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New Goa trance that actually sounds like Goa trance!?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 31, 2011 18:11
realy... i dont think i ever talked bout goa as the place that u need to go to goa in india to do goa trance... but goa trance parties that used to have before...

how the fuck can u bring for those old guys the old goa feeling if u never been to a goa party from the past? doesnt matter if it s was india.. or vuuv in germany... but just when it only used to have goa trance...i think it ll be very dificult...

anyway this s just my opinion...

good luck with ur new research  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 31, 2011 19:23
VA - Art From The Heart - Chapter II

Nice tunes           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 31, 2011 19:40
I not a japanese food expert, I dont like even, but heard from many ppl the best sushi man in Brazil, its from Bahia, Brazil !!!

backing to Goa...I agree with u, but today you can found some goa vibes "parts" in some events...some dont need to have a time-machine...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 1, 2011 00:27
Travelling constantly through time , I can tell you there still are definetly places where psychedelic goa vibes are so alive. These are not the famous events but rather smaller parties not even mentioned on some standard sides like goabase.
And I belive music has also lots of great goa vibes. MOstly these come from artists who understand music as a whole and compose deep melodies inspired from the old good days. Or inspired by diverse music and their multiple harmonies.
Apart of this the big mass of these so called new goa tracks that you can hear on thousands compilations fron thousands of 'labels' are made without very big passion but there always are for sure some originals imo. And there are also fast tracks with goa elementsa.Just my three cents.

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Sep 1, 2011 02:35

On 2011-08-31 11:50, willsanquil wrote:
Ever been to Goa?

Yes, once, for 3 weeks of a longer holiday in India in 1995.
Need to go to a goa trance party in order to make Goa music?

No, but I'm it helps.

If I had to wager a guess, I would say that the reason the old goa stuff sounds so unique and has such a special place in history is because a large portion of the people making music in that time were musicians first and foremost before getting into electronic music and there was a surge of new technology pushing the boundaries of what was possible....
Oh, and also many people were using hardware analog, much of which was custom, whereas these days many people use the exact same tools.

I concur.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 1, 2011 07:03

On 2011-08-31 19:40, psychowave wrote:
I not a japanese food expert, I dont like even, but heard from many ppl the best sushi man in Brazil, its from Bahia, Brazil !!!

backing to Goa...I agree with u, but today you can found some goa vibes "parts" in some events...some dont need to have a time-machine...

yea i agree.. but i have my doubts if that goa vibes are those OLD GOA FEELINGS that those old guys talk bout...

also i never been to japan but hmm..dont think sushi man from bahia s better than the ones from japan...realy  
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Sep 1, 2011 10:21
What we actualy need is psy trance that sounds like nothing else before           VA - Spiritual Science out now!

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Posted : Sep 1, 2011 12:32
Tetrameth? Hehehe           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 1, 2011 19:11
For sure isnt the same vibes, feeling, emotions...
that kind of things are totally time-associated and have relation with all other variables of the we live other moment, other music...but doesnt means that we can't have some taste of the past in the present...and good music also!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 2, 2011 21:38
Wait, wait just one fucking second.

you repeat this 'japanese food is best made by the japanese, its not really the same as non-japanese people making it'


Excuse me while I laugh myself into a coma.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : Sep 17, 2011 04:37
Hope I don't make an idiot of myself by posting something really obvious but I'm loving Nolax - Out in the Garden

The matrix samples are a bit overdone but I think the 2nd one sort of works. Either way it's a very warm goa sound. Hope I don't get much hate for saying that.

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Posted : Sep 20, 2011 23:47

Cronomi does it again.
Mike A

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Posted : Sep 21, 2011 11:06
Yea, was just going to do some shameless promotion:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 21, 2011 18:15

On 2011-09-20 23:47, Penzoline wrote:

Cronomi does it again.

nice tune!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 21, 2011 21:02
I called the future, he was not at home           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
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