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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2009 19:19

On 2009-09-24 19:13, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

many of us will go insane in the next years.

many already did           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

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Posts :  743
Posted : Sep 24, 2009 19:19
I would disagree with you sister that you are spreading awareness, or rather having the effect to which you allude.

Whilst I applaude your sentiment, and intention,
I think you are putting your divine attention and effort into the wrong thing. Or rather I am sure there is more creative acts you could be doing, rather than pushing this type of perspective of reality.

One might say there is no need to act or pray for world peace, other than coming to peace with oneself. All this shit that is going on, is because basically, it seems as though, WE WANT it that way. We enjoy thrilling ourselves with the drama, afterall we found plucking harps on clouds, and sticking pitchforks up the arseholes of each other rather boring after a millenia of two.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2009 19:34
Yeah coming to peace that there is no peace without war... i mean we must accept the dualism!
i think everybody must learn what is right from wrong!(sometimes you feel it in your heart)
and that it is a human choice, if i want to go to war you can only do what you can to stop me, either with violent force or try and talk to me and find out why i want to go to war and how we can prevent it...

its all our choice, we can choose to watch "The Game" which is the politicians and the dirty capitalists who you could call the false prophet´s
There is soo much untruth that lies in-front of the truth that its very difficult to find it...

Humans are in war with them selfs, thats why it is war, so like TranceVisuals say! "there is no need to act or pray for world peace, other than coming to peace with oneself"

Always forgive, never forget...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2009 22:25
Whilst I applaude your sentiment, and intention,
I think you are putting your divine attention and effort into the wrong thing. Or rather I am sure there is more creative acts you could be doing, rather than pushing this type of perspective of reality.

oh this is very polite of you to write, thanks. while on the last page you agree with someone who calls me a complete idiot, this here sounds a bit more different. far more different.

whatever, you are aboslutely right about the wrong way to put my intention. and honestly, i believe that the whole trance scene as presented in the forums is not the right place for me to put any creative intention any more. it is a right place to put a destructive intention only. so better stay away. very far away.

if you believe i am the one to be fought, then just go on, but without me. good bye brothers. stay tuned about the israel and the iran conflict.
and really check the news i linked to you.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
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Posted : Sep 24, 2009 22:29
Actually, the term I used was "epic idiot".

And I agree with TranceVisuals. his tact is certainly better than mine.

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Posted : Sep 24, 2009 22:42

On 2009-09-24 22:25, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

oh this is very polite of you to write, thanks. while on the last page you agree with someone who calls me a complete idiot, this here sounds a bit more different. far more different.

whatever, you are aboslutely right about the wrong way to put my intention. and honestly, i believe that the whole trance scene as presented in the forums is not the right place for me to put any creative intention any more. it is a right place to put a destructive intention only. so better stay away. very far away.

Oh how very Sun Tsu of you, with that bit regarding Axis Mundi, its like, the non-enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

As for the second bit you wrote, sister all I can do is give you a virtual hug, and tell you its okay to let go of the hurt.
I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. It is the shame sensation, feeling, thought I have had for years. I also realised the truth in the saying "Be the solution, not the problem".
If you see a problem, the way it seems to work in this universe, as a divine being is that it becomes in part your responsibility to be a part of the solution. That seems to be the nature of having vision.
The lie/sin is not treating each other as what we truly are, divine beings imho.

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Sep 24, 2009 22:43

On 2009-09-24 22:42, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2009-09-24 22:25, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

oh this is very polite of you to write, thanks. while on the last page you agree with someone who calls me a complete idiot, this here sounds a bit more different. far more different.

whatever, you are aboslutely right about the wrong way to put my intention. and honestly, i believe that the whole trance scene as presented in the forums is not the right place for me to put any creative intention any more. it is a right place to put a destructive intention only. so better stay away. very far away.

Oh how very Sun Tsu of you, with that bit regarding Axis Mundi, its like, the non-enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

As for the second bit you wrote, sister all I can do is give you a virtual hug, and tell you its okay to let go of the hurt.
I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. It is the same sensation, feeling, thought I have had for years. I also realised the truth in the saying "Be the solution, not the problem".
If you see a problem, the way it seems to work in this universe, as a divine being is that it becomes in part your responsibility to be a part of the solution. That seems to be the nature of having vision. But its not a hang-up, it just a part of the whole, neither good or bad. Just one's own karma.
The lie/sin is not treating each other as what we truly are, divine beings imho.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 11:01
just a short note:
it is not about enemies. i have no enemies.
it is just about the way to communicate.

in this thread i heard quite a lot of nasty words again. at the end of the day i was called an epic idiot, cause i state that russia has a pro israele position.

the facts to underline this statement is the history of russia and stalin.
first stalin was the one to be of enourmous help in 1948 as israel was founded.

second, the recent situation looks different.
medvedev changed positions.
so lets talk about NOW and not about 50 years ago and the antisemitism in russia.
otherwise it is the same like tp say that germany is anti israeli just because the nazi government used to be.

anyway. gotta work outside . luckily no net today

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 11:17

On 2009-09-25 11:01, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

medvedev changed positions.

Pacifica is our enemy. Pacificia has always been our enemy. Oceania is our friend.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 25, 2009 22:17
That's great that Medvedev changed positions TODAY, but changed positions from what, I ask?

Let's take a look.

Without ever changing its official anti-Zionist stance, from late 1944, until 1948 and even later, Stalin adopted a pro-Zionist foreign policy, apparently believing that the new country would be socialist and would speed the decline of British influence in the Middle East. But with Israel eventually turning into a pro-Western and American ally, this caused a great shift. Soon the Soviet government began to regard Zionism as an enemy and started supporting the Arabs more than ever. The official position of the Soviet Union and its satellite states and agencies was that Zionism was a tool used by the Jews and Americans for "racist imperialism." In fact the Communist Party of the Soviet Union defined Zionism as "militant chauvinism, racism, anti-Communism and anti-Sovietism,... overt and covert fight against freedom movements and the USSR."

~Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews (1987) p.527
~Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition. 1969-1978

By the 1970s with the loss of Soviet influence in Egypt, relations with the Palestinian militants were strengthened further and soon Soviet arms and training were sent to Palestinian groups. The KGB was responsible for arming and training most of the Palestinian groups. In fact, it was the KGB which decided which militant groups should receive the money and weapons. By 1972 the Soviets had declared the Palestinian movement the vanguard of the Arab liberation movement. In the summer of 1974 a PLO embassy was opened in Moscow.

~Golan, The Soviet Union and the Palestine Liberation Organization, pp. 35-36.
~Golan, Soviet Policies in the Middle East from World War Two to Gorbachev, p. 112.

In 1975, the Soviet Union sponsored and voted in support of the UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 which equated Zionism with racism (the resolution, however, was later revoked with Resolution 4686 in 1991, which the Soviet Union voted for and proposed as well). After the Camp David Accords in September 1978, the Soviet President, Leonid Brezhnev, declared that “there is only one road” to a real settlement, “the road of full liberation of all Arab lands occupied by Israel in 1967, of full and unambiguous respect for the lawful rights of the Arab people of Palestine, including the right to create their own independent state.” At the end of Arafat's visit to Moscow, 29 October to 1 November 1978, the Soviet authorities finally recognized the PLO as the “sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”

~Soviet World Outlook, Vol. 3,No. 10, 15 October 1978, p.4.
~Pravda (Russian for "Truth", a leading newspaper of the Soviet Union and an official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party between 1912 and 1991), 2 November 1978.


Does changing positions nullify the last 50 years of pressure on Jews from Soviet/Russian politics and government? No. The future will be the telling factor there.

Of course Stalin was an important factor is Israel's creation... he wanted the Jews OUT of the USSR. He was also an important factor in attempting to set up a Jewish reservation in the middle of eastern Siberia, lol, an experiment which failed miserably because who the hell wanted to live in eastern Siberia anyway? Especially when the USSR was busy sending its worst convicts, criminals, and political enemies there to live in exile or worse.

And why not talk about the last 50 years? Did NOW just fall out of the sky without connection to anything in the past? No. Last time I checked, "neonaziism" has been around for, oh, say 50 years. I could go into Russia's pre-history where it shows HUNDREDS of years of Jewish oppression in different ways, but it would only strengthen my point that Russia has a LONG history of repression stretching back multiple centuries and changing positions NOW really isn't much until it's actually put into action into the future.

And no, it's not the same to say that Germany is anti-Israel because the Nazi government used to be, because:

1.) There WAS no Israel when the Nazis were in power,

2.) The Nazi government was overthrown shortly after its creation and replaced with a completely different one which has SUPPORTED Israel and has been paying millions every year in restitution out of German tax money ever since to Israel over the last 50 years,

3.) Russia has had Jew-repressing laws in effect for most of those 50 years until shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union.


So, yeah, it's no wonder why you've been called an epic idiot for making a serious, yet utterly misguided statement like:

and russia will not be able to save anyone this time.

As if Russia was some kind of savior to the Jews (or anybody, for that matter) when it's obvious to anyone who can read and do a little historical research can see that that was completely not the case at all.

(What really makes me roll my eyes at that is that you live in East Berlin, a place that was a PRISON by the USSR for about 50 years, yet you still make some claim that they have been going around "saving" people since WWII. I mean, seriously, WTF. I thought you said that you knew something about where you were living.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 23:55
as i already promised, you are absolutely out of question for a serious discussion. someone who starts his statements with " you are an epic idiot" does not even deserve a minute of my time. so you are actually talking with the wind.

only one correction to your last passage. i dont live in east berlin. ) would not be able to. second i said that if there is a third world war, russia will not be able to save anyone. i did not use the word jews.

third, you are one of those people who appear fucking boring to me, not even worth answering any more. your american anti russian position does not even interest me, because i find these news much more concerning:

fourth. imagine, i dont give a shit if you think that i know something about the world history.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 26, 2009 02:59

On 2009-09-25 23:55, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
as i already promised, you are absolutely out of question for a serious discussion. someone who starts his statements with " you are an epic idiot" does not even deserve a minute of my time. so you are actually talking with the wind.

Yet "the wind" replies, as always

only one correction to your last passage. i dont live in east berlin. ) would not be able to.

You're right, and I was wrong. Looking on a map, your address at Freienwalder Strasse, as listed on your website , lies roughly 1/3rd to 1/2 kilometer (which is a 5 minute walk down to the end of your street) away from East Berlin as defined by the former Berlin Wall. That's a really huge distance, after all!!!! I suppose I really can't expect you to know anything about the next neighborhood over from you anyway.

Oops, my bad.

second i said that if there is a third world war, russia will not be able to save anyone. i did not use the word jews.

No, that's not what you said. Below is what you said. By the way, you also did not use the words "world war three".

sure. everyone knows what the islamists did last year in taj mahal. they are in india also.

they are everywhere. you underestimate their religious fanatism.
i dont underestimate it. and i dont underestimate their way to treat a woman. a society governed to this extent only by males can only give a birth to a big bullshit.
was thinking to go to india this time on land through afganistan and iran, it would be such a heroic trip haha.

and not to leave the impression that i hate all arabs ( only the real intruders) , i am very interested in the arab culture. especially what sound and dance is concerned. but i just fear that something really bad might happen coming exactly from the arab world. if they only manage to unity against the stupid white christian man, then they are stronger then all of us together.

and russia will not be able to save anyone this time.

I guess when you said "all of us together" and "anyone", what you really meant was "all of us except the jews" and "anyone except the jews". Since, after all this is a thread discussing repression and violence towards jews , I was just assuming there was some sort of connection there where there really wasn't any.

third, you are one of those people who appear fucking boring to me, not even worth answering any more.

Then why do you keep answering me... every time?


your american anti russian position does not even interest me

Ummmm... wait a second... didn't you say:

i dont use stereotypes

it affects only the losers who put stereotypes on me and where i come from

?????? Seems rather hypocritical to me.


fourth. imagine, i dont give a shit if you think that i know something about the world history.

Good for you, because I don't think that.

Eagerly awaiting your response!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Sep 26, 2009 06:39
first of all, i would like to ask you for a tenth time to stop discussing my private life, where is my home and whatever other thing that is irrelevant to the discussion. my current impressum adress is exactly chosen to be in the middle of berlin where the west and east meet. but btw i have deep paranoia to even travel through east berlin. as far as my political knowledge is concerned, honestly with the arguments you bring on discussion, i would not even care to argument seriously on anything you claim.

no, this is not a stereotype. you have a very clear american position with russia. this is a question of definitions - after all , you can also stereotype and speak of russian, swedish and arab sex ( and it is not meant to say that all russians fuck the same way....)and exactly like that you can sterotype and speak of american politics and political positions hehe.

how many times am i gonna hear your accusation and stereotypes about russia being guilty for being the most antisemitist country in the world? about the jews - btw dont forget that during communism religions were vorbidden anyway - no fucking matter if it is jewish or whatever. it was considered a poison for the population, so those who believed had to hide away from anyone while preying ( otherwise you get excluded from school). so the jews were not so special in that - any religious group was supressed in those days. may i ask you did you ever breath this air of the east block at those years, that you are so sure and certain what you are talking about?

i mean seriously, putting aside the joke , you must be completely brain washed to believe what you just said that the russians are nothing but antisemitist and whatever the fuck.

the whole east was the prison of russia according to you? they were a prison to themselves btw. they were absolutely brain washed, you cannot even imagine. btw i was not able to live there anyway, i ran away quite early and i love the fact that i did it and that i am in germany now since really a long time. you seem to me to be exactly the kind of man who is truely convinced that i cannot know anything better than him, and this is exactly the kind of male i find fucking boring. it is also exactly the reason why i find most males under 40 fucking boring. if you had at least once made the effort to hear what i have to say and what i have experienced in my life, you would probably also see that i am very much into the whole world war story, both historically and politically, as well as from the occult side. it means that i have read dozens and dozens of books and met dozens and dozens of specialists, authors etc. why should i even for a second think of the idea that you are the one to teach me? because you repeat you brain washed propaganda of the state towards europe and russia? because you are so sure the west is better than the east? or because you dont stop talking about my private life?

let me tell you something at the end. you can think whatever you want ( although with someone calling me an entire idiot just because i have another opinion, whatever the fucking opinion might be, i would not even care to hear what you think), but anyway wish you a lot of fun while learning more about the history of europe. just an advice - you will not learn it from forums.

btw here is a start for you , a website by a person who is prohibited to read in germany, called jan van helsing.
first two books were put on the blakc government list. i am sure america has one too. this is why it is essential to speak lots of languages and to read the same story from different perspectives , not only from your own.

eagerly expect my answer? forget it jason, you are actually acting exactly like a loser. well if it makes you happy that i dont know anything about the world history, then just go on. what are trying to do right now - to teach me on history? i respect your superior american education but i would rather prefer to end the conversation, cause you make a brain washed impression on me.

i rather let totally different people do this with me. i just believe people who have researched, studied and written books, more than i believe you, cause you have seen to little of what you are talking about.

btw let me tell you that after you stay for more than 10 years in germany and really spend time with the more intelligent institutions, groups and people there, you will another impression about it - not the same like in the first year you came. may be you slow up a bit with teaching me about life . and btw life is not the forums.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Sep 26, 2009 10:39
That "private life" you're talking about in your last post is your address as posted on your public web site.

As far as who is brainwashed, I think it's obvious to any third party who reads the argument here who is talking about facts and who is talking out of their ass.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 26, 2009 14:24
on my public website you see a city where i attained my university degree and it is quite far away from east berlin. what are you discussing so much about where i live, if you have no fucking clue about it? i spent my life somewhere else in germany before i came to berlin. my public life concerns the fact that i am polite enough to have you over in my place, and it really pisses me off to see how the only thing ppl like you can do, is to discuss my private life in public after that , but not even objectively - only lies. you misuse the trust ppl have over you - and you do it in a very fucking boring manner. yes my place is 129834791827398 milimeter from the berlin wall. tell anyone everything about my home, what are you waiting for. btw this what you are "working" in cologne - i did the same more than 10 years ago in cologne and i can assure you that i learned some things about the place where i live in the years between.

the east, the east, the east, you are exactly the kind of a person with this superior attitude of being the west that i cant stand. only one question - what is your position, why did russia do the world war?

2. may be you finally stop talking about the east block as if you would have a fucking idea of what it is to have been there. your arguments are also quite kiddy, do you really believe you tell me something new with them? where is the politic inside? how does the stalin statement relate to russia of today?

and once more. search for this name jan van helsing. you will have a nice start to know why jews were treated like that in russia and what is their actual role in the politics of europe. but this is the story you dont hear in newspapers and history lessons either of america nor of germany. at the end of the day america wrote the constitution of germany after the war and was teaching everyone how to do democracy and what to learn in the lessons.

and once more, if this quarter in the middle of berlin here looks like east berlin to you , then you need to really see what it is over there in the east. to really smell it. over there no one gives a shit about you being a superior american looking for a job in germany. they will smash your ass before you even turned away, after you told them they have been a prison to russia. they were not a prison to russia, they were the most superior country in the east block. this is their attitude and it belongs to the most anti racial attitude you will ever see on the planet.

factual errors in your fucking boring facts ( it is unbelievable that you are losing time with insignificant polemical facts inbetween of what is happening exactly this week in germany with alqaida and taliban):

but anyway you know what, you are not even worth spending abother three minutes in correcting your facts about the last 50 years. i am sure you know everything about russia, the east block and about the supression of jews. just let me alone with your superior western attitude cause i am the wrong person to be impressed about it.

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