IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 05:27
Its been like this for ages, and it was no rock concert of circus. Its all in the eye of the beholder. Not all DJs jump around in need of attention, some just stay still and enjoy the ride...maybe we shoud ban DJs dancing on stage? [/quote]
.... ye i guess that is my issue here, when some artists just feed from ego and attention twisting all the psychedelic vibe, but also there are many artists that are not like that show off, and to be there and feel the humbleness of the artist is just awsome, it also teachs that no matter how great u are, u keep the ground.
but still i cant stop feeling like cattle sometimes...
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 06:53
On 2011-10-06 05:18:17, Serag wrote:
imagine a party where no dj or producer
would be on stage . no stage at all .
No music too or just no d.j ?
Maybe the d.j can sell ice cream ..
U see .. I found the d.j a new 'Job' in a second
but no idols , no ''look at me !''
Maybe ill send my cat ('MishMish' the hero) to play .. Will do a great work for sure !
djs or producers can be hided
somewhere while playing.
Yea .. Sure those who playing Fullon ..
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 07:32
On 2011-10-06 13:37, disco hooligans wrote:
Generally people tend to look towards the PA as they get a better sound by doing that. Hence the deco is largely placed around the spot where people tend to look more...anyway I am not too fussed about deco, so whatever.
Four-corner sound fixes that issue
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 07:36
In terms of ego-stuff, I like what artists like Daft Punk do--wear costumes or makeup that make them completely unrecognizable, but still provide a "face" to be linked with the music.
Thomas and Guy-Manuel have done a very good job of creating a famous image while keeping their own personal images relatively unknown (there are only like 3 pictures of their faces out there).
Also what is wrong with a DJ dancing on stage? Everyone else is dancing, why can't they?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 07:46
On 2011-10-07 07:36, Shiranui wrote:
Also what is wrong with a DJ dancing on stage? Everyone else is dancing, why can't they?
Martian Arts
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 10:28
On 2011-10-07 07:53, Cardinals Cartel wrote:
Shiranui ..
Ill tell you whats wrong with d.j/Producer who dancing on the stage :
Its FAKE !!!
Can't be someone who dance to somthing he already know/Heard/Listen to 50,000 times before .
There's also the newest tracks that you might have, shortly before you play...
We started and finished 3 tunes, in the last month prior to playing Sol Fest, where we had two Funktion 1 Resolution 3 range speakers and a Bass range stack behind us on stage, for monitoring! If you've ever heard your tunes through a Funktion 1 system, on a sunny day, you'd dance as well and there would be nothing fake about it.
Anyway, the tracks were still very fresh in my ears and I danced to them, like I danced to the older tracks in the live set.
If you like the music you make, you'll dance to it. I still stomp the ground when I hear X-Dream's - We Created Our Own Happiness (James Monro dropped it in his set this summer) and I have heard that tune thousands of times.
On 2011-10-07 05:27, Serag wrote:
.... ye i guess that is my issue here, when some artists just feed from ego and attention twisting all the psychedelic vibe, but also there are many artists that are not like that show off, and to be there and feel the humbleness of the artist is just awsome, it also teachs that no matter how great u are, u keep the ground.
but still i cant stop feeling like cattle sometimes...
Well then, should we put the dancers on individual rooms? so that no one goes into an ego trip and starts dancing in a way that would draw attention? Where do you draw the line?
And what is it with the word ego that people start dropping left right and centre, as an argument against stuff they don't like?
So what if the DJ is on a big stage much higher than the dancers, some people have no problem with that, some do.
I can't help but think that the ones that do, have some sort of inferiority complex...or that some DJ had boned their girlfriend once (or twice)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 10:49
Well then, should we put the dancers on individual rooms? so that no one goes into an ego trip and starts dancing in a way that would draw attention? Where do you draw the line?
And what is it with the word ego that people start dropping left right and centre, as an argument against stuff they don't like?
So what if the DJ is on a big stage much higher than the dancers, some people have no problem with that, some do.
I can't help but think that the ones that do, have some sort of inferiority complex...or that some DJ had boned their girlfriend once (or twice)
Peace out.
or maybe people are just lookin for new ways of interaction ?
i think we have room for both...
the point ll be interestin to see someone trowin parties where the stage s not realy the focu of the dancers....
if u see the videos from voov 1 2 and 3... this thing kind s happening...
Martian Arts
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 10:59
On 2011-10-06 19:42, Colin OOOD wrote:
Having the monitor feed out of sync with the headphones would help with mixing how exactly? Even if you use a split cue to mix, having the bodyshock of the bass arriving from the rig out of sync with the monitor/headphone feed makes things very problematic, and there is no easy solution.
Pass out.
And to finish the off topic of this, there is an easy solution to all of this as you only need headphones to decide at which marker you'll drop the track and for no other can even play whole sets without headphones if you know your tunes and where you've set markers and that is because I have only one word... Traktor
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 12:03
Have always noticed two distinct personalities of DJs, for the sake of explanation can call them the jocks and the geeks.
The jocks feed off the energy of the crowd, usually dance while performing, try to establish gestural links with the crowd, hone their technical skills to include movement on stage, seldom using computers unless it's with timecoded media, are older, more extroverted.
The geeks are the ones who are sucked into their gear, usually multitasking, establishing links with the crowd based on musical output, using computers and doing more on spot production work, experimenting, depending on the latest technology, visuals, are younger, more introverted.
ego can kill both these personalities, the jocks can get obnoxious, the geeks can get apathetic. but then when it's done well it shines. 2 examples:
removing stage would limit this arena to only the geeks, which personally i wouldn't mind at a party if the production team can come up with something to take its place (be it new kind of speaker setup or some holographic visual display) but it would kill a longer festival to not have balance and focus. would be more like a giant house party.
at the end it boils down to the organizer responsibility to bring the good energy to the floor by booking good DJs.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 12:10
On 2011-10-07 12:03, Yidam wrote would be more like a giant house party.
at the end it boils down to the organizer responsibility to bring the good energy to the floor by booking good DJs.