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NEW slow dark project


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  9
Posted : Jul 8, 2016 08:29:31
Greetings fellow psychonauts
This is a something ive finished recently and would like to share with everyone...slow is the way to go
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  49
Posted : Jul 10, 2016 00:17

On 2016-07-08 08:29:31, Yrtha wrote:
Greetings fellow psychonauts
This is a something ive finished recently and would like to share with everyone...slow is the way to go

Nice! Sounds pretty dope overall.

I think it really just needs some polishing.

The wobble bass is like halfway between a slow and a fast wobble and kind of doesn't fit as well as it could with regard to the kick imo--it disrupts the overall rhythm.

Overall I like it though. There's a lot of good innovative stuff in here. It's nice to hear something new and refreshing as opposed to all this proggy bullshit that all sounds the same.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  9
Posted : Jul 10, 2016 11:27
innovative?...thnx but not innovative, different maybe

glad u liked it, i see u have good monitors or ear to make sense of everything

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  9
Posted : Jul 10, 2016 18:51
dont want to open a new topic, and since i dont see how to edit my first post
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  49
Posted : Jul 10, 2016 18:51

On 2016-07-10 18:51, Yrtha wrote:
dont want to open a new topic, and since i dont see how to edit my first post

What's this?

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  9
Posted : Jul 10, 2016 18:55
i thought to have one topic and just post track related to the project, insted of opening several topic for each one
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  49
Posted : Jul 10, 2016 18:57

On 2016-07-10 18:55, Yrtha wrote:
i thought to have one topic and just post track related to the project, insted of opening several topic for each one

Ah OK. Cool. I'll give it a listen and let you know in a bit.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  49
Posted : Jul 10, 2016 19:49

On 2016-07-10 18:51, Yrtha wrote:
dont want to open a new topic, and since i dont see how to edit my first post

Ye dude it's good!

I think that the snare needs a bit more decay/release on it towards the middle--and maybe bulk up the sound a bit (as it's not quite a high-freq/white noise snare and not quite a gritty snare). It actually sounds find in some parts of the track but that's because the real release of the snare is being allowed to show through. Maybe look at how you're compressing it in relation to the other sounds...idk. (Look at the snare after 3 minutes and the snare before the 3 minute mark).

I feel like overall the track is pretty static--which is common in dark. If you were to kind of bring that fm lead sound out and create 1 or two climaxes out of it (not big goa climaxes but some subtle ones where the lead picks up and then goes back down) I think that'd be a nice juxtaposition to the linear, static aesthetic of the track. of my biggest criticisms of dark is that they have all the raw materials to make epic harmonics and subtle melodies throughout the whole track but they just don't do it all. In the beginning of your track you have this sound with pitchbending and if you were able to actually make a consistent subtle melody out of that it would actually contribute to the linear aesthetic. Something to think about.

The hihats too, while super subtle, could benefit from a more complex rhythm towards the end of their loop. So if you're doing 16ths around 3:38, see how it sounds doing some riff off of 32s toward the end of the four-bar loop--it will give it a little more drive and depth.

The end is really nice btw--minus these mids on the kick for the last few bars of the kick in the outro (it sounds like it's not really meshing with the track).

Overall it sounds pretty dope though. Loved listening to it!

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  9
Posted : Jul 16, 2016 14:10
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  49
Posted : Jul 17, 2016 01:22

On 2016-07-16 14:10, Yrtha wrote:

Listening now....(I think you might as well post new threads btw--instead of adding to this one but it's up to you.) Are all of these tracks part of an album?

Here are my thoughts...

- The bassline needs more drive. It sounds kind of dry and like it isn't really occupying the low-end fully. I'm not sure if you mixed it that way intentionally or what but there's definitely more room for you to let the bassline breath a bit more in the mix.

- Again with the bassline I feel that the kick has too much presence in the kick/bass relationship. The kick is very obvious, very juicy, sounds good, etc...but it doesn't mesh as neatly with the bassline as it could and I think that if you focused on letting the bassline breath a bit more you could get a better low-end going on.

- Right at 4:14ish the bassline has more presence for instance...but it quickly goes back to what it was. (I know you changed it intentionally but you get what I'm saying).

- Nice fx around 4:57.

- The fm sound that comes in around 4:59 is nice but when it's changing later I feel like it loses it's dark-edge a bit. There's another one that comes in to complement it but it could be much more aggressive than it is sounding now. Which would be dope because it would feed into the following drone/horn sound much better. As to how to do that...I'm not sure. I'm hesitant to say "distort it" because it sounds like you probably won't be able to get a good distortion just by throwing a distor plugin on it...I'd try playing around with the eq a bit and see if you can boost like three or four narrow frequencies with parametrics to get a good gritty, harmonic, distortion that way. I'm not sure that would work either but it might be a better route than just throwing a plugin on it if you wanted to see how it sounded. You could also go the reverb route and distort it a bit with some reverb by fucking with the dampening and filters.

- The snare in the percussion riff around 6:15 could be brought out a bit more in the mix as well. The problem is that the hihats are aggressive and bright, and they hit the snare, but the snare isn't present enough to justify the hihats being that bright and aggressive if that makes sense...It's not a self-complimentary percussion riff in that part. (I had the same critique on this other track I reviewed so it's odd to have that twice in one day lol).

Overall it was fine but I do have to say that I liked the others a lot more. I felt they had more to offer in terms of originality and character. This one seemed kind of strangely uninteresting as far as the lead composition is concerned--relative to the other ones you posted that I listened to.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  9
Posted : Jul 17, 2016 18:53
thnx for your feedback base...really really appreciate...not part of an album, but of an EP im gathering tracks for and u just put the icing on the cake...will post the EP in the forums, the 1st 2 tracks will be on, and this 3rd one just got the axe
Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - NEW slow dark project
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