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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 12:54
You said the trance scene have minority complexe??? pffff

yes i did. ) read your post too, ciro, it was very patriotic and truely awakened. )) if you expect me to get a red face and start shouting on you, which i am pretty sure you do, you can forget it.

cause i have no time for agressions, and if you get my posts as being arrogant and agressive, then you have failed in the meaning of democracy. in politics you dont sit there to shout on each other on supremacy complex or personal messages about the dreams, but you have facts. you dont abuse in every second word but keep to facts. which is what makes the discussion with you impossible. in every sentence you call me girl. i am not girl, far away from the age. and what i do here , is to have a critical conversation which you are all too sensible about so you start shouting at the " girl". and again - it is not the supremacy of jews. it is about the way they have been treated.

the trance scene has minority complex because they are not taken seriously , because lots of them have no education ( now tell me that 50 percent of isratrance have a high school education, and it might me true but it is not the "trance scene" anyway), they have no money, most of them have health problems because of drugs, they have no job. mnostly the lowest levels of society. and yes, i believe they are having minority complex. especially towards others who are successful. but anyway, the rest of your post was also worth reading.

but this is also the reason, why it is like this in this forum as well. sorry, i am tired of it too.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 13:02
and once more to axis mundi - dont know what is your problem but you seem to be very fixed in the idea that it is needed to tell anyone in the forums how much dreams i have about you. sorry, it is ridiculous, and sorry to say it here, but i really love another one. you are spreading intrigues like a kid. leave the "girl".
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 13:18
nazi punks fuck off
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 14:24

On 2009-09-14 20:31, ciro wrote

leave poeples and arabs in peace you talking about nuclear attacks? the only ones that use inecessary this weapons are USA little girl, and 2 times!!!
Why you dont work for FOX NEWS ??? is really your place

okey, i would like to take the only commentable fact in your post for a further discussion on a serious level ( if you are able to have a serious level at all without using the word girl in every sentence, especially little girl.)

i cant agree with what you write. the whole world is talking about tehran , obama changed the course of his politics in the middle east 180 percent, europe is speechless and doesnt know what to do, all media are talking about it. and you tell me that usa is the only one to use nuclear.

sorry you are obviously not well informed about what is happening or you just find a lot of pleasure in debating the way you do. find a little girl to compensate your needs and dont mess facts with personal attacks please. i am not attacking anyone in person here either, i just defend.

so lets have a quote about what is happening:

Conflict is inevitable unless the West moves quickly to stop a nuclear Tehran.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has produced another alarming report on Iran's nuclear programs, though it hasn't released it publicly, only to governments that would also rather not disclose more details of Iran's progress toward becoming a nuclear theocracy.


The irony is that the weaker the West and U.N. appear, the more probable an Israeli attack becomes.

The reality that Western leaders don't want to admit is that preventing Iran from getting the bomb is an Israeli national imperative, not a mere policy choice. That's a view shared across Israel's political spectrum, from traditional hawks like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to current Defense Minister and former Labor Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Israelis can see the relentless progress Iran is making toward enriching uranium, building a plutonium-breeding facility and improving on its ballistic missiles—all the while violating U.N. sanctions without consequence. Iran's march to the bomb also alarms its Arab neighbors, but it represents an existential threat to an Israeli nation that Iran has promised to destroy and has waged decades of proxy war against.

can you comment this please? i could probably gain a bit of respect towards you ( i am talking to ciro) if you could give me a comment about it.

as fat as if i am racial. i dont think so. i would never ever spent time in kosovo and with the gipsies in social programms if i were. besides i love to make love with darker people. i wonder why you have this need to discuss all the time a person.

p.s. quote came from zionist online.

Hunter S.T.

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 15:14
yeah the same media that were also talking about the justifications on the war in Iraq!!!

All i see here is one guy with his couple of stupid comments about the jews in russia, and many nonsense comments from Moki.

on the other side none denies on what happend to the jews in WWII.
But the questions goes to you Moki, what about the millions of different ethnic groups killed and masacred in russia during the Stalin era specially 1931 - 1935???
what about the millions of Indians in Americas killed and tortured by conquistadors???
why do Tibetans doen't have own country??
why do Kurds doen't have own country??

ok here another example, a Palestinian family lived for about 5 generations in the same house, suddenly they have to leave cause there are people from somwhere in russia coming to live in his house. is that right???? is that fair???
ok as Ciro aponted well about the taxes and all, the US senat is governed by Jews lobies.
did you know that Isreal owns his nuclear arms aswell?/ probably not..
so in the rest of the world, the ethinc cleaning being done, whole cultures and nations been killed and converted into something else that is not an point bu the jews have all the right to take the land which they have habitted 2000 years ago.

if you are not able to see this, and nothing against your person, it's just looks to me you are so narrow minded.

your arguments about the other poeple (tibetans, Kurds, Mayas, Aztecs) does't have the same cultural herritage as jews, who the hell are you to judge that????

i don;t know you so i can not judge you, but looking at your way of discussing, not really interested neitehr in knowing you to tell you the truth.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 15:37
your arguments about the other poeple (tibetans, Kurds, Mayas, Aztecs) does't have the same cultural herritage as jews, who the hell are you to judge that????

sorry, mate, but this argument disqualifies your post as not worth answering. i have never said anything about mayas, aztecs or tibetans. it is a lie and unserious way to discuss but this is the only way you can discuss, i see. dont worry, i have no need to get to know any of you either, can we discuss the facts now please?
come back later to answer the questions that went to me. just no motivation the way you do it.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 15:46
did you know that Isreal owns his nuclear arms aswell?/ probably not..

well, you obviously dont even follow what i told you about the situation with tehran and the situation about the arabs threatening to locate the nuclear of israel. and you ask me even, if i know israel has nuclear army. the whole world knows that even if it not official everywhere.

the millions of indians killed in america? well, yes, i actually believe that this was the worst thing ever happened to the planet earth. it is the best example of the idiocy of white man ( yes i am white too and i am very ashamed of it) but what can i do except for supporting their culture and trying to revive it with cultural events. may be you people should have a look at people profiles before writing. just a suggestion. just to see what they have done in a cultural context.

the tibetans have no country, because the rest of the world doesnt even move their asses to do something about it. and it is exactly as said as the story with the jews ( may be even more sad).
i personally dont live in asia, i live in europe, and i have done everything i can to help the people of kosovo to have a country cause their situation was the worst in the european continent. i like to help those who need help MOST. where were you during the war in kosovo? writing in the forums may be ? well, me not, i was there where it was happening with all my energy and power. and i will be in israel now as well.

lots of cultures need help. i never said the oposite but you obviously just look for nonsense to lose time in forum discussions. it is impossible to have an adult discussion with you people.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 15:59

On 2009-09-15 02:46, Colin OOOD wrote:
Axis Mundi - post the messages!

Ya... c'mon Axis... you can do it!           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 16:34
now with all my respect towards but this is not a soap opera for posting my private messages on board and i would ask you politely not to fill this topic with off topic. I AM REALLY CONCERNED ABOUT THE NEWS IN ISRAEL.may be you should be that as well.

come on, show at least once that you have other things in your heads, than being trance stars, conquering trance markets, women, sex and drugs.

besides, he cant do it, cause i have " no dreams about him". i dreamed once a normal dream, ( dream all the time anyway). besides , the number of messages i have from him is much more than what i ever sent ( internet stalking?!). and please be adult enough to remember that i love someone totally else right now. axis cant post anything cause there is nothing to post. whatever.

waiting for comment of ciro before i give up.
Hunter S.T.

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 16:35

On 2009-09-15 15:46, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

the war in kosovo? writing in the forums may be ?

again judging people without knowing anything??? what if i tell you that I am from Kosovo and suffered the war litterarly .....

lucky us, we had Moki to save us and give us a country .... we should build a statue of here in Pristina .....
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 17:52
it is a totally different film to go there from another place. how many people did it? how many? you were there, because you had no choice. i am adressing those who had a choice. those who were in cosy europe at that time. cosy states. most of them dont give a shit about kosovo, but i see you dont give a shit either- for those who supported you in those years so it is perfectly fine. btw i missed some pretty nice festivals in germany because if the kosovo thing, you bring me to the idea that i could have done it in another way. )) anyway.

how many people gave their support to kosovo in those years? not many btw. nevertheless, this makes you even more unpleasant to me:). but keep on, dont worry. i cannot be brought out of patience and calmness actually, even if there are millions of you here. wonder when are you gonna stop this conversation. give up. being in millions against me doesnt even make you slightly more strong.

yes post my messages. everyone in the last 15 years. pornos done with the phone who did i fuck during the years. whatever.

the mod is so sure i am not gonna leave, other admins in other places were sure too. dont be so sure. if i see another private message of mine posted in public, you lose my whole respect anyway.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 18:03

On 2009-09-15 17:52, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
but keep on, dont worry. i cannot be brought out of patience and calmness actually, even if there are millions of you here.

we do admire your "patience & calmness"....           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 18:22

On 2009-09-15 16:35, Hunter S.T. wrote:

On 2009-09-15 15:46, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

the war in kosovo? writing in the forums may be ?

again judging people without knowing anything??? what if i tell you that I am from Kosovo and suffered the war litterarly .....

lucky us, we had Moki to save us and give us a country .... we should build a statue of here in Pristina .....

It's PRISHTINA 8-|. And you shouldn't show such a disrespect! I was almost a kid when the war happened, and I remember good enough when someone came from other places, Europe, U.S. or whatever, we had hope on them, even on reporters, especially the kids who were terrified from all the shit war...So if Moki was helping with her powers that's a goodness of her, even more, because not everyone goes to the war, especially the shit war that was here, where nobody asked you if you're a civilian or a soldier!
Hunter S.T.

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Posts :  117
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 19:19
you are right Carbonic, it was just a reaction on how she judge people without knowing nothing...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 19:59
the problem of most of you is that you take everything too personal. in english if i say "you", it doesnt mean that i mean you exactly. and mostly i dont!
my question was clearly towards people who blame me that i dont pay attention to other cultures than the jewish. this is not true. and i am happy that i was on other war and peace actions throughout the world too. just wanted to tell you that you are the ones to judge on others without knowing.
and btw, it was different for all the others who came to the war with kfor tanks, protected by military. i did not have a right of kfor. so i went just like that to this war and spent time with the people there. just want to tell you that it is quite unfair to tell me that i dont care about other cultures other than israel. may be YOU DID, by sitting and watchin the news???????????????????? ( i mean those who read did nothing other than watchin the news)
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