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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Sep 26, 2009 14:27
and now behave finally, and stop talking to me here. the only reason i answer you, is that i did it in private messages a couple of times, and you kept crying like a small child in oublic in the forum that i should not sent you my dreams in messages, whereas i was not even doing anthing else than keeping a polite conversation with someone who might need accompany in a place that he doesnt know so well.

you are not interesting for me with your superior american attitude and knowledge about places you ve never seen. to me it is clear what the hístory books of america have to say about the jews and russia. imagine: america is not the world. believe whatever they want you to believe , walk brain washed through the streets and stop talking to me finally. it is really the wind, that is answering you, only out of politeness.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 14:56
So do you have any actual facts to back up all these claims?

Or is it safe to say you've lost this debate?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 15:36
i lost the debate only in your wet dreams.

what do you want to be back uped? which claims?

besides, you were asked a question . what is your position - why did russia do the world war??

but i understand that you will first have to open censored wikipedia to answer me that.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 15:46
i have another important thing about stalin to ask you. okey, if you know the world history so fucking well as you believe you do, can you please tell me :

what about the 20000 airplanes, 400 000 trucks, 800 000 panzer tanks etc that stalin got from the usa because of the so called "lens lease" deal during the wars?

tell me why did usa support this fucking antisemistist politic ?

who made the red regime exactly, i wanna hear this.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 15:49
Nah, all I need to do is quote myself.

My position is:


On 2009-09-25 22:17, Axis Mundi wrote:
Russia has a LONG history of repression



On 2009-09-23 19:47, Axis Mundi wrote:
you're an epic idiot.

for saying:


On 2009-09-21 18:55, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
russia will not be able to save anyone this time.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 16:07
and this is supposed to make me feel like i have lost the debate?

sorry but it cannot even make me START a debate. i have an allergy for people using such words only because i have a different opinion.

1. russia has a long history of revolutions as well. but you seem to be so fucked up with your brain washed ideas that you dont even know the most obvious things about europe. i will tell you something important for you to pay attention to.

at the end of the 19th century there were very hard laws against jews all over europe, without exception. and no matter what the jews did, they were harshly an object of discrimination in the social and political life of europe. the exception was russia. so, in 1881 the zionist movement was founded in odessa, so that the jews in palestina find a place to live undisturbed. an important name connected to this is leon trotzki, who is a jew that came to the states and forced the revolutions in russia, which were precisely sponsored by the usa. 20 mio dollar were given to trotzki to force the revolution - and they were given by the usa. who is usa?? why did usa want the red regime in russia? you dont say anything about facts that are beyond what wikipedia says.

2. second about stalin. you should check the history of KGB. before this name, the secret orginisation was called ochrana . you will not read about it in the history books, you can be sure. and this is exactly how the revolutions were forced - through the support of americans. you need to know the real story about russia and not what your american brain washed lessons of history tell you. btw to me the country with most repression is exactly the states.

3. this statement of mine was supposed to be ironic. russia will not be able to save anyone this time. because russia has to play with america this time, as you see also in the case with iran.
the last time russia saved the jews by giving them the best possible place to unfold their zionist vision.

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 16:45
1. russia has a long history of revolutions as well. blah blah blah blah etc.

Yes, but that still doesn't dispute the fact that Jews in Russia (as well as many other groups) were still repressed for centuries.


at the end of the 19th century there were very hard laws against jews all over europe, without exception.

Exceptions like this?

At the end of the 19th century there was an estimated 5,500,000 Jews living in Russia. Under a law introduced by Alexander III, all Russian Jews were forced to live in what became known as the Pale of Jewish Settlement. Exceptions were made for rich business people, students and for certain professions. The Pale comprised the ten Polish and fifteen neighbouring Russian provinces, stretching from Riga to Odessa, from Silesia to Vilna and Kiev.

After the assassination of Alexander II in 1881 there was a wave of pogroms in Russia against the Jewish community. This led to a large increase in Jews leaving Russia. Of these, more than 90 per cent settled in the United States.

A significant number of Jews played leading roles in the October Revolution. This included Leon Trotsky, Gregory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Dimitri Bogrov, Karl Radek, Yakov Sverdlov, Maxim Litvinov, Adolf Joffe, and Moisei Uritsky.

~ Cited from

an important name connected to this is leon trotzki, who is a jew that came to the states and forced the revolutions in russia, which were precisely sponsored by the usa. 20 mio dollar were given to trotzki to force the revolution - and they were given by the usa. who is usa?? why did usa want the red regime in russia? you dont say anything about facts that are beyond what wikipedia says.

And what happened to poor old Trotsky? He was thrown out of office, exiled, and later assassinated in Mexico City by the Soviet government! His daughter died under "mysterious circumstances" in Berlin, his son was arrested in the Soviet Union, and later died in a Soviet concentration camp! His other son died under "mysterious circumstances" in Paris!

~Cited from


2. second about stalin. you should check the history of KGB. before this name, the secret orginisation was called ochrana . you will not read about it in the history books, you can be sure.

Then how the hell do you know about it?

and this is exactly how the revolutions were forced - through the support of americans. blah blah blah etc. btw to me the country with most repression is exactly the states.

Yeah that sounds really repressive, lol!

the last time russia saved the jews by giving them the best possible place to unfold their zionist vision.

Like where? Eastern Siberia? lol, and how did that turn out?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 17:42
i am not gonna repeat the same facts more than once, only to make your blue face satisfied. i already told you how. through founding the biggest zionist movement in the continent. in odessa. this was a savage for the jews who lived in palestina at that time. of course there was a lot of wind against it as well - anti semitist reactions etc, and still russia was the first place in europe to give savage to jews at that time. the others had extremely harsch laws against jews.

at the end of the day, you are not even capable to comment the facts. again we have statements about the family of stalin and where his daughter was and where he died, but no facts about what i asked in the last post about usa sponsoring the red regime. who is usa? who sponsored the revolutions in russia with so much money and why. you dont know. of course you dont. all you know is how to call others idiots out of your superiority for being the west. btw i love the psychedelic heads of the west but their main virtue is open mindedness and not such a western superiority.

what means unfold a zionist vision according to you? it means the new world order. this is a zionist vision and it exists long before the usa came into the political map of the world. actually usa came to the political map of the world exactly with this goal, but i am sure you dont read this in the history lessons of the states either, dont you?

another thing. do you know what is the most common thing between russia and usa? that they are bost based on the principle of the federal bank. money is being pulled out of the nowhere. at the end, the world is bankrupt.
but i am sure you are not gonna comment this either.

where i know those things about KGB . i know them because i know russian and second because i love to read vorbidden books instead of wikipedia. third because my father was part of the military forces as well as my grand father.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 26, 2009 18:02
On 10th July, 1918, the Soviet government passed a law that abolished all discrimination between Jews and non-Jews. This resulted in a considerable amount of Jewish migration within the Soviet Union.

and the most funny thing about you is that you dont even read your own links to the end. yoour link is even supporting my argument rather than showing that you are right about calling someone an idiot for stating that russia saved someone.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 18:12
I read it, but since we were talking about the 19th century and not the 20th century, I left it out. (1918 is in the 20th century, you know.)

Besides, I've already referenced several links and stated several facts which I backed up with external sources about what went on in Russia into the 20th century, sources both from the West and from Russia itself, such as Pravda (Russian for "Truth", Trotsky's newspaper creation which became a huge Soviet propaganda machine after the regime betrayed him exiling and murdering him and his family.)

Whereas you are just pulling shit out of your ass and not backing it up with a damned thing besides your "forbidden books" (It's spelled with an "F", by the way) your "secret occult knowledge" and anything else you can think of because there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever to back up 95% of the crap you're saying.

In your reference to your quote about Russia's last attempt to "save the Jews" by establishing a colony for them in Odessa, well, this fact is wrong, also. After the Odessa attempt, there was Birobidzhan, a place in Eastern Siberia where the USSR tried to get the Jews to migrate to you, which once again failed miserably.

But since stating facts and backing them up with research seems to be above your level, maybe I should resort to pictures illustrating the "repressive" influence of the Allies in East Berlin versus the "liberating" influence of the Soviets in the same area. (Keep in mind these events took place within a stones throw from your publicly listed address.)

Soviets in East Berlin:

Allied forces in East Berlin:
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 18:59
sorry, you are tiring me too much. search for another one to complete the conversation. i am really not a fan of polemic and demagoguery. really no.

In your reference to your quote about Russia's last attempt to "save the Jews" by establishing a colony for them in Odessa, well, this fact is wrong, also. After the Odessa attempt, there was Birobidzhan, a place in Eastern Siberia where the USSR tried to get the Jews to migrate

this is exactly the way of debating that i find simply too unserious to even spend time on. this was my last attempt with you.
just a last tip for your fucked up brain - first of all, the fact about odessa is right and siberia doesnt even make it slightly wronger. did i use the word LAST attempt. there were many attempts, and lots of wind against it as well. but anyway, you will not find another country that made this attempt. so it should actually finally be clear to your fucked up brain that russia did save someone. and if this is idiocy for you or pulling shit out of my mind, then i suggest you just spent a bit more time with the history books , both forbidden and not forbidden, both russian and american. and not with me.

whatever, you are wasting my time. you dont tell me anything new, you dont even bring me pleasure of debating because you dont even accept arguments that are officially recognised as truth. odessa is wrong, everything is wrong, right. your one and only american mission of saving the planet is the only right one.

whatever, you are not a person i would ever wanna meet again. because you are simply tiring me too much. exactly like an energy vampire. this is wrong and that is wrong, and " you are an entire idiot to say that russia saved someone ". well but it did save someone though. and it is also not a coinscidence how many russians live in israel too. whatever. just dont lose my time anymore. you have no thesis to follow. you have only antithesis of whatever has been said in this thread. somehow mixed with your fucked up ideas that i am crazy about you. which is the biggest nonsense of all, but anyway, since the private communication is blocked of your side with the only goal to get attention through me in isratrance, i block the public communication with you. you are not worth it.


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Posts :  16
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 19:01
In the interests of clarification, I've created an informative and easy to understand picture version of this thread, for those who seem to be having difficulty understanding. It can be found here:

I hope this is as entertaining as it is enlightening.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 19:17
LOL! ^^

pulling shit out of my mind

I said "out of your ass", not "out of your mind", although i can see how you could confuse the two.

you have only antithesis of whatever has been said in this thread

with the only goal to get attention through me in isratrance

Not entirely true... I'd be happy to discuss this topic in a friendly manner with anyone else who wishes, but I think we've pretty much driven the rest of them off.

Oh well, I suppose since this is your "last" attempt, I'll be reading and laughing at your next posts again in a few minutes.

I would suggest, though, in the future, that if you're going to insult someone, do it based on what they say and do as an individual instead of based on their nationality. Especially when you claim that you're not into stereotyping because stereotyping is for losers. When you go directly against what you say like that and do exactly what you say shouldn't be done, it just makes you look like two times the dumbass for doing it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 20:58
just fuck off. i was polite enough to debate with you even after you calling me an idiot, but my patience is gone.
such an intruder i have never seen for a very long time in my whole life. btw you must be first of all blind not to see that you are the one to call another one idiot ( offensing) for stating that russia saved someone. and if i tell you about the odessa case or about the laws in europe and russia, you tell me that the first is a wrong fact and i am pulling it out of my ass, the second is not concering your arguments because we were talking about another century. WHAT THE FUCK! you are such a loser that you cannot even imagine. and even if now the usual isratrance users come to tell you how entertaining this fucking boring thread is, you are not doing a very good thing for your future to debate the way you do with me. just fuck of and dont talk about things you dont know and never studied.

another thing is that i am really seriously pissed of of your claims in public about me licking your boots. and if you believe i tell you to fuck off based on your nationality, then you are even bigger loser than i thought. but what really makes you to a loser, is that i am crazy about another one like the first time in my whole life and lots of ppl know this, so why dont you continue your attempts with someone else. i would never ever lick your boots and btw i even felt very bad that i took you to sleep in my tiny home, exactly because i am crazy about another one.
you are such a loser, i was polite enough to you , even after you calling me three times an idiot, but now i have no patience with you. just fuckk off very far away from me.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 21:14
"Boot licking" is a metaphorical expression for trying to gain someone's positive attention without invitation or prior welcome, such as showering someone with compliments or making oneself available to the other in some manner or other... in your case, e-mailing me multiple times telling me you've been having dreams about me, saying you're sorry and asking for forgiveness (for what I have no idea), and asking if I can visit you again or if you can visit me, when it was clearly obvious I wasn't interested in private discussion with you of any kind.

Main Entry: boot·lick
Pronunciation: -ˌlik
Function: verb
Date: 1845
transitive verb

: to try to gain favor with through a servile or obsequious mannerintransitive verb : to act obsequiously

— boot·lick·er noun

~Taken from

Here's the definition for "obsequious", if you don't know what that word means, either.


And to clear the air, I don't think you're crazy about me... just crazy in general.
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