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neonazism in russian psyscene

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 20:06
just wanted to tell you that you are the ones to judge on others without knowing.


may be YOU DID, by sitting and watchin the news???????????????????? ( i mean those who read did nothing other than watchin the news)

How do you know so well what levels of involvement others in this forum had in wars?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 22:09
you are talking to me? i though you were gonna post my dreams on board? come on, what are you waiting for.

but because you are still a nice guy bro, i will politely answer your question, although i am sure you are gonna use everything i say and do against me again but anyway.

first of all, i was not there to make war but peace. and i can say that we really brought some warmth in the hearts of the people there during thw war.
second - very easy, i know it because the places i am talking about are very observable. very few people from abroad go to war situations except journalists , politicians and some peace activists. i know who was there because there were very few. it is like the naga babas and kumbha mela and goa gil from other topics. this is where i know.

of course, it could be true that others in this forums were there too, but then the only reason i dont see them is that i dont recognise their virtual identity.

and once more. i only defend. other people suggested that i would try to put superiority of the jewish culture and would not pay attention to other cultures. so i defend, because this is so far away from reality. it is ridiculous.

actually this whole forum is so far away from reality. whatever it is, can anyone just comment the quote from zionist online please? it is the last thing i wanna hear.

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 22:31
If the forum is so far from reality, why are you still here? I thought you were leaving this forum for good. You sound less and less credible to me with each post Moki. And don't give me the usual I am trying to promote reality crap please.           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 23:08

On 2009-09-15 22:09, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i though you were gonna post my dreams on board? come on, what are you waiting for.


On 2009-09-15 02:46, Colin OOOD wrote:
Axis Mundi - post the messages!


On 2009-09-15 09:18, Axis Mundi wrote:

Clearly not reading the thread.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 00:00

On 2009-09-14 20:31, ciro wrote:

You know what is KOSHER taxes thats american need to pay??? investigate a little bit girl
Non-Jews are unaware that all food products marked with the "K" or "U" Symbols have been TAXED by Rabbis! American food companies are forced to pay multi-billions of dollars to several Orthodox Jewish organizations, just so an estimated 10% to 20% of Jewry, (or 800,000 to no more than 1.2 million Orthodox Jews), will buy their products. Please bear in mind that this is a country of 270 million people, and are all forced to pay this Kosher Tax, just to appease LESS THAN ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION

absolutely false:

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 00:24
AumShantiAum is correct. Not to mention that ciro is off on his pop count by about 40,000,000 (That's almost half the population of Germany, to put it on a European scale)... which makes me seriously question where he's getting those "facts".
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 02:36
(my question was not serious. there is nothing to post even if he wanted. i know exactly to whom i post my dreams.
and yes, i didnt see the "no", i saw the other one only about the stalker. too much to read in these threads, and too much ppl adressing me, 10 shoots from all sides always at one time. hard to have attention for them all always. whatever. always with these postings of my private messages in forums. anyway, i see you are not gonna comment the political situation with the city of zion here. you cant.

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 03:00
give me 10 min I will answer you Moki.
with 100% respect I promess

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 04:09

On 2009-09-15 14:24, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

On 2009-09-14 20:31, ciro wrote

leave poeples and arabs in peace you talking about nuclear attacks? the only ones that use inecessary this weapons are USA little girl, and 2 times!!!
Why you dont work for FOX NEWS ??? is really your place

okey, i would like to take the only commentable fact in your post for a further discussion on a serious level ( if you are able to have a serious level at all without using the word girl in every sentence, especially little girl.)

i cant agree with what you write. the whole world is talking about tehran , obama changed the course of his politics in the middle east 180 percent, europe is speechless and doesnt know what to do, all media are talking about it. and you tell me that usa is the only one to use nuclear.

sorry you are obviously not well informed about what is happening or you just find a lot of pleasure in debating the way you do. find a little girl to compensate your needs and dont mess facts with personal attacks please. i am not attacking anyone in person here either, i just defend.

so lets have a quote about what is happening:

Conflict is inevitable unless the West moves quickly to stop a nuclear Tehran.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has produced another alarming report on Iran's nuclear programs, though it hasn't released it publicly, only to governments that would also rather not disclose more details of Iran's progress toward becoming a nuclear theocracy.


The irony is that the weaker the West and U.N. appear, the more probable an Israeli attack becomes.

The reality that Western leaders don't want to admit is that preventing Iran from getting the bomb is an Israeli national imperative, not a mere policy choice. That's a view shared across Israel's political spectrum, from traditional hawks like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to current Defense Minister and former Labor Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Israelis can see the relentless progress Iran is making toward enriching uranium, building a plutonium-breeding facility and improving on its ballistic missiles—all the while violating U.N. sanctions without consequence. Iran's march to the bomb also alarms its Arab neighbors, but it represents an existential threat to an Israeli nation that Iran has promised to destroy and has waged decades of proxy war against.

can you comment this please? i could probably gain a bit of respect towards you ( i am talking to ciro) if you could give me a comment about it.

as fat as if i am racial. i dont think so. i would never ever spent time in kosovo and with the gipsies in social programms if i were. besides i love to make love with darker people. i wonder why you have this need to discuss all the time a person.

p.s. quote came from zionist online.

Moki, you right was not cool from me side call u little girl i hope you accept my excuses...

Ciro is my real name iam not here anonyme.
brother of all races of homo (humans) hehe

so after apologies about my tone, lets answer your personal request, what can i said about iran nuclear against Israel etc..

Iam not sleeping like many of us,I know who are the masters, who rule the world, bohemian grove, illuminati, bilderberg grup, 13 bloodlines, kazars... and a long etc of mother fuckers who worship moloch 1 week at year in bohemian grove (USA),
some stupid peoples said is jew conspiration but is not the truth!
like others peoples who take the red pill, I will tell you what i think about iran, medias, nuclear, etc

1. about the media:
what is the global medias?
Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, NBC Universal, Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report.

all the news you read in 95% medias in any country came from there, they dont investigate, no one of your medias ,they just repeat what this "media empire" writte, they are the rulers of medias informations, and like you said Moki, you already know who rule the medias, right?

2. about iran
I personally think taht Mahmud Ahmadineyad are member of the elite and are just a puppet he follow the instructions.. i mean camon! this world have rulers since many time now!!!
anyway, but you think bush, putin, berlusconi, etcetc even obama are better man??? no way they are the same piece of shit! they schizo, psychopat, the really sick, you want to see what they do behind the scene, is not longer a secret sinze national geografic channel and alex jones expose them:

3. about a war against arabs?

you know who is Albert Pike 1809-1891 (Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium and 33rd Degree Freemason lider) ?
and Giuseppe Mazzini 1805–1872(Freemason and one the illuminati liders) ?

you find the answer in the Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini files who i believe even if you can find websites who said is fraud...

extracts of the letter dated on August 15, 1871 (!):

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4

This Third World War are surely caming, and recent events show us that it is not far off.

So conclusion:
-all is already programed dont care Moki, if nobody change his mind, if not EVERYBODY stop go to war and military services the future looks like dark...
-iran lider are friend of white house is nothing more that show, lies, manipulations, mind control about populations, they want you feel fear and then you give to them the power.
-medias is only distoring reality, lies and lies and mmore lies, just look documentary OUTFOXED (youtube, google video), really crazy!
-ah and you talking aabout Obama? the same piece of shit sister, another pupet of rulers look new Alex Jones "film" OBAMA DECEPTION

super interresting!

my answer is ok?
let me know


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Posts :  17
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 04:28

On 2009-09-16 00:00, AumShantiAum wrote:

On 2009-09-14 20:31, ciro wrote:

You know what is KOSHER taxes thats american need to pay??? investigate a little bit girl
Non-Jews are unaware that all food products marked with the "K" or "U" Symbols have been TAXED by Rabbis! American food companies are forced to pay multi-billions of dollars to several Orthodox Jewish organizations, just so an estimated 10% to 20% of Jewry, (or 800,000 to no more than 1.2 million Orthodox Jews), will buy their products. Please bear in mind that this is a country of 270 million people, and are all forced to pay this Kosher Tax, just to appease LESS THAN ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION

absolutely false:

wikipedia is not the truth!

<<Wikipedia: On the situation of total decay in most of the articles published today on wikipedia and its constant misrepresentation on the part of all partners "apparently disinterested" in it more with very clear and defined purpose: the constant use of methods similar to those practiced in the 30´s y 40´s to modify and "manipulate" the public under certain line, to cite an example: in the September 11, 2001: totally distorted information, hidden data, Trendsetters, Lies constantly repeated, again and again, until they look like a total reality or truth, and other abnormal situations in the composition of the veracity of any story, news or article published on Wikipedia.>>

<<An online tool reveal the identity of organizations that edit Wikipedia pages has revealed that the CIA was involved in editing entries. Wikipedia Scanner allegedly shows that workers on the agency's computers made edits to the page of Iran's president.
It also purportedly shows that the Vatican has edited entries about Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams. The tool, developed by US researchers, trawls a list of 5.3m edits and matches them to the net address of the editor.>>

<<Wikipedia's basic premise is built on a pseudo-intellectual concept of collective contributions, on the mistaken belief that since there are lots of people constantly contributing and reviewing entries, they will somehow come out accurate. Chairman Mao would have been proud. Wikipedia cheerleaders believe that the old traditions of mainstream media (fact-checking and professional editing) lack merit, and that an entry that is written by an anonymous contributor, and subsequently reviewed and edited by many other anonymous contributors, will be inherently superior. It's rather like getting a hundred monkeys in a room together and expecting them to produce "Hamlet.">>


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Posts :  17
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 04:33

On 2009-09-15 15:14, Hunter S.T. wrote:
yeah the same media that were also talking about the justifications on the war in Iraq!!!

All i see here is one guy with his couple of stupid comments about the jews in russia, and many nonsense comments from Moki.

on the other side none denies on what happend to the jews in WWII.
But the questions goes to you Moki, what about the millions of different ethnic groups killed and masacred in russia during the Stalin era specially 1931 - 1935???
what about the millions of Indians in Americas killed and tortured by conquistadors???
why do Tibetans doen't have own country??
why do Kurds doen't have own country??

ok here another example, a Palestinian family lived for about 5 generations in the same house, suddenly they have to leave cause there are people from somwhere in russia coming to live in his house. is that right???? is that fair???
ok as Ciro aponted well about the taxes and all, the US senat is governed by Jews lobies.
did you know that Isreal owns his nuclear arms aswell?/ probably not..
so in the rest of the world, the ethinc cleaning being done, whole cultures and nations been killed and converted into something else that is not an point bu the jews have all the right to take the land which they have habitted 2000 years ago.

if you are not able to see this, and nothing against your person, it's just looks to me you are so narrow minded.

your arguments about the other poeple (tibetans, Kurds, Mayas, Aztecs) does't have the same cultural herritage as jews, who the hell are you to judge that????

i don;t know you so i can not judge you, but looking at your way of discussing, not really interested neitehr in knowing you to tell you the truth.

well said man! you 100% right

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Posts :  17
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 04:58

On 2009-09-15 17:52, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
how many people did it? how many? you were there, because you had no choice. i am adressing those who had a choice. those who were in cosy europe at that time. cosy states. most of them dont give a shit about kosovo, how many people gave their support to kosovo in those years? not many btw. nevertheless, this makes you even more unpleasant to me:).

I was in Albania in 1996 1 month in humanitary help building a destroyed school for childs, take the ship from rimini (italia) to duress (Albania) and go in the center, dont remember the name of this small village..

it dont give me egotrip


On 2009-09-15 17:52, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
the trance scene has minority complex because they are not taken seriously , because lots of them have no education ( now tell me that 50 percent of isratrance have a high school education, and it might me true but it is not the "trance scene" anyway), they have no money, most of them have health problems because of drugs, they have no job. mnostly the lowest levels of society. and yes, i believe they are having minority complex. especially towards others who are successful. but anyway, the rest of your post was also worth reading.

You think before writte? came on! I check your website, Time Wave Zero TV is an alternative video platform that presents various cultural aspects of the psychedelic movement. On Time Wave Zero TV you can watch free videos about global awareness , spiritual transformation and psychedelic science. Concept, Web Design, Interviews, Film Production and Articles by Tina Time Wave Zero.

Your biografy: MOKI aka Tina Time Wave Zero is a media artist and a freelance journalist and writer.She studied Media and Film in Frankfurt am Main , Germany, and is professionaly engaged in filmmaking and video journalism, as well as in video advertisement and media marketing.
She has studied also Hindu Philosophy and Greek Philosophy for two years before she got involved with Media. The issues of her exploration are shamanism, eastern philosophy and religion, tantra, yoga, sacred geometry, feng shui, sacred architecture, parapsychology, psychedelic substances, ethnology, ancient traditions and secrets of forgotten worlds, UFO and all means of using the modern technology for inducing a deeper transforming trance state. She is very interested in mathematics , fractals, programming, robotics and everything that has to do with computer technologies (worked on Programming and Databases in the past).

I see your pics you looks intelligent.. but then you start to writte, start well, and always you finish going to very down level, whats happens?
How you can said we have no education, 50 percent of isratrance have no high school education, no money, health problems because of drugs, no job. mostly the lowest levels of society?????

Is real or you joking? tell me you joking
even if there also drugs peoples (like the street, like the bar for alcoolics and cocainoman in the corner of my house) i think trance have the best peoples, the best girls, the bst vibes... maybe we leave in a difrenet communauty iam sorry for you if in your crew only zombis...


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Posts :  17
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 05:24

On 2009-09-16 00:24, Axis Mundi wrote:
AumShantiAum is correct. Not to mention that ciro is off on his pop count by about 40,000,000 (That's almost half the population of Germany, to put it on a European scale)... which makes me seriously question where he's getting those "facts".


and many others,can someone tell us if is truth or not? if is wrong i apologize!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 05:29
dear ciro,
thank you very much for this very interesting and insightful posts. i knew i would gain respect for you after you answer my question. intuitions rarely lie.
i will not comment it right now because it was an exhausting day in this forum, so i prefer to just finally put the internet off and lie down right now. but an important question raised in my head.
before i write the question, i just wanted to add, that i never doubted that the trance people are the best people with the best vibes, best visions etc. i said this about 50 percent in a moment of defending against being hurt( and btw i wrote that i mean the trance scene outside there at the parties, and not 50 percent of isrtrance, which i find to be more intelligent as a statistic quantity than the trance scene generally outside). i said this just in defendence because i honestly take everything too personal too which is the biggest mistake i do in these forums . because it hurts and then i really dont think what i write, just write.

these lies i read today with axis mundi brought me to bad thoughts, this is why i said this. i leave such people alone in my home in front of my laptop, it is unbelievable that i am doing it. and if i read sth like that from someone whom i trusted, i can just go insane and write really lots of bad things that i dont mind like that. sorry to the rest of people who read them.

( but btw to my observance it is true , may be i just need another better party or community)

but anyway, i had my reasons to react like that. and it is not giving me an ego trip that i was in a war situation all alone during the war in kosovo, but it gives me a feeling that i have something to say and to be respected for instead of reading only bullock and agression on me. this is why i react like that. just let me be a woman after all. no one is perfect.

OH i forgot the important question. where are we all gonna be in case there is really a third war as you say? what are we gonna do? any plans or visions? just in case?

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Posts :  17
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 05:59
dont worry Moki, forum are very dangerous in that way, we writte and tell things than after we read our self and flip a lot!!!
it happen to me in the past and for many of us too. Even now I dont know why iam talking in public about my views
is a little bit crazy but this mistakes are part of the human side, with mistakes we learn right? i thing nobody have personel angry with you, but like you said, you writte things that is so easy to have strong reactions and attack you..
I think also I dont like to talk about stuff like kosher taxes or shit like this we are all humans there is no israelis or russian or french, I see only humans, we must respect each cultures, again respect must be necessary in all form
you ask me about what looks th future? we need a serius change inside us, we all fuck up by "the system", maybe is time to change society like project venus ideas ty to share.. maybe is time to love each others I thing is te only we can do, if we act from love, wolrd should be very sweet,
this is the real revolution, the micro revolution, like mekkanikka album title
not riot or violence against the system thats what they want to cut our freedom, like master Ghandi well said, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."
Moki, you are good person try to dont go into forum trap, not easy to stay away sometimes when you read some opinions, but we will try..never forget that forum is like the street.. we stop in the street and talk with an unknow man to talk about politic? no! so why we really do that here? we need take it easy
best regards for you
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