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Neurobiotic records ---> fast forward the future

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2004 18:29
Hi to all...
First of all we would like to thank you for your huge suppot in this last year, the label has been growing a lot and we get every day mails and support from people buying our music and attending our parties. We are doing our best to produce quality releases, trying to keep far from the standards and formulas so abused these days. The market is in a very dificult situation and I really hope all of you understand how important is your support buying original cds.
Anyway, Neurobiotic is alive and kicking and here is what u can expect from us in 2005.

Joti Sidhu second album "Punktuator" will be in shops on dec 22nd, just in time for your christmas presents... It's a powerful album from one of the pioneers of psychedelic trance. 9 Trax of pure energy creating storms on the dancefloors... Just buy it and listen to it. The usual case insert we like to offer with our releases comes this time with some silver printing... so, don't miss the original... U will miss half of the plasure.

After Joti, is time for a new compilation, compiled by Alexis and Thomas, aka Altom. It will be called "Groove Controllers" and will feature tracks from Altom, Tikal, Talamasca, Shanti, Silicon Sound vs Sirius Isness, Space Cat, X-noize and more... Some of them are remixes of Altom tracks on their latest album "Groove Control", some are brand new dancefloor killers.

After this, is time for a new artist signed on our label.
We are very pleased to announce that Nick's (aka Panick) second album will be out on Neurobiotic next year. The album is almost done, and is a killer. For sure most of you know Panick and know how psychedelic, funky and groovy his music is. It will be a monster one for sure. You can check more infos about Panick on our website.

As you know, we are working on the first italian trance festival ever, called Sonica. It will happen on august 2005, 5th to 8th. some infos are available here: Before the festival, we will release a compilation called Sonica, that will feature tracks from the artists who will play at the festival. It will be printed in jewel case format including a booklet of presentation of the festival and the artists performing there. And one more surprise we can't reveal yet

Tikal's new album is also on the way. The french duo is getting huge feedbacks and is regularly touring the world to present their music. It will be another gem, more mature but keeping their unique sound. More infos will follow soon...

Last, but for sure not least, we are proud, happy and excited to have one more genius in our team. i'm talking about Silicon Sound. He doesn't need any introduction being costantly playing in all major festivals and parties around the world. Johannes is now working on his new album that will be released around september/october of 2005 on Neurobiotic Records. You can check our website for more infos...

This is what is planned for now, for sure some addictions and changes on release dates will happen during the forthcoming year. Please check regularly our website for more news, artists bookings, party dates and mp3 previews of forthcoming releases.

We would also like to remind you the birth of Indica Music, our chill out label. First compilation "namaskar" is out and is getting very good feedbacks. Next release will be Cell's first solo album, caled Phonic Peace to be released at the beginning of the next year. Cell is Alex Scheffer, a genious of ethnic/tribal dub/chill out music. he released his track on mostly all the most important labels (including Buddha bar and some other big ones)... Check it out! Indica music website on the way... took lot of time to be completed but is a wonderful one!

Wow... this was a long newsletter... Thanks for reading it and we wait your feedbacks!

We wish you a merry christmas and a peaceful new year.
          Edoardo @ Neurobiotic Records

Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : Dec 16, 2004 18:46
Excellent news. Thumbs up for keeping a consistent high level in the jungle of full on labels.

Especially looking forward to the new album from the morning-master Silicon Sound, the festival-blasters Tikal and the new Panick album – “Rocket Pocket” was a marvellous but unfortunately also underrated release.          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
Zen Mechanics

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  275
Posted : Dec 16, 2004 20:36
Great news Edo. Panick's long-awaited second album has found a home...can't wait for this psychedelic smartbomb to hit. Also congrats with the signing of morning maestro Johannes.
2005 is gonna be a good year for Neurobiotic I'm sure. Keep on bringing us these wonderful sounds mate

Started Topics :  110
Posts :  1151
Posted : Dec 16, 2004 21:35
I would definitly say:
Neurobiotic is the best established label since the last 3 years. Absolutly respectable to grow up so strongly in such hard times. Keep your visions Edo, this is the key.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  552
Posted : Dec 16, 2004 22:22
Edoardo learnt a lot in the past years for sure and it's clearly seen in the growing of his label.
Panick and Silicon Sound.....damn....

Keep on that way Edoardo!           Procyon Records
frenzyinducing psychedelic electronica
Beyond -

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  63
Posted : Dec 16, 2004 22:35
Good coment Boss!!!
Neurobiotic is very very respect Label.
Boss you are doing good job every time.
Artist & Boss very very stylish!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  121
Posted : Dec 17, 2004 13:58
im really happy to see so much good artists coming from neurobiotics. 2004 brought us new altom album, and 2005 is bringing us panick, silicon sound (yeah baby) and tikal (:) !!! ). i wish u all the best.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  194
Posted : Dec 17, 2004 15:51
Panick!! Ow yeah boy ! great news!            ...the mind is like a doesn't work unless it's open...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  1489
Posted : Dec 17, 2004 15:57
good news -sounds really already now exited about the Panick album.
good luck in 2005 and see ya at Sonica
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  354
Posted : Dec 17, 2004 18:09
Yo Edo my friend ... I am glad that i see Your and NB vision comming true these days, and for sure that year 2005. will be Neurobiotic's year. Keep up with exelent work, and see u in Belgrade on first days of spring.

Ciao Ragazzo

Solar System

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  206
Posted : Dec 19, 2004 06:20
edoardo very good news!!!! keep on man this is the good road!!!!!!!!!!

- - - -
SoLaR SyStEm...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  441
Posted : Dec 22, 2004 16:35
Hi guys!
Thanx all for your feedback...
I am sure we will not disappoint you.

PeAcE!           Edoardo @ Neurobiotic Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  581
Posted : Dec 22, 2004 16:45
Edoardo, this is very good!
Looks like 2005 is going to be a stomping year to Neurobiotic Records!
I wish the best to the crew of Neurobiotic! I been loving a lot all your releases, i´ve been following your progress since the release of VA 9 Pills!
Keep up the awesome work!           

Have a good time all the time!

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  18
Posted : Dec 22, 2004 23:35

On 2004-12-16 18:29, edoardo@neurobiotic wrote:

As you know, we are working on the first italian trance festival ever, called Sonica. It will happen on august 2005, 5th to 8th.

Didn't you play to a festival called Sunexplosion last year, in Italy also?
i think there will be anoher one this year too...

good luck to Neurobiotic

Dj Chris Planet
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  336
Posted : Dec 25, 2004 14:05
Sounds like you have some fantastic music in the pipelines.
Always looking forward to any Neurobiotic releases, keep up the good work Edoardo           Let us take you on a journey, that will take you from are small world stage and orbit you beyond our fragile planet......
Trance Forum » » Forum  Promotional Releases - Neurobiotic records ---> fast forward the future

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