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No Viza for Macedonia, Serbia and Monte Negro


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  92
Posted : Dec 24, 2009 20:41

On 2009-12-24 15:43, hyper drive wrote:

On 2009-12-23 00:06, Suntribal wrote:
off topic

ooohh not again,i know not politics etc,but please respect

please change the title,it's FYROM and not Macedonia



we... you low moral little...LITTLE MAN!!! be ashamed of are not a psytrance person or open are just too closed, and yes you do care about politics!! i dont wanna be roud and get down to your level man...but to be honest i DO feel sorry for are pathetic!

im glad that you are not my fellow citizen...ouu yeahhh!!!

you tell me that i care about politics as an insult????
of course i care about politics,i would be an ''idiot'' if i didn't
but this is a psytrance forum and i can't express my political views here ,for the same reason nobody else should use this forum as a political propaganda tool

mods ,i feel offended,please change the title



Started Topics :  2
Posts :  741
Posted : Dec 24, 2009 23:13
hyper drive

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  48
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 13:16
...well you should feel offended man...because you just wrote that you shouldnt write on psytrance forums about politics and involment in such!!!

hyper drive

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  48
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 13:17
and also moderators i think that you shouldnt change the name of the country in the topics name....let it stay Macedonia (as it really is)

hyper drive

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  48
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 13:19

On 2009-12-24 19:34, disco hooligans wrote:
Bollocking aside, you never needed a VISA if you were born in Macedonia.
And although I dislike politics, you people that jumped on Suntribal ( I assume s/he is also from Greece), should ease up on the pretentiousness. He has his views and you have yours.
He said "please", you said you "don't wanna be rude", yet called him "little man", "pathetic" and called for a ban.

Who's really acting like an "open minded" cunt now, eh?

and you my friend..please do not involve where you shouldnt! please! its none of your business...=)

i wish you allthe best..
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 15:52

On 2009-12-25 13:19, hyper drive wrote:

On 2009-12-24 19:34, disco hooligans wrote:
Bollocking aside, you never needed a VISA if you were born in Macedonia.
And although I dislike politics, you people that jumped on Suntribal ( I assume s/he is also from Greece), should ease up on the pretentiousness. He has his views and you have yours.
He said "please", you said you "don't wanna be rude", yet called him "little man", "pathetic" and called for a ban.

Who's really acting like an "open minded" cunt now, eh?

and you my friend..please do not involve where you shouldnt! please! its none of your business...=)

i wish you allthe best..

It is my business if I make it so. You are in no position to tell me what to do.
Merry Xmas to Skopje from Athens, Greece.  
hyper drive

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  48
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 20:06
thanks...but no thanks...=)
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 20:36
You're a real sweet heart, chubby cheeks, ain't ya?  
hyper drive

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  48
Posted : Dec 27, 2009 17:51
f... off m8...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  193
Posts :  3858
Posted : Dec 27, 2009 18:12
That's about it right?
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - No Viza for Macedonia, Serbia and Monte Negro
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