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New Era EP | Dark Elf | Sonic Loom review


Started Topics :  8
Posts :  248
Posted : Mar 31, 2013 21:23:53
Sonic Loom collective has just released its brand new, second batch of two parallel CDs - Orbita Solaris VA on the downtempo/psybient side, whereby Dimitri also represents his otherside by the downtempo/psydub project FUGITIVE FACTOR he has also been recently involved with. To our attention, now, on the dark&night side is Dimitri's very own Dark Elf night-time psychedelic forest music:) It is a absolute pleasure and great chance for me to provide the curious reader and listener with a review on this highly recommended and top electronic music producer.

Re-presenting in parallel with the launch of Orbita Solaris, and based on a similar concept - equinoxes
and solstices - due to the chosen release date, it consists of 4 tracks previously unreleased and now ready to be unleashed !

Starting with the minimal approach of the N:Code based on this EP theme, slowly evolving to reach this unique sonic journey,
the 'New Era' will be taking form on the 20th of March 2013.

When the day and the night are considered equal, when the dusk meets dawn,

when the twilight is more than present on planet Earth..

...a chance for many to be reborn or start over under the purple sky of the northward solstice!

1. N:Code
2. Shiro Kuro
3. Far More
4. Lorath
Release Date : 20.03.2013
Mastering by Dark Elf @ KGB Studios
Artwork by Jimacido Digital Art
Digital download @

* * *Dark elf – Ncode* * *

We are entering into a very rhythmic pattern of the first introductory track that is flowing and leading us straight into the deep uncharted territories of space&time . Some real heavy dark elves start to crawl at the very beginning of this haunting new era combined altogether with tactful drum beats, liquid sound patterns, diversely and precisely synthesized additional effects – the ceremony has already begun. The track bears a shift of gears and tempo @ 3:30 min and the driving basslines intensifies its trajectory . Bells start ringing, creating a quite harmonic&melodic, least to describe soundscape and sonic momentum. It keeps leading us deeper into the space of very peacefully crafted artmospheric soundscapes. Into a world beyond … fractal geometries swirling round&round …a totally hypnotic sonic tonic

* * *Dark elf – Shiro Kuro* * *

The skies tear apart in half by the middle of the 1st min of this track. Pretty outstanding beginning! The drum beat drops ferociously in here right at the 30th second and the sonic voyage is launched. This is a pretty trippy loopy and spacious psychedelia.. providing very ingenious arrangement. Some heavy breaks in the beginning of the 3rd min and 13 seconds transmit us into another dimension of the track. This track is really designed for the late hours of the night. Twisting the night away, as the elves from Norwegian forest collective Yggdrasounds has once put it together – yes, it kind of reminds of their psychedelia. Its very artmospheric and liquid. I don’t know any other better words to wrap around what is playing now. It is like passing through a range of atmospheres … from the micro to the macro cosmos and vice versa. It is like looking at your psyche through a microscope

* * *Dark Elf – Far More* * *

''There is more to it that meets the normal eye’’ said a wise man once. This track title only adds right to it – there is indeed far more to it than what the normal eye sees. It is just blasting from the very beginning. Blazing . Outwordly synthesizers echoing throughout the whole soundscape.Dark elves showing us the light in the night. It is again dropping with full power @ 2:40. Keeps swirling & shifting gears, as above so below, this tracks leads us into a place of deep psychedelia. Liquid so deep that we got to swim. We surf through the chamber of hallucinations around the start of the 4th min. There is this brain tickling bells starting to ring at the next, 5th minute . Woah it’s such a blissful journey around the cosmic ocean of timelessness and infinite wisdom. It is like tracking a stream of consciousness, like a wave or light particle taking us on its voyage. Its end destination – is discovering Far More about our potential and meeting who we truly are and what we belong and relate to. It somehow reminds me of another track by Dark elf – More, more, more which was released on Trishula recs. back in 2006.

* * *Dark Elf – Lorat* * *

This is an absolutely beautiful piece. Very deep into space. Again blazing and psy’n’lighting the dark night. I would suggest this is highly recommended for the late hours of the night. Right where and when the dusk meets dawn because there is a new era already dawning.
It’s a new dawn!

It is just a magical sonic voyage that lasts for a total of 9 mins, and one should profoundly embrace the way it starts its deep journey into the human psyche. What comes around the 6 min, I must admit this is very, very uplifting piece and absolute masterpiece. It shows the maturity and reflects clearly spirit of Dark Elf music, and as well provides a very close touch & taste of original and night time psychedelia. This is actually even going one step further and beyond. It shows the great potential of where and how far the sonic craftsmanship can be brought – to the next level.

* * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * *

ALIGN and upDATE yourSELVES with this NEW ERA           " No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings "
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  918
Posted : Apr 3, 2013 23:16
great ep! 1 of my favorite artists in the moment!           }-->MaLiCe in WoNdErLaNd<--{

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  248
Posted : Apr 4, 2013 00:31

On 2013-04-03 23:16, jaramogi wrote:
great ep! 1 of my favorite artists in the moment!

yepp:)) thnx for dropping by And ur Dandelion on Vimatraya is a total blast ! Absolute rollercoaster in wonderland           " No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings "
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  918
Posted : Apr 4, 2013 12:03
hey, thanks alot, glad that you like the tune           }-->MaLiCe in WoNdErLaNd<--{

Started Topics :  99
Posts :  958
Posted : Jul 1, 2013 21:00
Great EP, really like 'Lorath' track!
keep on doing this great job Dark Elf
full support
Orange the Kid

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  27
Posted : Jul 5, 2013 18:41
Top sound!! full power psychedelic!! very tasty!
love your work, one of the bests night lives, remember to see you in portugal...
Boom boom

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  248
Posted : Jul 7, 2013 01:22

On 2013-07-01 21:00, Carbuncle wrote:
Great EP, really like 'Lorath' track!
keep on doing this great job Dark Elf
full support

Yes, Lorath is absolutely amazing... but Shiro Kuro is my fav tune on this EP super deep psychedelic, spacey textures/wide open sonicscapes and pretty trippy atmospherics !!! de la creme
          " No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings "
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - New Era EP | Dark Elf | Sonic Loom review
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