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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 07:07

Moki wrote:
i said this just in defendence because i honestly take everything too personal too which is the biggest mistake i do in these forums . because it hurts and then i really dont think what i write, just write.

Well yeah, but in your defense I also think people take your responses too personal as well. Or they get stuck in the so called "facts" when the real meaning of what you are trying to express is maybe a sincere and good message.

People need to learn to listen with their their feelings and bypass the mind sometimes so they catch the vibe and connect with the real message and not get tangled with useless and heartless intellectual fights. The "facts" are maybe only a sketch of reality anyways, so you can't be too anal about them I think.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 08:22

On 2009-09-16 05:24, ciro wrote:

On 2009-09-16 00:24, Axis Mundi wrote:
AumShantiAum is correct. Not to mention that ciro is off on his pop count by about 40,000,000 (That's almost half the population of Germany, to put it on a European scale)... which makes me seriously question where he's getting those "facts".


and many others,can someone tell us if is truth or not? if is wrong i apologize!

for fucks sake look at the name of the bloody site youve listed -

Reallly? are you being serious about this kosher tax? you take your facts from a conspiracy theory website? wtf man, I think you need to take it easy with your jew conspiracy theories.

I really can't believe that you or anyone else believe this kosher tax nonsense. This thread is the first place ive ever even heard of such nonsense.

I am a graduate of Finance and I can assure there are simple ways to see if something is being taxed or not. Ok, I live in America and I can tell you without a doubt that Americans hate taxes like none other. Add to that the Antisemitism that many many members of the political right believe in and it completely dispels any kind of possibility of there being a kosher tax. You have to be nuts to think that the people of America would ever allow some kind of religious tax. And you have to be even more delusional to believe that such a tax is administered without the knowledge of the public.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 09:15

fYou have to be nuts to think that the people of America would ever allow some kind of religious tax. And you have to be even more delusional to believe that such a tax is administered without the knowledge of the public.

Well I have no idea about the Kosher tax, and can't comment on that.

Buuuut I think you are quite naive in regards to all the fucked up things that the american "government" can get away with. With or without the knowledge of the people.

Also you seem to believe in the political right and left when behind the scene its all the same mafia run by extremely powerful corporations and families. And you think the American people would never put up with it? hehe, come on man.

I very much agree with Bill Hicks perspective on this:

"I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. "I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs." "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking." "Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!" "Shut up! Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control. Here's Love Connection. Watch this and get fat and stupid. By the way, keep drinking beer, you fucking morons." -Bill Hicks

Oh but "conspiracy" sounds to nuts and crazy for you? Dude, all governments are lying cocksuckers, get a clue.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 09:32

On 2009-09-16 09:15, Aluxe wrote:

fYou have to be nuts to think that the people of America would ever allow some kind of religious tax. And you have to be even more delusional to believe that such a tax is administered without the knowledge of the public.

Well I have no idea about the Kosher tax, and can't comment on that.

Buuuut I think you are quite naive in regards to all the fucked up things that the american "government" can get away with. With or without the knowledge of the people.

Also you seem to believe in the political right and left when behind the scene its all the same mafia run by extremely powerful corporations and families. And you think the American people would never put up with it? hehe, come on man.

I very much agree with Bill Hicks perspective on this:

"I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. "I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs." "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking." "Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!" "Shut up! Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control. Here's Love Connection. Watch this and get fat and stupid. By the way, keep drinking beer, you fucking morons." -Bill Hicks

Oh but "conspiracy" sounds to nuts and crazy for you? Dude, all governments are lying cocksuckers, get a clue.

dude I agree without a doubt that US government has its greasy hands involved in many many many things that the public has no idea about. I mean just look at the fuckin history of the CIA alone. And yes I do agree that ultimately the people controlling everything are the same people year after year... to some degree. However, I think when it comes to taxes in this country the people are very much aware of everything they are being taxed for. People care more about money here than anywhere else in the world, so they are going to watch their money carefully. and btw this Kosher Tax is absolute bullshit propaganda created by white supremacist and antisemitic organizations

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 13:24

On 2009-09-14 10:52, Adigroovy wrote:
It's intersting how any discussion on this forum with Moki ends up in endless fights and argues. like how she interpret everything the way she wants and when you give her some real facts no answers,
i would say read Guns, Germs and Steel from Jared Diamond (about the world history) but anyway it has no much sense to argue with u as there is only u in the discussion.
I would say get a boyfriend girl, will help u to loose you stress and anger,


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 13:42

On 2009-09-16 05:59, ciro wrote:
dont worry Moki, forum are very dangerous in that way, we writte and tell things than after we read our self and flip a lot!!!
it happen to me in the past and for many of us too. Even now I dont know why iam talking in public about my views
is a little bit crazy but this mistakes are part of the human side, with mistakes we learn right? i thing nobody have personel angry with you, but like you said, you writte things that is so easy to have strong reactions and attack you..
I think also I dont like to talk about stuff like kosher taxes or shit like this we are all humans there is no israelis or russian or french, I see only humans, we must respect each cultures, again respect must be necessary in all form
you ask me about what looks th future? we need a serius change inside us, we all fuck up by "the system", maybe is time to change society like project venus ideas ty to share.. maybe is time to love each others I thing is te only we can do, if we act from love, wolrd should be very sweet,
this is the real revolution, the micro revolution, like mekkanikka album title
not riot or violence against the system thats what they want to cut our freedom, like master Ghandi well said, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."
Moki, you are good person try to dont go into forum trap, not easy to stay away sometimes when you read some opinions, but we will try..never forget that forum is like the street.. we stop in the street and talk with an unknow man to talk about politic? no! so why we really do that here? we need take it easy
best regards for you

best regards to you too. this is very wise what you remind us about gandhi.

an eye for an eye would make the whole world go blind. it is a beautiful quote and one of my famourite ( need to remind it to myself too).

you really remind me of a friend called ciro, he is a beautiful idealistic human. i truely love him as a brother. may be you are even he, or may be not, in both cases best regards to you back. you changed my day, i thought i were in a kindergarden:).

you think nobody has personal angry with me, actually most people here do, but anyway. it is time to use the internet for doing my job instead of losing capacities in isratrance. need to keep my internet presence to the minimum and my projects in job to the maximum, cause there is a lot to do, more important than taking part in these senseless discussions where almost no one hears what i am telling them .

as far as my need of a boyfriend is concerned, talking to the other user, just move on with the discussion please ( talking to the other user). btw i could have gone insane alone because of the lies you are writing here and the possibility that the man i love reads this too. but luckily i dont give a * who is reading what.
it is a lie. never wrote more than 10 messages to axis mundi in my whole life and all were answers. but anyway write what you want, i dont care, because i know you love intrigues and fights. i leave, because an eye for an eye woul make all isratrance blind.

Started Topics :  1
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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 16:41


and many others,can someone tell us if is truth or not? if is wrong i apologize!



for fucks sake look at the name of the bloody site youve listed -
Reallly? are you being serious about this kosher tax? you take your facts from a conspiracy theory website? wtf man, I think you need to take it easy with your jew conspiracy theories.
I really can't believe that you or anyone else believe this kosher tax nonsense. This thread is the first place ive ever even heard of such nonsense.
I am a graduate of Finance and I can assure there are simple ways to see if something is being taxed or not. Ok, I live in America and I can tell you without a doubt that Americans hate taxes like none other. Add to that the Antisemitism that many many members of the political right believe in and it completely dispels any kind of possibility of there being a kosher tax. You have to be nuts to think that the people of America would ever allow some kind of religious tax. And you have to be even more delusional to believe that such a tax is administered without the knowledge of the public.

-Ok why you dont add there prouves or something like that, Iam the first to have interrest to know the truth, believe me!
look on eye on this

-you said your graduate in finance,thats cool, but that donst mean you know whats going on behind the scene, I know bankers they dont even know what is in reality bank system and where is caming from. In your school iam sure they dont teach you that money is debt right? a modern form of slaving peoples

-Because a page is called conspiratology thats mean is not right? I believe conspiracy is 95% of the time the truth.
who ignore the essence of conspiracy in all Government structures dont deserve even a debate from my side... this taxes storie have hundred of videos, books, and websites support

looks like:

US businesses are complaining about kosher tax

Jewish businesses are complaining about kosher tax

Jewish businesses complain about Rabbinical power:

Muslims are not crazy about Kosher Foods:

Whenever anyone complains about the rabbinical or kosher tax McVay
and his jackals label them as anti-semitic, immediately! Well are
these Jewish businessmen and lawmakers in Israel also anti-semitic?

So myfriend you said to me:
I think you need to take it easy with your jew conspiracy theories. I not you call me anti-semitic right? bah! is so easy! is easy to censured everything caming from there callling antisemit, many peoples get jailed for that, (even if of course that kind of sikness antisemit exist, is truth, fuck of for all racist like you know make me sick!)
If we talk about japanese fucking chineese Iam anti-nippon also?
first i piss on jew conspiracy! this is not the truth! is not a jew conspiracy, is a global conspiracy run by peoples from many diferent sides. I have my ideas about why jews pay the cost of the angry of peoples, not their faut, someone read the book "The Thirteenth Tribe" written by jew Arthur Koestler"? really interresting ...

So add prouf here about taxes, and dont give me wikipedia pages please, if you want i can change my idea about this taxes and follow your ideas not a problem for me recognize when iam wrong

David Icke - '...and the truth shall set you free'

"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed,
and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

"The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsely,
but because they speak the truth. This is because if men speak
falsehoods, their own words can be used against them; while if
they speak truly, there is nothing which can be used
against them -- except force." -- John Bryant

"To attempt to silence a man is to pay him homage, for it is an
acknowledgement that his arguments are both impossible to answer
and impossible to ignore."
--John Bryant


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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 16:56
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 19:15
it is a lie. never wrote more than 10 messages to axis mundi in my whole life and all were answers.

(off-topic) By saying that I was trying to piss you off so badly so as to get you to stop writing me crap/forwarding it to people, because 1.) Asking nicely didn't work 2.) Blocking you from writing me on one account didn't work. I refrained from posting what you wrote me to save you further drama and embarrassment beyond calling you out in order to get you to stop writing crap to me in private messages, but if you are going to continue to call me a liar and goad me into sharing what you wrote, I will, because we both know what you said in those messages... which were not answers to anything I had written you, besides maybe asking you to stop mailing me repeatedly. Even though it goes against my reasons for being pissed off that you would send me shit like that and forward it to random myspace users also on Isratrance... multiple times even after I asked you repeatedly to stop... and then blame it on a "bug".
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 20:09
can you stop this please? i told you already that it is a myspace bug. you obviously dont speak english. IT IS A MY SPACE BUG! you KNOW WHAT IT MEANS??????????

i dont send your fucking messages to others. myspace does. you can block it, i will not even miss your messages and 30 call on my phone either. but stop writing bullshit. i am not sending your messages and i never sent you my dreams as well.

can you stop it now please? PLEASE? not that i give a shit who reads it here, it is fuckng same anyway, but i am not sending your messages!!!!!!!!!!! and my dreams not at all. if at all, then to someone else.

and what is the shit i sent you please?????????? what are you talking about????????????????? you ask me to stay in berlin, i say okey, where is the shit?????????? may be myspace is sending messages instead of me either???? post me the shit on a fucking private message ans stop talking here!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 20:17
please. post me the message on a private post that you think that come from me in myspace. i dont know what you are talking about. send it to me please. may be someone is writing instead of me!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 18, 2009 11:29
just to finish this conversation, ( cause i see you are not gonna delete this absolutely unneeded off topic posts in such an important conversation).

i reportet this bug to MYSPACE. although i am sure they dont give a shit for one of tausands of users. anyway, this bug happend only two times to me ( and if you get more messages in spase from me, then it definitely doesnt come from me). it is forwarding automatically on chance to ONLY ONE person ( that i dont even know). and i stopped using myspace for now till myspace answers to me.

but anyway, sorry for what myspace is doing. but even in this case, i find your way quite unpleasant, the way you talk and change the truth. yeah continue working on persuading everyone how bad i am. strange that isratrance is deleting ( or used to) posts where a user stands behind me. but anyway, this time, it was really the last word here. keep on with your unfair kiddy game.
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Posted : Sep 18, 2009 12:18
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 18, 2009 12:19
and mundi , post em here pliz
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 18, 2009 13:41
MYSPACE --- The US govt. secret Artificial intelligence bot that went out of control by self mutation, and is now trying to take over the world by impersonating people and fucking things up for them, thus bringing chaos and confusion in the world! muhwhawhahahahah           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
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