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New Hallucinogen Album

Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 18, 2010 07:33
it won't take my gmail, hotmail or yahoo so Hallucinogen 3 can go f#ck itself along with the rest of Twisted!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : Aug 18, 2010 08:35

On 2010-08-18 07:33, V3NOM wrote:
it won't take my gmail, hotmail or yahoo so Hallucinogen 3 can go f#ck itself along with the rest of Twisted!

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 01:31
Angelic Particles / Soothsayer is still Simons best work as Hallucinogen. Twisted is the better Hallucinogen album.

He should keep making real Goa trance. Or perhaps make some innovative dark psytrance.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 02:30

On 2010-08-20 01:31, consciousness wrote:
...Or perhaps make some innovative dark psytrance.

Yup. See what he can do with it. I can imagine he'd add a musical dimension to it. kinda Penta-ish

Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 03:32
for me it would be Spiritual Antiseptic as my fav track of his, altho Space Pussy was/is pretty classy as well.

I highly doubt with the way his sound has gone with collaborations n' the few Hallucinogen tracks put out that he'd do anything really dark, although I'd love to hear a new modern Gamma Goblins           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 03:35

On 2010-08-18 08:35, Pavel wrote:

On 2010-08-18 07:33, V3NOM wrote:
it won't take my gmail, hotmail or yahoo so Hallucinogen 3 can go f#ck itself along with the rest of Twisted!

i find you so hot Pavel           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
the mind

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 15:46

This group seems to be the refuge for all who cant seem to register on the twisted forum:!/group.php?gid=143471145687132&ref=ts

Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 16:44
is this twisted`s pr machine at work in subtle ways ? hes going to release an album if he wants anyway

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Posted : Aug 23, 2010 00:03
meh, its been 13 years...he is pushing 40. I'm pretty sure if it was going to happen it would have by now.
I've always really respected him for not putting out some half baked version of half finished tracks and just calling it hallucinogen 3 to sell. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2010 07:11
anyone know a song called trancepotter?
that's the name saved on my pc.
will there ever be better psy-trance?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2010 07:13

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2010 07:32

On 2010-08-20 03:32, V3NOM wrote:
for me it would be v as my fav track of his, altho Space Pussy was/is pretty classy as well.

yes Spiritual Antiseptic. in my top 5
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 23, 2010 08:41
I spoke to Simon on the phone just a minute ago and he stated that he was pissed that some israeli duo punks called Infected Mushroom had stolen all his ideas after a collaboration session n' were now living in Hollywood & snorting quality crack every day when it should be him, because psy rock pop had been his next idea for Shpongle.

He has now come up with a completely "new" sound that will get him the hollywood whores n' crack he so desperately strives for and Hallucinogen 3 will mark the way!

HE has Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden lined up for vocals, because he thinks the next major evolution in the scene is someone who can actually f#cking sing!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Mike A

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Posted : Aug 23, 2010 11:28

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Posted : Aug 23, 2010 12:07

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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