Its cheesy and silly and loved in the mid east. Its the equivalent of uplifting full on trance 10 years ago, with laser zap kicks and epic melodies in eastern scale (so there are 8 notes you can use instead of 5 or 6 / pentatonic which is what psytrance is in today)
Erez from infected mushroom was making it when he was 17 as Shiva Shidapu, it was epic morning music at the time.
The only thing it has in common with goa is the use of lots of melody in the foreground, but the tempo can be higher and the themes are more euro-trance rather than psychedelic.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 2, 2010 18:55
It's "bastardized Goa" - simplified and made more aggressive (hence, my previous japanimation analogy). As such, it's true folk music, celebrating its own simplicity and embracing its cheesiness with love. It’s pure fun with no pretense. But, yes, it has nothing to do with New-School Goa. There is a Nitzh-O-Goa blend promoted by Agneton, but that’s a different story.
Not sure where something like this belongs, though...
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Posted : Nov 4, 2010 17:32
Thanks peepz, was really informative. I can now in all honesty say that nitzhonot is not my style.
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Posted : Nov 28, 2010 02:23
Josh, stating you like Goalien-Agressor but dislike Nitzho in one single topic is kind of a contradiction!
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Posted : Nov 28, 2010 02:31
@ Coone: Pandemonium and me started doing this Nitzhogoa thing simultaneously, but independently, around 2007. He never labeled his stuff as Nitzhogoa though, although it belongs in that category, in my eyes. Until 2009 I didn't use the word either, since the term Nitzhogoa only saw daylight in 2009.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 29, 2010 02:39
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 1, 2010 13:20
Dimensional Gateway is the very first compilation being released by, a web portal dedicated to the promotion of modern Goa trance music. In the summer of 2010, immediately after the founding of the Neogoa portal, the idea of a high-quality presentation of today’s new school Goa trance projects emerged. The resulting compilation features nine stellar songs by some of the finest modern Goa trance artists from all over the world. All tracks on compilation were carefully chosen by Richpa. Mastering by Deimos with cover artwork by Richpa.