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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 16:46
they got their country on cost of others, and having all the benefits anywhere in the world.
ok we know world is unfair but please are Kurds not sweet enough??

come on. benefits anywhere in the world? arent you exagerating a bit??????????:)
what are these benefits so much? actually i can tell you that the jews i know, who live in germany, are quite nice people and they have nothing to to with the picture described above. and they get supported by the state just with very simple things like a place to live , some herd or fridge, a bed and some couple of hundreds euros per month if they have no job. this is the same thing like any other of the rest ot the millions of ppl get who live here, if he is in poverty. the jews are not special in that. but they are special in being critisised. they are always guilty for any given problem. and btw lots of them dont even need any support, cause they are doing much better in society and economics than the rest of the world.

and jews are the ones who lost most from the wars. who lost more than the jews? the russians? the germans?? who?? they lost their homes, their life, everything. they lost their roots. i see it on myself as well, because these ancestors of mine ( the jew and the german) had very very difficult life in those times and had to leave everything behind and escape. and it is normal that you first have a second of silence before you question why do they get benefits.

gipsies? okey, nothing against them, but i think that their cultural inheritage is nothing to compare with the heritage of the jews. where would we be as a european culture if we would not have the jewish cultural inheritage????

besides, i dont see any jews living the way described above. 12 kids, no taxes? are you kidding? well, this might be the case in russia, but not everywhere else.
einstein was a jew also. and so many other genious persons were jews as well. lots of trance stars are jews also. actually this forum is called isratrance.

israel came to existance in 1948 not because the rest of the world had to finance the jews, but because the jews in the states of america wanted that and they had enough money to support it. so israel exists because it is a friend of the states and not because the the other countries were so polite to pay unemployment money for some 100 of lazy jews.

are we talking here about the simple jewish person or about the highest positions of the financial and political world on this planet?? because if it the second - well you cannot do anything about it, that the jews make the world go round. the media is in their hands.

whatever. is this what this thread was about actually???? to tell how bad the jews are????????????
why are they the chosen people, do you have an idea?????????????????????

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 17:03
well at first place I am not reffering and generalizing anything about jews. I just asked you how about the Kurds??? because you said the jews had no own country, no home, and that's why my question if we look arround us so many nations with cultural heritage like the Kurds and none talk about them. so according to you jews are superior in cultural heritage and that's why they have the benefits they have. come on, we are talking about humans and toay in eastern part of europe the grandchildren of the gyspies which were slaughtered in WWII does not have basic human rights, and we just continue talk how much jews suffered. give me a break, people in balkans suffered as well just few years ago, and they still do, no ne cares about them cause no bloody $$$. for sure out of guilt, the land was given to them in 1948, and during the last decades were free to do anything in their fights (breaking international conventions bout war-crimes) they got all green lights, but if is other country or nation in question then is all suddenly different.
about your question why are they choosen peopl, i have my theory, cause they have been in conflicts/confrontations for past 3000 years. with all respect to the intellectuals such as Einstein or Freud, but for me there is no nation neither ethnic group more then other depsite their cultural and intellectual level. a people from papua new guinea should have the same rights and privileges as we have, a gypsy which have suffered hollocaust should also have the same attention as jews. that's my point,           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 17:32

On 2009-08-18 20:51, Baba System wrote:
nazis , zionists, blacks supremacie allz good with us, if tehyre fullonic fanz why not?

let all human be like they want to be.

thinkz about it's.


if nazis are fullonic fanz they should wear symbols so we can recognise them in the dancefloor and break their bones under the rythm of the music.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 21:41
so according to you jews are superior in cultural heritage and that's why they have the benefits they have

this is your personal logical relation of facts in my post. but it is not according to me:). i said they have the benefits because they have been disqualified for long time ( centuries) and they experienced something during the world wars which should make all of us silent for a minute. because in comparison to lots of others citizens of the earth, these ppl dont inherit houses from their families, nor land, because they all lost it during the world wars. they have nothing to inherit, they have no roots.....

well at first place I am not reffering and generalizing anything about jews

yes but the one before you did. it was a very generalised description of jews. it was like the nazi propaganda in the 30-40 years in germany too. the image of the jew ( you know all those propaganda films from that time)?

but because you mention eastern europe - i could say a word about it too. especially the gipsies. i used to do a cultural integration project with my mother some years ago ( she is a chief officer of a school ( director) so she had public money to spend on working with gipsy kids). and i learned a lot about them and i dont dislike them ( i believe they deserve more respect too). but to me the jewish problem is much more serious because actually the post above is regarding to ISRAEL. ( they have a land that is runned on the costs of others?). well but it is their right to have their land, this is where they come from!!! why cant they just have their land????? what reason???? and if they are not there but in other countries, they turn again to be a problem.

where do the gipsies actually come from?

well, anyway, bro ( or sis), you are right about the papa guinea and about the gipsies. i just believe that the jewish problem is more serious. why are they always on top of all problems?

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 23:10
well but it is their right to have their land, this is where they come from!!! why cant they just have their land????? what reason????

It's worth noting that when the Middle East was divided up by the West after the wars, the land allocated to Israel had been held by Palestinians for hundreds of years. Land deeds which had been held within families for generations were nullified, and these people were pushed militarily across the new border by all sorts of nations who certainly were less "from there" than the Jewish people.

Since Israel's reformation after the wars, they were given unprecedented firepower by the West (mainly America) to the point where they are a nuclear power, and they have been using their political connections, money and weapons to initiate several border-expanding wars in the few decades since their reformation. On top of that, they have maintained a massive international citizen recruitment/colonization program which is filling the small country to the brim, which in turn prompts more colonies, settlements, relocation, and border expansion efforts. They have invaded and/or struck preemptively against just about every one of its neighbors. Those in the Jewish population who are most heavily invested in these sorts of projects feel morally, spiritually, and religiously justified in doing so because they feel they are God's chosen people, which means nothing short of an act of God in their eyes is going to make them change their minds. (A common theme amongst fundamentalist thinking of all sorts.)

Is that fair?

There's no doubt that what happened during the Holocaust, like you said, was horrible and certainly worthy of a moment of silence and contemplation like you said. There is NO race or people in the world who deserve that sort of treatment. They've definitely been through the most serious of shit imaginable. But that doesn't give them a license to behave the way they have behaved since then. If anything, it makes the Israeli state look even worse because after everything they have been through, they choose instead to propagate violence, when it was violence, war, and ethnic animosity which nearly wiped out that race in the first place. Tragically, now they (the state) are propagating their own difference amongst their neighbors. I truly wish that the state of Israel could learn to live in peace with its neighbors, especially considering the disproportionate amount of power they wield in the area, but history's trends tell a sadly different tale.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

P.S. I should also emphasize that I recognize that there is a disparity between the actions of the Israeli state/a segment of the state's population and the entirety of the Jewish population itself. I know many Jews who are really good people, and as an American I understand a small bit of how it feels when your government's policies don't reflect your personal views.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 04:32
what about the Canaanites & Phoenicians?
they were there before exodus....
and someone was there before them, and before them, and so on.

so whose land is it anyway?           
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 11:25

On 2009-09-10 21:41, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

and they experienced something during the world wars which should make all of us silent for a minute. because in comparison to lots of others citizens of the earth,


they were not the only ones, for god's sake you keep talking the same and u sound like Fox news or something. did you know that during Stalins era in USSR???:
Almost unknown is the genocide of 2 million of the USSR's Muslim peoples: Chechen, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Tajiks, Bashkir, Kazaks.
or During the bitter winter of 1932–33, 25,000 Ukrainians per day were being shot or dying of starvation and cold.

the 1932–33 genocide in which Stalin's regime murdered 7 million Ukrainians and sent 2 million to concentration camps.

none talks about those and looks like only who suffered were the jews.
and if we are recognizing it, why the Kurds did't got their country, whihc they also had cultural heritage from last centuries??? it's silly how somene's pain and suffering is bigger then other ones, unfair world we are in
          to use your head you have to go out of your mind

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 13:07
Someone once said you are reborn as what you hate the most. What if all the Jews killed by Nazis became German and all the Germans that got killed in the war became Jews? Maybe that is why a majority of Germans has become quite pacifist and...... ok ok, I won't continue that sentence...

In America people got interested in the philosophies and culture of Japan sometime after the second world war, likewise a trend in Japan started for everything America stands for.
And what does that tell you, don't hate, because then you get stuck with it...

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 16:03

On 2009-09-10 12:38, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i dont find any nightmare in the post, except for the jews themselves. it is pity that they are generalised in this way.

i like jews. i have even a jewish ancestor who fell in love with a german lots of years ago, so broke up with the traditions. after that the result of their love fell in love with a russian.

you see, such a triangle...i could never ever hate one of those three groups cause they are all my ancestors. this is why i have a different opinion about the jewish conflict. i agree that they run the financial world but i believe they are not all same. not even slightly. there are so different types of them. and did you notice in the school that lots of genious persons in this planet are jews?

i have a jewish friend ( going with her to israel soon) , she is one of my best friends (studied with her). and she is a russian jew. yes, she got quite a lot of support by the german state. they all do and may be they are right to deserve it, because they are the only ones int he whole world who dont really have a home. can you imagine what it is? no home , no native land, no country. can you imagine what they went through for centuries and centuries???? i find it sad. really sad. especialyl this love at the beginning of my post was quite sad, but it was a real one and broke all traditions of both families....

i think that jews are sweet. it is sad to generalise like that. anyway i can show you hundred tausands of other ppl who do nothing in life except being feeded by a state. even in this forum.

NO HOME? AHAHA THEY ARE PROLLY THE ONLY ONES ON THIS PLANET THAT ACTUALY HAVE A HOME AND THATS CALLED ISRAEL THEY CLAIM. AND THEY THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN STEAL LAND AND CLAIM IT AS THEIR OWN WITH SUPPORT OF THE RULING COUNTRIES SUCH AS U.S. so dont give me that , they do not ever ever have immigrations issues if they ever need a home, I have jewish friends also my firtds post was about THE HASIDICS, but saying jews dont have a home is BS and two they stole the land

oh and 3 they will always steal land, and need to stop blaming people for wanting it back. And WAR IS NEVER THE RIGHT WAY TO GO ABOUT IT. AND IS HORRIBLE, but why do we always look back on the past when Israel needs something. its just crazy when u ask people , WHO ARE YOU? they respond " IM JEWISH" , I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE ANSWERED " IM CHRISTIAN" its usualy my name is max or im russian" who do they do that, no one really cares what religion you are so stopppp its so annoying
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 16:11
anyway i dont hate anyone just bringing up the truth that is made by the jewish republic of american global population committie. and thats what i see
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 21:50
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 12, 2009 10:07
whoa , easy bro , have a beer
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 12, 2009 14:59
i would not delete it on the place of the mods. lets have a really big fun collectively on your nonsense. you are doing circus for free for all of us. ( also a reason why i dont have the european stars in my avatar like you, but i have the david star with a reason)

mind if i remind you of some names?
here are some jewish names in the history:

albert einstein
erich fromm
theodor adorno
karl marx ( yes this is one of the most genious people ever lived , even if the rest of the idiots missunderstood his work!)
alfred döblin (berlin alexanderplatz!)
franz kafka

and actually so many. some of the posts here are not even worth answering. but they are worth reading.

how many percent jews has russia???? as far as i know 0,2 ??

and two. NO THEY DIDNOT STEAL THE LAND. you forget it. this has always been theirs. or what did you history lessons teach you about jerusalim???
btw i am quite concerned with the palestinian issue and i know this is not a political forum and if we continue, the topic might really be closed, but....i believe this issue has to be solved finally.

the arabs are the only onces who go and conquer lands that dont belong to them! nothing against the arabs, i love the islam and the sufis as well BUT this is not their land. who told you that????? the history told you that????


Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Sep 12, 2009 16:15
hey moki,give us a break mate...

looks like you see only the things that you want to see in the history....
yes before 2000-3000 years in this land there was there...but before them....("owning its a stole")?and who give them the right to shoot out the ppl with this way.

and who decide that the land of israel must be in the place that exist already other nation...

p.s. a big respect to the youngs from israel that refuse to go to army and they are stand against the fasistic politics from israel           2 pigs killed 16 years old boy because his voice was tou loud for them 06/12/2008
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 12, 2009 19:00
i find it unbelievable to read these things in a forum, that is run by israelis and that is called isratrance. in any other forum you would have the fascistic hand of an admin 1000 times till now. which also speaks for itself.

you are talking about israel here and you do it in a way that simply doesnt fit to my definitions of peaceful interraction between cultures.

it is so easy to talk about it, sitting in a nice couch situated somewhere in cosy eruope. it is a totally different film to live somewhere where you hear warning of attacks every hour per radio.

i am concerned because i see what is happening in the last two week in the media with this issue. did you get the news that the arabs are threatening with nuclear attacks in israel now? did you notice what obama wants to do right now to jerusalem??

you should because we are all concerned with what might happen. and there is no goa anymore to escape to. you think it is a joke. dont be so sure about it. jerusalim is sacred with a reason.

what are you talking so much about the kurds. i dont get your fucking idea? and what about the jews in russia??? they are a problem for you at the parties??
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