm           experiment !
make it your motto day and night.
and it will lead you to the light.
the apple on the top of the tree
is never too high to achieve,
so take an example from eve...
experiment !
Mike A

Started Topics :  185
Posts :  3954
Posted : Jul 24, 2003 17:06
Another question-
Sometimes people like to keep their emotions to themselves and not express them. What about a person writing music and keeping it to himself? Does this thing exist? Why would someone wanna do that?
What about people doing music only to release it? Can they do it with emotion as well?

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  26
Posted : Jul 24, 2003 18:04
I think that people actually can make music and keep to themselves, I don`t actually see a problem in that, besides the fact that it´s pretty unknow. But I have a friend that djs and produces, and he don´t play his stuff, only show it to friens or keep for himself, he just want to play and express his creativity, but not for the whole world to see, and he have a very emotional connection with the song.
But someone who makes music just to release it I answer your question that there can be emotion as well, but it´s pretty hard too see.

btw, nice thoughts there...
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