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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 14, 2009 18:59

Upavas wrote:
YOU are wasting OUR time

Speak for YOURSELF please. I actually appreciate Mokis ideas and input and please don't pretend you are so mature in the way you answer Moki and go about this discussions either.

What I find quite lame is that none of those who are attacking Moki can admitt that there were some real NASTY things said towards jewish people which is why Moki was making an issue in the first place and you are responding to her like she just started this shit all out from nothing.

“wow who cares hasidics run the world, and where i live everyone hates them”

“because theyre jewish and dont have to pay taxes and have like 12 kids they cant suppost and get everything they need for nothing”,

“they are dirty and dont take showers and trick people by buying land to start theit cults”

“maybe thats why theres so much hate in the worls, cause they just take and take and dont give anything back to community, anyway so who really cares”

“and 3 they will always steal land”
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 14, 2009 19:41
You are absolutely right, Aluxe, about your point that nasty things were said about Jews here in this thread. There's not really an excuse for it, but there is also not much excuse for most of the nasty things that get said on these forums about this or that group of people. For example, the insults within our own scene that are slung around based on silly subgenre preferences, for a small potatoes starter. And in this case, when the person in question here is prone to making nasty comments towards all sorts of people on this forum for little to no reason (I'm still trying to figure out why it's okay nowadays to condemn the whole world but to say something about a portion of it is not), well, that person makes for a poor lawyer and it's hard to take her stance seriously at best. Given the way this person has reacted to many forum users in the past, even people who displayed great patience despite disagreements, it's no surprise people automatically react a certain way in return. What goes around comes around. Again, I agree with what you said about insulting Jews or any other demographic but I'm also sure you can relate a bit to that counterpoint, also.

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  17
Posted : Sep 14, 2009 20:31
First I express my full respect to Jews, Russian, and all the humans living on eart!
talking about Israel politic is not talking about jews... You cannot judge swiss peoples because their state not helping in second war, or you cannot judge spanish peoples because mother fucker Aznar go to war, i think that need be clear before talking, is important...

all my jews best friends, partners, family know what iam triyng to tell here... (yes i have also jew family)

well... Moki....
I never see someone make the ridicule like you here..
You ask why nobody support your view? is because you dont make any positive for them with your faccist-racist-radical words...

If a retarded kid come here and saids that jew are dirty and never take shower, why you answer to him? everybody know is completly bullshit, but you became angry an loose your way...

All the states are faccist, democracy only exist in our minds.. And you right to said that we need talking about elites-politics and not the peoples of course...

But why not reading your self to see how you fuckt up here?


Moki wrote:
i personally very often become an aim of nazis with minority complex. it is normal, i believe it is become very normal in this scene. but whatever it is, i am very happy that i stopped being engaged with this scene

You said the trance scene have minority complexe??? pffff


Moki wrote:
i have friend and she is a russian jew. yes, she got quite a lot of support by the german state. they all do and may be they are right to deserve it, because they are the only ones int he whole world who dont really have a home. can you imagine what it is? no home , no native land, no country. can you imagine what they went through for centuries and centuries????

Stop bullshit girl, in this sick world how many minority group of peoples loose everything??? I mean... american indians, indians from amazon, tribes of africa, tibetans, etc, etc
you just completly wrong miss


Moki wrote:
i think that jews are sweet. anyway i can show you hundred tausands of other ppl who do nothing in life except being feeded by a state. even in this forum. the jews are not special in that. but they are special in being critisised. they are always guilty for any given problem. and btw lots of them dont even need any support, cause they are doing much better in society and economics than the rest of the world.

propaganda nothing more! and again direspect peoples here in this forum...."cause they are doing better in society than the rest in the world"... pfff are you retarded???


Moki wrote:
and jews are the ones who lost most from the wars. who lost more than the jews? the russians? the germans?? who?? they lost their homes, their life, everything

Again wrong... 62 millions peoples died in this war, jews lost "6" millions and sorry but they win a country


Moki wrote:
gipsies? okey, nothing against them, but i think that their cultural inheritage is nothing to compare with the heritage of the jews. where would we be as a european culture if we would not have the jewish cultural inheritage????

blablabla, Moki, you deserve the cup of patriotism and fantism girl! you dont make good vibes to them with your bullshit propaganda


Moki wrote:
einstein was a jew also. and so many other genious persons were jews as well. lots of trance stars are jews also. actually this forum is called isratrance.

You want to know what thinking Einstein and more than 25 intelectual jews about zionism and the state of Israel??? pff learn a little bit girl you are really ignorant!
Albert Eistein's Letter to New York Times Dec. 4, 1948


Moki wrote:
israel came to existance in 1948 not because the rest of the world had to finance the jews, but because the jews in the states of america wanted that and they had enough money to support it. so israel exists because it is a friend of the states and not because the the other countries were so polite to pay unemployment money for some 100 of lazy jews. they have a land that is runned on the costs of others?).

You know what is KOSHER taxes thats american need to pay??? investigate a little bit girl
Non-Jews are unaware that all food products marked with the "K" or "U" Symbols have been TAXED by Rabbis! American food companies are forced to pay multi-billions of dollars to several Orthodox Jewish organizations, just so an estimated 10% to 20% of Jewry, (or 800,000 to no more than 1.2 million Orthodox Jews), will buy their products. Please bear in mind that this is a country of 270 million people, and are all forced to pay this Kosher Tax, just to appease LESS THAN ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION


Moki wrote:
why are they the chosen people, do you have an idea?????????????????????

pfff Iam the chosen one by God Moki, nobody know but i tell u now.. so have respect for me he!


Moki wrote:
the arabs are the only onces who go and conquer lands that dont belong to them! nothing against the arabs, i love the islam and the sufis as well BUT this is not their land. who told you that???? the arab world. i know them so well - there where i was born, they stayed 500 years and pretended that the sacred land is their, killing brutally anyone left. this is their way. and i am very much against it. there is plenty of other place for them on earth. am concerned because i see what is happening in the last two week in the media with this issue. did you get the news that the arabs are threatening with nuclear attacks in israel now? did you notice what obama wants to do right now to jerusalem??

so there you show to us your truth face Moki, your are racist girl, you looks like nazi nothing more.. leave poeples and arabs in peace you talking about nuclear attacks? the only ones that use inecessary this weapons are USA little girl, and 2 times!!!
Why you dont work for FOX NEWS ??? is really your place


Moki wrote:
i find it unbelievable to read these things in a forum, that is run by israelis and that is called isratrance

Isratrance became first internacional trance forum sinze many years, and everyone can express his ideas, even if they kids retarded whitout knowledge..


Moki wrote:
jerusalim is sacred with a reason. and about the kurds - unless you can give me any comparable monument like jerusalem ( which proves that the kurds belong to a certain sacred land and it is theirs, i dont see any reason for you to compare the situation with the jews. and neither the kurds, nor the gypsies nor anyone has a similar prove of cultural heritage. so can we have a break now? we should into talking about kabbhala, in order to really state why are they so special and why they should have control over their own sacred land

Iam tired about the supremacy.
they are not more special that chinese or eskimal you know? stop supremacy right now!


Moki wrote:
if i were a mod, you would all be banned till now! this words could actually cost you tausands of dollars in court.

Hitler words? no! Moki words!


Moki wrote:
so much antisemitism i have never seen in a trance forum. and then the usual idiocy because you dont have any steady facts an adult might have about politics, so you start attacking the person. . anyway, keep on with the kindergarten. i will be in israel soon, where the real thing happens, you continue with the phenomenal waste of time in the forum:). as i said, if i were a mod, you would not get the opportunity to waste my time after the third post against jews. you would be banned. antisemism gets banned all over the world. why should you make an exception. i had enought of these forums, and the best i can do is to speak in my own. there none of the losers will have the opportunity to lose my time, but i am not even gonna lose time with losers like you

bye bye we not missing you in the future!
deleting your account you make a good action to all peoples and specially jews.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  8779
Posted : Sep 14, 2009 20:56

On 2009-09-14 20:31, ciro wrote:


Moki wrote:
so much antisemitism i have never seen in a trance forum. and then the usual idiocy because you dont have any steady facts an adult might have about politics, so you start attacking the person. . anyway, keep on with the kindergarten. i will be in israel soon, where the real thing happens, you continue with the phenomenal waste of time in the forum:). as i said, if i were a mod, you would not get the opportunity to waste my time after the third post against jews. you would be banned. antisemism gets banned all over the world. why should you make an exception. i had enought of these forums, and the best i can do is to speak in my own. there none of the losers will have the opportunity to lose my time, but i am not even gonna lose time with losers like you

bye bye we not missing you in the future!
deleting your account you make a good action to all peoples and specially jews.

dont worry she is not going anywhere... she said this so many times already           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 01:34

On 2009-09-14 00:51, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
oh, dont worry, he gets nervous because we are having fun haha. )) whatever.

No, what makes me nervous is not your silly opinions, it's that you are sending me Myspace messages telling me you are having dreams about me, you really want to see me, and can I either come to you or can you come to me, and then CC the messages to all kinds of random Myspace people to read, multiple times. And then, when I block you there, you continue to send me private messages here on Isratrance.

THAT is what makes me nervous... that's not MY idea of fun. You are a strange psycho internet stalker.

Quite a far cry from...


On 2009-09-14 01:51, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
actually i would not even pay any attention to you from now on, cause you are not even worth reading:).


but as i said, you are not even worth a discussion from my side.

... if you ask me.

So since asking you privately didn't work, I'm now asking you publicly. Please stop sending me private messages. Understand? Thanks, I appreciate it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 02:02
BPD. My ex wife has it so I know it first hand. Sad when they don't get help and beat themselves (and others) up.

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 02:46
Axis Mundi - post the messages!           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 03:00
lol, I've probably said enough already. Besides, if things keep up at this rate, I'm sure you will eventually get spammed with them as have a few members of my friends list who also happen to browse isratrance anyway.

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 04:50

On 2009-09-14 18:59, Aluxe wrote:

Upavas wrote:
YOU are wasting OUR time

Speak for YOURSELF please. I actually appreciate Mokis ideas and input and please don't pretend you are so mature in the way you answer Moki and go about this discussions either.

What I find quite lame is that none of those who are attacking Moki can admitt that there were some real NASTY things said towards jewish people which is why Moki was making an issue in the first place and you are responding to her like she just started this shit all out from nothing.

“wow who cares hasidics run the world, and where i live everyone hates them”

“because theyre jewish and dont have to pay taxes and have like 12 kids they cant suppost and get everything they need for nothing”,

“they are dirty and dont take showers and trick people by buying land to start theit cults”

“maybe thats why theres so much hate in the worls, cause they just take and take and dont give anything back to community, anyway so who really cares”

“and 3 they will always steal land”

I seem to speak for the vast majority here, not just for myself. It is OK that you agree with Moki's ideas, however, I refuse to be shat on by a know it all smartass who doesn't even properly read my posts before answering. Remember, this is not the first time she ruins a thread with all out negativity.I never made any racist comments on here, and sorry, I don't buy into the Israeli Propaganda machine, I guess I just have lived too long in the good old US of A for that to happen.

Furthermore I am not pretending anything, I am simply speaking my mind, and yes, I just don't put up with Moki's BS, so sorry!

And if Moki is so upset about some random statements made by someone, hey, I think she has a big time trip going on with this and she shouldn't piss everyone else off with her
"I know it all and all of you know nothing" attitude.

On another note, could it be that Moki is really Psy Nina???
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 07:38

On 2009-09-15 02:46, Colin OOOD wrote:
Axis Mundi - post the messages!

yeah , cmon axis , please !
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 09:18

Back to topic please
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 11:42
lol Moki !!! wot a mess !! again
.. and shes leaving .. again
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 12:35
just two important things ( only because i have job to do right now).

1. thanks aluxe, i appreciate your words really a lot. sending you lots of positive energy back.

2. about axis mundi and his intrigues - you are such a loss of time, i am not posting your messages in myspace. it is a myspace bug. i write you a message and myspace is sending it to others automatically on chance. anyway you are such an intriguant actually that you are not even worth the time i spent with you. and i am not idealistic enough to believe that you will see what you are doing.

3. ciro ( sorry bro or sister, mind if i come later to comment this long post?, i see interesting points to comment, but i see also these personal attacks which i am actually too busy for, right now. but i come again may be.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 12:46
besides, funny what kind of a story you have here to tell, axis mundi ( sorry, read your post till the end):)))). yes, you should post the messages instead of telling totally different truth. really. better post. i am having dreams about you? i mean, you really need to write this here, kid? i could say a word about your own messages too, but i am not in a kindergarden. it is a totally different topic here. and yes, get nervous bro, if it makes you happy. i have no time for it right now.
Hunter S.T.

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  117
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 12:48
ohh god, she is back. as already said, axis she is in need of a boyfriend/sex lol
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