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Nitzhonot aka Victorious Trance - Israeli Uplifting Goa Trance

Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 22:31
for those intrested in nitzo, check out my website. on the bottom left corner are many nitzo/goa dj sets of mine.

we also did a bunch of shows about nitzo and interviewed many of the old timers that made this music on my show tranceformers. it is available for download but it is in hebrew:

for me it is like every genre, gotta find the jewels among the crap, but i must say that as someone who grew up on upliftinf melodic music on 8bit and 16bit nintendo/sega platformers, that i love a lot of what nitzo has to offer.           
The Way Back
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 22:46

On 2011-06-05 22:22, DETOX wrote:
Kristian for gods sake.......

Why? The guy was a criminal who stole our music and made money from it. In my book that is criminal behavior. Is the truth taboo here? 

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 22:47
I wasnt reffering to Eyal Barkan.......           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 23:00

On 2011-06-05 22:47, DETOX wrote:
I wasnt reffering to Eyal Barkan.......

I was.

My point is that The Nitzhonot movement glorified (and still do) a person who in my opinion deserved no respect whatsoever. He stole other artists music, made money from their music (a lot I am told) and brought artists to Israel where after he ran away with their money. I had the "pleasure" of being invited to play in Be'er Sheva at Forum at the Israeli New Year invited by Eyal Barkan (before he got famous) and totally screwed over by him (ask Avi Algranati who I had to stay with because Eyal Barkan ran away with my money). Furthermore he also stole my music and made money from it!

I have always been treated very good in Israel by all organizers and friends so this is not a general complaint!

I think it's perfect OK to debate one of the most famous Nitzhonot artists when the fact is he is a criminal scum.

And then I find it amusing one of his die hard fans send me a very angry personal message (he even posted it in this debate too) because I dare to speak the truth about Eyal Barkan


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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 23:08
Anyway....           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

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Posted : Jun 6, 2011 09:36

On 2011-06-05 22:26, Upavas wrote:
Still cracking up from "I try die you"
Pavel, who said that? hahahahahaha

The Korean Psy Trance legend NHJO HYENNRO

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 6, 2011 21:18
(Completely OT:
I must admit I'm personally enjoying the interactions of these two mountainous personalities. I always wondered if this event would ever happen and what it would be like if it did. Not in a popcorn fest way, but more just observing curiously how two strong characters manage in the same space. )


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Posted : Jun 6, 2011 23:24
As far as I know, and I believe Detox and others could confirm this, most 'big' names in Nitzhonot were big thieves . Holymen's Last Universe track was written by Amir Afargan (Kintaro). The Barkan brothers made all their tracks in coorporation with other Nitzhonot artists such as Chemical Synthesis, Ezotery Space, etc... (and if they didn't, they stole melodies, see above). Kobi Kastoriano got away with Eyal Ben Or's money, the latter being the 16-year old Iceman producer.

Etc etc etc however, musically I still love it.

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Posted : Jun 6, 2011 23:37
Astrix,Kintaro and Goldenfinger were the major producers of this kind of music and some people like Holymen and Eyal Barkan took advantage of their young age and talent and made money out of them. Same applies with Kobi Kastoriano who presented music by the likes of Destination and some other producers as his own.

Sometimes though (actually on most if not all Eyal Barkan and Holymen tracks) the young guys were credited in the small letters and those with the original cds can check it out if they want.

Ofcourse everyone in this life gets what he deserves so lets see where Astrix is and Goldenfinger (Freak Show) are today and where Holymen, Kobi Kastoriano and Eyal Barkan are.

Kintaro by the way is doing some progressive music as far as i know and he is really talented.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2011 00:01

On 2011-06-06 23:37, DETOX wrote:

Ofcourse everyone in this life gets what he deserves so lets see where Astrix is and Goldenfinger (Freak Show) are today and where Holymen, Kobi Kastoriano and Eyal Barkan are.

what happn with this People at the End (Holymen, Kobi Kastoriano and Eyal Barkan)?? i love Psy history, it's awesome to see so many Events or happnings in the past that affected the shape of the Modern Times...


          DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment

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Posted : Jun 7, 2011 00:16
Well nothing happened with them           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2011 00:54
Don’t know what all the fuss is about.
Here is a style, which is not afraid to embrace its own tasteless cheesiness. A style all about over-the-top “hooks”, clowns-on-steroids kicks and cartoon samples. What is here not to like? It’s free of any “high-art” or “enlightened vibes” pretentions and “I am the only one keeping the spirit of Goa pure!” (© Goa Gil) claims. Again, what is here not to like?! Whether you like listening to it or not, you have to at least admire its honesty. I am not talking about producers’ honesty, just the spirit of the music itself.

How much of folk music is cheesy crap? How much of it is “stolen” from unknown “producers”? Yet I don’t hear anybody bash their country’s folk music for some reason. Why not see Nitzhonot as a modern-day Israeli version of Hopak, for example?

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Posted : Jun 7, 2011 02:41
+1 to Coon B)

Kobi is still doing music though, as Opposite8 (Full On), and he even made some updated remixes of classic tracks such as Lightning From Heaven by Destination and Freak Show by Luminus. The Freak Show rmx is actually kinda good ->

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2011 02:44
Funny how some "rightful" producers claim they were musically robbed by other producers...while their "original" work contains chants, mantras, voices, samplings etc...that they didn't ask permission to use.

It's a snake eating her own tail.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2011 03:24

On 2011-06-07 02:44, goa-ganges wrote:
Funny how some "rightful" producers claim they were musically robbed by other producers...while their "original" work contains chants, mantras, voices, samplings etc...that they didn't ask permission to use.

It's a snake eating her own tail.

Its 100% stealing when someone take your MELODY and your complete track you created yourself (As in the case with my Trancelestial Psychobabas tune where the melody is 100% original) and use it without your permission. All samples I use are cleared with the rights owner, taken from sample CD's where I bought the right to use the material or samples I have recorded myself!

Furthermore there is a HUGE difference in taking a few seconds sample and manipulate it versus taking a whole song and copy it! Plus it's actually legal to use samples that are common sounds (meaning there are many recordings of the same material) such as animals, chants etc. that are recorded in public, meaning not an unique recording set up as a production. But to make it clear my samples are in many cases taken from more then 50 year old recordings and then the copyright protection is no longer valid.
Furthermore no one can claim copyright on example recordings made of nature or animals or city sounds (examples).

Next time do proper research before you assume things which I suspect you did because you have a hard time accepting the reality which is that Eyal Bargan is a crook!
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