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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 19:11
How many Russians died in the war? like 20 millions if I dont forget, this guys show no respect for their country. (i'm not a nationalist but this is way too much).

But as much as disgusting as this is it must has roots in frustration and lack of opportunities for young people. Just like heroin addicts in the eighties.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 19:44

On 2008-08-28 19:11, Login wrote:
How many Russians died in the war? like 20 millions if I dont forget, this guys show no respect for their country. (i'm not a nationalist but this is way too much).

But as much as disgusting as this is it must has roots in frustration and lack of opportunities for young people. Just like heroin addicts in the eighties.

Yea right... bla bla blaa...

- Yea, you know, i didn't mean to beat the shit out of that helpless lady whose skin colour didn't please me. You know. I was just a bit frustrated, you know. I haven't had any opportunities, you know.
- Fuck it, you have an opportunity. You always did. Kill yourself.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 21:03
theres no doubt that racism is a global epidemic... like any kind of disease, it's going to concentrate itself in areas of high population focusing on the one's who are less educated. this is with the exception of the few that mastermind the moment themselves, they're not the infected but the disease.

anyway, like a few on the forum have proclaimed going down that road is kind of pointless.

there was a jugular that was hit though ...

does the psytrance scene open itself to crime and racism to a degree thats higher than most other genres of music.

my answer is yes. more so in the countries that have gone through the entire psy cycle and are now in limbo.... goa, india, thailand,, russia?
the old horses... gone through the movement and infiltrated at the organizational level.

The energy itself gives it away... those who've been in the midst of it know what it's like to turn their backs on it... but the feeling is always lingering. The Hardcore.

knew this really sweet & harmless fellow in thailand who stopped going to parties because he had a weathered and scarred face. easy for the tripped out trancer to go incognito...ask someone who "looks like a crimanal" and has stepped into the lions den.

then again ... it's about freedom to chose and be who you are. and if thats true then we as a community should be open to all. that is the general philosophy and i actually think is a reflection of our irony. government bans the substances, the party demands the substances till the local supply isn't enough, in come the big cash dealers, the criminals, the racists, rapits, nazis, what you will.

you want to fight back ? segregate the music from the substances. even if you're a user.

if we can't we are inevitably doomed. this scene is meant to be pure... everyone's felt that or learned that (i hope) ... just that hardly anyone (including the drinking smoking me) has worked towards making it real.

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 22:42
I m racist and hate gringos, specially the ones that relate to the Bush family and most of the texan hillbilly's ya know........

already did what I had to......

Watched "Gummo" ..........

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 23:28
While nationalism has been on the wane in most of the world, a lot of formerly communist countries have become hyper-nationalistic, xenophobic, and often racist. A lot of these trends went unchecked because people were so concerned with the shift from communism to capitalism that they ignored very right-wing groups.
The biggest example of this was what happened after the fall of communism in the Balkans. A formerly multi-confessional society fell into a world of war and ethnic cleansing. Only now are they climbing out of that mess.
The trend happened in other places too. Almost all Neo-Nazi groups and hate crimes in Germany are in former East Germany, without much incident in West Germany.
There is a new breed of supranationalism brewing in Russia that has been manifesting itself in very ugly ways. Hate crimes against Muslims, people from Central Asia and the Caucuses. I'm sure there's been a spike in these kind of hate crimes in other Eastern European countries as well.

Also one could make a case that China's shift from a communist society to an autocratic but capitalist economy is allowing hyper-nationalism to replace communism as an ideology. Does anyone remember the anti-Japanese riots in China a year or two ago?

Hopefully it's all just a really bad phase, but this trend is rather alarming.

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Posted : Sep 1, 2008 00:06
Racism in psytrance? Oh god, what next - a metal that wears pink?!           Triplag Music

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 1, 2008 01:18

On 2008-09-01 00:06, Zero-Blade wrote:
Racism in psytrance? Oh god, what next - a metal that wears pink?!

Rob Halford, Judas Priest hello metal is already pink...they call it Rusted Metal for a reason--
Racism is fun
a few punches little blood a sprinkle of pubic hair oooh and a fist full of hate....oooh my sounds so groovy           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2008 07:31

On 2007-02-18 18:40, DETOX wrote:

That US Judge by the way said that YES the rapist has to be convicted for his action BUT his sentence should be less than that of the usual rapists punishment because that lady had the bright idea of walking half naked down the street moving her great ass and boobs up and down like she was a model on a catwalk or something,sooner or later someone would jump on her the way she walked around and this is what happened in the end.In a few words the womans attitude was not the most appropriate one and although the rapist is guilty she is also responsible for causing this to herself by walking half naked down the road like a bitch.You either like this way of thinking or you dont,for me this is good way of thinking for you its not.But ok for you US Judges dont have a clue of what they are talking about do they?If it was a French Judge then this would me more serious thinking right?

Are you fucking retarded? By that logic, you're saying that you actually consider raping every attractive woman you see in public? Until we start arresting women for "intent to be raped", your argument is inconsistent and hypocritical.

Completely off topic, but I can't let this one slide.           You believe in the users?
Yeah, sure. If I don't have a user, then who wrote me?
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Sep 30, 2008 21:00

On 2008-09-15 07:31, Kane wrote:

Are you fucking retarded?

Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 1, 2008 03:57
there is no reasonable excuse for acts of racism or for taking away the freedom of one becuase of the way they dress, look or for their belief system.

Racism is on the most pathetic ways to be in humanity. There is no such thing as perfect human, actually, it has been proven that the so called Aryan race, and white anglo saxons, have the highest number of physical and mental defects out of all. As well as a lower average intelligence level.

I led many protests and created mch action against the neo-nazi movement in the 80's and 90's. I cannot count how many fights, debates and legal action I took against these punks.

To this day I fight against this morons,knowing deep in my heart that the song from the Dead Kennedy's says.

I wear my "F#ck Off Nazi Punks" t-shirt with pride.

Racism is for insecure little wimps who have no life.

This scene does not need them, and if I see any I will happily stomp on their heads.
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Posted : Jul 29, 2009 13:31

On 2008-09-01 00:06, Zero-Blade wrote:
Racism in psytrance? Oh god, what next ?!

theres more

"israeli neo-nazi" bwahahahahahahahaha
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 29, 2009 14:35
read the whole topic.. heavy..

this is the lowest level possible ,what kind of a trip must be when you see around you some svasticas tattood on some vultures.
If this would be accepted than I would forget about this all and never go again to a goa party.
I feel insulted by a statement everybody is a racisist when thinking deep for atleast one reason or sth like that ..written above..I sure wasnt ever.
I would be happy if my son comes after me ,I spend my whole life only such relation ships.. lets say of unusual kind and even complicated for cultural differences sometimes.
i even could not really imagine to be together with someone from same country..somehow too boring hehe but than I dont really know.However..Id be lucky when my son is lucky how he wants too.
..then ...
on german parties exist LOVE .. dont the fukin know where you get this bullshit wiht some guys that are looking ugly or rasist like but maybe you was not on a psytrance party in germany maybe on a skinhead abandoned village party - I dont know.
On the last 15 years there was love for sure.

3 weeks before i ever got on stage in my life (other music)it was 91 a partner and friend of us was killed by nazis, that minted you can believ me.Especially when you are so young I think.
So im a bit allergic when reading sth with nazis where i wouldnt expect it.Its good to discuss that though,i recommend to raise our thaughts collectively on this guys when seing on a party around us and get them a massive telepathical brainwash to the fullest,a shock therapy for each one synapsis,better then nothing.
Violance is for poor idiots for sure but acceptance of them is even lower.
Good to get to know such things.. incredible..nazi signs on a psytrance related forum how the fuck is this possible? I so respect russian psytrance ,but i dont know if i would feel good or sure how i look over there on a big festival after reading all this.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 29, 2009 14:59
Racism - you can be racist on another race (dogs, cats, sheeps etc) but we are all human race (homosapiens) so anyway this defintion does't make any sence.
and all this nationalist bullshit neither, as even less then 100 years ago there was none nation as we know today. all based on nothing and crap .....           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jul 29, 2009 15:19
"israeli-neo-nazi"?! what's next?  
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 29, 2009 15:28
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