On 2010-04-16 16:21, Xamanist wrote:
Amazed by new Artha's work!
Damn..that is great stuff. Very Simon P influenced with goa over the top...
Seems to me most neo goa has been largely from the pleiadians school, bout time someone did some stuff from the Simon P school.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 10, 2010 08:54
Keep them coming!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 10, 2010 09:28
On 2010-04-22 15:14, braininavat wrote:
Damn..that is great stuff. Very Simon P influenced with goa over the top...
Seems to me most neo goa has been largely from the pleiadians school, bout time someone did some stuff from the Simon P school.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : May 10, 2010 17:08
On 2010-05-10 09:28, Beat Agency wrote:
On 2010-04-22 15:14, braininavat wrote:
Damn..that is great stuff. Very Simon P influenced with goa over the top...
Seems to me most neo goa has been largely from the pleiadians school, bout time someone did some stuff from the Simon P school.
Why not just do their own thing?
Why not just let people do their own thing, even if you think their own thing has things in common with other peoples' own things? You've said it yourself: there is nothing new in dance music. With that being understood, there's no point in pointing out the obvious, especially when the artist has publicly stated his desire to make music in a particular style. One could equally ask why you're so intent on reviving Elysium - why do you want to sound like you used to, rather than as you do now?
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 10, 2010 19:00
On 2010-05-10 17:08, Colin OOOD wrote:
On 2010-05-10 09:28, Beat Agency wrote:
On 2010-04-22 15:14, braininavat wrote:
Damn..that is great stuff. Very Simon P influenced with goa over the top...
Seems to me most neo goa has been largely from the pleiadians school, bout time someone did some stuff from the Simon P school.
Why not just do their own thing?
Why not just let people do their own thing, even if you think their own thing has things in common with other peoples' own things? You've said it yourself: there is nothing new in dance music. With that being understood, there's no point in pointing out the obvious, especially when the artist has publicly stated his desire to make music in a particular style. One could equally ask why you're so intent on reviving Elysium - why do you want to sound like you used to, rather than as you do now?
Disclosure of personal interests: I mastered Artha's recent releases and really like what he's doing.
Auchh got the wrong leg out the bed mate ?
I was being ironic but also tried to make a point. And no Elysium wont sound 100% identical to the sound from 1995. There will be plenty of new ideas in the new material. But then again. Elysium got it's own sound and I doubt you find other artists sounding like Elysium (If I am wrong please let me know) - not saying that to be misunderstood as if Elysium is better. But I got my own sound and never tried conscious to copy other artists ideas.
My point was that artists should try to find their own sound instead of copying other artists ideas and sounds. Yes we all "steal" from each other but at the end of the day its all about creating your own identity and finding your own sound. That's what set you apart as an artist.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : May 10, 2010 19:07
I disagree that Artha is 'copying' Hallucinogen's style, although it is obviously an influence... I also disagree that any of us has the right to tell another artist that they're dong something 'wrong', as you seem to be. All there is is music we like, and music we don't like.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 10, 2010 19:13
On 2010-05-10 19:07, Colin OOOD wrote:
I disagree that Artha is 'copying' Hallucinogen's style, although it is obviously an influence... I also disagree that any of us has the right to tell another artist that they're dong something 'wrong', as you seem to be. All there is is music we like, and music we don't like.
BTW don't make out I'm getting pissy just because I'm disagreeing with you
I never said that he/she did anything wrong. I was just making a point and a statement about doing your own thing instead of wanting to sound exactly like someone else. We can all learn from each other but in order to make a genre or scene evolve you need new fresh ideas. It's rarely those who do what everyone else did/does that push the music forward. It's usually those who do their own unique thing that set the tone in a genre or scene.
"Simon P School" was the thing that made me comment. To me it sound like someone wanting to sound like Simon P instead of doing his/Her own thing and creating their own "School". Maybe I'm wrong.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 10, 2010 19:48
On 2010-05-10 19:36, Colin OOOD wrote:
Which of his tracks are you talking about, that sound exactly like Posford?
You misunderstand me.
I was referring to this statement.
On 2010-04-22 15:14, braininavat wrote:
bout time someone did some stuff from the Simon P school.
I did not say it sounded like Simon P or anything else you seem to put on my shoulders now
I made a comment refering to braininavat's comment (not Artha). My comment was:
Why not just do their own thing?.
That was my point and still is my point and nothing else www.beatagency.dk
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 10, 2010 20:11
I think braininavat's comment was merely that. A comment on the fact that there are not many who do the Simon P style (but many who do the other styles - gms etc). To me his comment was more a statistical note, than anything else.
Funny, actually, when I heard that track I was brought to mind OOOD more than Simon.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : May 10, 2010 23:08
On 2010-05-10 20:11, rich wrote:
Funny, actually, when I heard that track I was brought to mind OOOD more than Simon.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 10, 2010 23:11
simply put this an amazing album...
by far the best ive heard in 2010 and ill be careful and say its the best ive heard in a few years now
just brilliant trance music!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 11, 2010 00:17
I think the best idea with "new school goa" is to go back to the old sound, and then evolve it in a /different/ direction than it evolved before.
Jesus Raves
Jesus Raves / Kanibal Raves
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Posted : May 11, 2010 01:02
Artha is one of the best for sure.
So what because he's influenced by Simon, that is not the bad thing... i don't think he's copying him like i don't think Filteria or Merrow copying old Pleiadians
gems like Astral Body [i prefer an old version which i mix in every goa set for years], Dna or this whole new album are simply amazing.
MSN: jesusraves@ultivarecords.net
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 01:12
I'm having trouble finding much nighttime stuff... I have "people walk funny" but that's about the only CD I've found...