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New Goa trance that actually sounds like Goa trance!?


Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 17:27
I understand your point, but you are generalizing again and again, as always.

If you haven't listened to new goa that isn't fast or that isn't similar to Astral Projection or Etnica, then you haven't listened enough, that's my point. Of course you may dislike it too...
But to put all new goa artists in the same pot is not true or respectful... IMO           Sérgio Xamanist
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 20:21

On 2011-08-08 17:27, Xamanist wrote:
I understand your point, but you are generalizing again and again, as always.

If you haven't listened to new goa that isn't fast or that isn't similar to Astral Projection or Etnica, then you haven't listened enough, that's my point. Of course you may dislike it too...
But to put all new goa artists in the same pot is not true or respectful... IMO

I think you just have a hard time accepting my opinion and take things a tiny bit too personal since you accuse me of generalizing (as usual).

As I wrote I have listened to most of it out there and I haven't come across much I thought was good in regard to overall production and composing. IMO of course. Simple as that.

Furthermore 95% of all released new Goa is fast (145+) and melodic in the direction of Astral and Etnica. That's not something I make up. It's a fact. The very few less fast releases has not been something that impressed me.
But if you know some amazing organic/hypnotic/psychedelic not too fast 133-140 BPM new Goa (Also used to be known as Morning Goatrance) I haven't listened to then please provide me with some links to prove your point

About being disrespectful. I don't see where I am being disrespectful (maybe if you took it less personal you would agree). We are expressing our honest opinion here and I also suggested a few ideas. In my world it's called constructive criticism.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 21:55
For all lovers of more darker non-shiny goa trance nowdays, I would like to recommand few names

- Portamento
- Arronax
- Subra
- Amanians
- Blackstarrfinale
- Javi
- Psychowave
- Lapsus
- Anakolouth

Furthermore 95% of all released new Goa is fast (145+) and melodic in the direction of Astral and Etnica.

I disagree, there is a lot of artists who actually producing something totally different, but you should dig deeper. I agree that many of artists/labels release shiny/morning stuff but that's not a 95% of this neo/new school scene, as you mentioned.

For all of you who are looking for some newschool stuff, I suggest you to check this list of newschool releases (free stuff is also included and marked as downloadable):

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 22:09
Whatever the number is IMO 95% is not something I'll even download for free. I've listened to most on Ektoplazm as well as other releases promoted via example psynews and I simply do not think it's good enough quality. Now again this is my personal opinion and of course taste is taste. But I am skeptic and not at all convinced this "new" genre will evolve from where it is now. I hope it will but that would involve a change in taste among those who make this music. I don't see that happening

I'll dig for some of the names and maybe there is something good there. But again I am skeptic

A good start would be to get rid of the "Neo/new" label and just call it goatrance or psytrance for that matter. I don't find anything new in the music 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 22:26
Many people don't like neo-Goa (at least, that's what I gather from reading this Forum). Funny, I am finding a positive correlation between this dislike and the length of time they spent in the Scene. Could it be that behind this talk about "quality" is the usual "good old days" nostalgia?

I liked "Temple of Chaos".
And "Daze of Our Lives" is one of my all-time favorites.
Do I care if it sounds like something you heard in 1997? No.

IMHO, Filteria, Khetzal and Artha write good music. Again, regardless of how it compares to the "classics".
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 22:30
But I am skeptic and not at all convinced this "new" genre will evolve from where it is now.

It's evolving for a 5-6 year now. Every year there is more and more stuff that is worth checking out, few new labels also founded in last year or two, many new artists appeared, some old names also released few goodies (Shakta, Toi Doi), many projects who released couple of albums played on some big festivals, so it's evolving. 
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 22:34

On 2011-08-08 21:55, Ricxpa wrote:
For all lovers of more darker non-shiny goa trance nowdays, I would like to recommand few names

- Portamento
- Arronax
- Subra
- Amanians
- Blackstarrfinale
- Javi
- Psychowave
- Lapsus
- Anakolouth

Here is my honest (and trying to be objective) opinion listening to some of their tunes on Youtube (of course not the best media but anyway). I did not check the dates on the tunes but I recon we talk about fairly new artists?

I could not find them. There's way too many references to "Portamento" on youtube.


To me this sound like something done a 1000 times. IMO mediocre and again overuse on the "Goa" melodies. It's hard to judge the sound quality on Youtube but I was not impressed. And to top it they use my all time "Psy" hate Kick


Sound like a clone bewteen UK/Israel popular Goa anno 1995/97. Again there's absolutely nothing new under the hood here.


Way too fast for me (those 2 tunes I heard before I quit) and really bad sound quality! Again they use all the cliches from the mid 90's such as screaming synths, appregiators etc. Where is the "Neo/New" ?


I can only repeat what I wrote before. Nothing new here at all. To me it sound like yet another copy of the popular sound of the mid 90's


OK even though again nothing new here too (same old melody lines etc.) - at all. But damn I dislike those monotone dark full-on bass-lines in the first video. Enough please


Do they call this "new"? Again (I feel I repeat myself). The melodies are hear a 1000 times and the whole production sound so 90's - not 2011.


UK/Israel rip-off sound anno 1995.


Actually a nice tune even though a bit too monotonic for me (In the bass area). But deff. an improvement even though there's nothing New here too I do not like the odd melodies in the tune. It drags it down a lot.

I have listened to a few of the Anakolouth tunes on youtube and I find this to be way more slow dark/tech than Goa. Maybe I am listening to the wrong artist?

I know my comments are based on a few tunes but really where is the Neo/New in any of these tunes? Let's be honest. Most of this if not all sound outdated and copies of music from the mid 90's. I am not trying to be "critical" as I would love to discover some (IMO) mind-blowing new Goatrance. I am just very honest here. Of course taste is taste but I would think anyone listening to these tunes would agree there is absolutely nothing new in this music and that the production is not always that impressive.

All of this of course IMO.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 22:36

On 2011-08-08 22:26, Maine Coon wrote:
Many people don't like neo-Goa (at least, that's what I gather from reading this Forum). Funny, I am finding a positive correlation between this dislike and the length of time they spent in the Scene. Could it be that behind this talk about "quality" is the usual "good old days" nostalgia?

I think that's your unqualified assumption. I personally listen with an open mind and I am not stuck in the past as I am long gone into other music areas.

My "problem" is on the contrary that they try to sound like the old classics instead of evolving and find their own way.

But good music is good music and bad music is bad music. Simple as that really.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 23:28
Maybe you're right.
Would be interesting to hear your opinion about the CDs/artists I mentioned then.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 23:30
i remmeber i think it was around 97/98 we were all tired of the goa sound here,and it was getting hard to make new melodie that didn t sound like something that was release yet lol,i exagerate but it was not far from no wonder why new goa producers have a hard time to find their own sound, this style of psytrance have been exploited "to death".
add to this nostalagia ...our brain work like this, when we think we have make a great melodie it s often cause it sound close to something we already heard and enjoyed even if we dont notice it, it s in our subconsious.
in commercial music they use a lot this they know it will sound good for lot of ppl and sell like hot cake
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 23:48

On 2011-08-08 23:28, Maine Coon wrote:
Maybe you're right.
Would be interesting to hear your opinion about the CDs/artists I mentioned then.


On 2011-08-08 22:26, Maine Coon wrote:
IMHO, Filteria, Khetzal and Artha write good music. Again, regardless of how it compares to the "classics".

When it come to Filteria I know a lot of the new Goa fans love him but to me I hear too much copying from Etnica. I know he is a huge fan of Etnica but still I am not a fan of Filteria. Also too fast for me and over the top - a bit too cheesy - melody layers (too many layers really). The sound production is nice but the music and originality lack behind IMO.

Khetzal has made some decent downtempo tunes but again it comes down to taste. I am not a fan of psy-downtempo. I always disliked it when Astral did it and somehow Khetzal remind me of Astrals few attempts to make downtempo. I guess to me it's just psytrance slowed down and I think that's what "annoys" me when it come to a lot of psy-downtempo The production is nice though. The uptempo is nothing special IMO.

Artha is by far the best and most talented of all the new artists I have heard but again I feel he copy too much of the past - Especially Hallucinogen. I wish he would find his own sound. I think it would be interesting.

I guess this is the exact "problem" I have with the new "breed". I have a hard time finding out who they are as artists and where they want to take the music. I am waiting for one artists to arrive and take the music forward instead of going backward.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 9, 2011 01:30
Alienapia is nice sound imho.

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Posted : Aug 9, 2011 02:26
"Look and you shall find"

Last try to argument about your generalising "thing": you said that new age goa was too fast and astral projection and etnica influenced... That's a generalisation, and unrespectful IMO because you put everybody in the same pot.
I undestand that you don't think that there is something new, but that was not what you stated there. From your own words, there is also 140 bpm "new age goa" (stupid term IMO) and artists like Artha influenced by Hallucinogen.

I'm not fighting you, but would like to see you not getting into this generalisation thing. About taste, you know I like your music.

Moving on, about the "new" factor, I'm put myself on the line and throw a few links of my own, prepared for the bashing
Just because I know I'm not copying anyone or trying to fit any style, just giving my own thing to the world

"White Magik" - 2009

"Across the Universe" - 2009

"Machu Picchu" - 2009

and, recent production, more into the progressive side of trance which I love:

"Restart" - 2011

Respect to those who are creating new music with emotion and freedom in the heart!

          Sérgio Xamanist
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 9, 2011 02:55
Again I am not generalizing. TASTE is TASTE and I am expressing my taste. That's absolutely not to generalize. I am stating my opinion - even with quite a lot of examples and constructive criticism. To me it seem you do not like my opinion and by that keep repeating I am generalizing. So give it a rest OK? Thanks

KanibaL HolokausT
KanibaL HolokausT

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Posted : Aug 9, 2011 03:44
Almigty GOASIA!!!

@Beat Agency
Download this live from
I am curious what you will comment this sound as whole concept or track by track.
Thank you 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - New Goa trance that actually sounds like Goa trance!?
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