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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - New Release SUPERSTITIONS Iboga Mexico
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New Release SUPERSTITIONS Iboga Mexico


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  2
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 07:16
compilated by dj Vedant & Odiseo

La palabra supersticion procede del latin (super), que significa arriba y (stare) que quiere decir estar.
Desde que el hombre existe, siempre ha tenido la tendencia a creer en fenomenos sobrenaturales, mitos populares o eventos inexplicables. La superstición se define como una creencia o practica en que se manifiesta la tendencia a atribuir a causas sobrenaturales, fenomenos que no admiten una explicacion natural.
Todas las culturas, sin excepcion, cuentan con creencias, mitos y supersticiones. Las civilizaciones primitivas han realizado ritos y bailes a los fenomenos naturales como la lluvia, los truenos, el sol, etc. Actualmente, a pesar de que las danzas a los dioses han ¿desaparecido?, se continua creyendo en ciertas cosas.
Las supersticiones, sean realidades o creaciones ilusorias, permiten que el ser humano desarrolle mecanismos de fe que, sin duda le ayudaran a conseguir sus objetivos.

The word superstition comes from Latin the (super) ones, that above means and (stare) that it means to be.
Ever since the man exists, he has always had the tendency to believe in supernatural events, popular myths or inexplicable phenomenas.
The superstition is defined as a belief or practices in that the tendency is pronounced to attribute to supernatural,
fenomenas causes that do not admit one natural explanation. All the cultures, without exception,
count on beliefs, myths and superstitions. The primitive civilizations they have made rites and dances to the natural fenomenos like rain,
the thunderclaps, the sun, etc. At the moment, although the dances to the Gods have disappeared, continuous believing in certain things.
The superstitions, are realities or illusives creations, allow that the human being develops faith mechanisms that,
without a doubt helped to obtain their objectives.

1.- Odiseo vs gandulk- The Game
2.- Trancemission - Todo Funk
3.- Jey & Ex - Rainy Days
4.- Behind Blue Eyes - Drums Base (Flow job Rmx)
5.- Symphonix - Take control
6.- Liquid Ace - Let go
7.- Sonnenvakum - Sky
8.- Dual and cafu feat d fusion - Blue Sky
9.- Flow job - Bang bang the bougee

Iboga Mexico Records

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  72
Posts :  279
Posted : Dec 12, 2006 19:30
good luck,

i know you guys have some deep tribalness in you!!

cant wait to hear it.


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  180
Posted : Dec 12, 2006 21:58
You can put your oppinion in the cd´s review sub-forum.           UGLY BEFORE!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Dec 13, 2006 06:55
looking good!!!           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Dec 13, 2006 16:42


Happy to see news from the iboga mexico guys!
Hey liquid ace is ace ventura and liquid soul?? Just curious

Good luck           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Syd Barrett

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  25
Posted : Dec 14, 2006 03:41
/Liquid Ace - Let Go/

...reAlly goOd One...
Behind Blue Eyes

Started Topics :  96
Posts :  415
Posted : Dec 15, 2006 00:32
Lets bougee...

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  23
Posted : Dec 15, 2006 01:03
wooww good luck with this one
very nice compilation, and i have the same doubt
is "liquid ace" liquid soul & ace ventura???
Behind Blue Eyes

Started Topics :  96
Posts :  415
Posted : Dec 15, 2006 22:43
Yes, Liquid Ace is a collaboration between Liquid Soul and Ace Ventura, two of the absolute hottest names at the moment. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Dec 17, 2006 04:05

On 2006-12-15 22:43, Banel wrote:
Yes, Liquid Ace is a collaboration between Liquid Soul and Ace Ventura, two of the absolute hottest names at the moment.

pssss HOooottt stuff!!!

Amazing !! Thanx baan           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - New Release SUPERSTITIONS Iboga Mexico
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