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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2009 17:38
i believe that you find most raccism in the countries that are assumed to be the first world countries. this is normal because they have a big pie to protect, and are much more afraid to lose it than the others. they are not always aware that it is absolute unjustice that what they have is five more bigger pie than the others, and there is no visible reason that they have this ( well no visible reason that would qualify a country to be better than the others or its citizens better, more intelligent, with more rights than others).

to me rassicm is the last thing to believe in. i find it so perfect that we are so many and so different ant that we stay in interraction in a way that was impossible 100 years ago. i would find it so boring if everyone around me had the same mentality.
it is the difference what makes the world interesting, not the similarity actually. that is why if plus and minus meet, they absolutely fit to each other.

and still looking to find what is going on in the russian scene. a link or sth?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2009 17:52
but you know. it is very easy to understand the racial people and the nazis. they get racial because they have minority komplex towards those who come to take a better part of the pie. but it is not gonna be stopped. the world tried to handle this problem two times already, we should be aware not to make it happen for a third time.

i personally very often become an aim of nazis with minority complex. it is normal, i believe it is become very normal in this scene. but whatever it is, i am very happy that i stopped being engaged with this scene. i am talking not about russia but about germany. it is so funny to see their minority complex. no time for that any more.

and last but not least. no, we are not the same. some of us live with 1000 euro per month because of their better nationality, others live with 30 euro. the same people.

no , you can forget it. we are not same. survival of the fittest anyway. whatever you call it. the category of the fittest which change in the next few years.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 00:27

i personally think it should be an international law that you absolutely must marry and mate with someone from another country. after a few hundred years we'd all be the same:)

Yeah but what about when we start interacting with people from other planets? Imagine the physical differences of beings you can find in the universe. Better to accept that we can all be different and understand that at the same time we are all still sisters and brothers because we are all part of the same universe.

And I agree with Moki about how our differences also makes things more interesting!

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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 11:17
i think its clear there are obvious cultural differences all over the other. clearly there are differences in the appearance of the human organism all over the earth due to our various histories over the past million years. we are more or less the same in this regard however.
we tend to "us" vs "them" thinking in all fields of human action due to the supposed solidarity it forges in the "us" group. this happens in racism, nationalism, sexism, ethnocentrism, any frikking ism you can name is rooted in "us vs them" thinking
we are all part of the "us" (no usa jokes please, i mean us not u.s.) and we are all capable of representing a "them" to someone else... when we start to believe that the "them" is somehow not subject to the same human feelings and situations that the "us" is, its possible to think of the other in a somehow less than human way. we dehumanize them and then its easy to harm "them" without breaking our moral codes that seem to only apply to "us" within our "us" circles... its ok to kill the others, just not from your tribe you know... this sort of thinking is the problem.
we are in the process of expanding our empathy bubbles i guess....

anyway- in my opinion, anyone who needs to feel superior about him/her self based on belonging to a group is pathetic.

i think there is less of obvious shit like racism in trance but there is plenty of "us vs them" thinking.
its about trust. lack of trust specifically...
its about jumping to easy quick conclusions based on emotions.
its about making easy choices and assigning blame based on the unpopularity of the target rather than a realistic assessment of the overall contributing factors.
well i could go on and on...

anyway- buy my new chillout album "one" on avatar records. its really nice and i'll bet you didnt know i make chillout. (gotta promote somewhere man)

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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 11:20

On 2009-08-23 17:38, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i believe that you find most raccism in the countries that are assumed to be the first world countries. this is normal because they have a big pie to protect, and are much more afraid to lose it than the others. they are not always aware that it is absolute unjustice that what they have is five more bigger pie than the others, and there is no visible reason that they have this ( well no visible reason that would qualify a country to be better than the others or its citizens better, more intelligent, with more rights than others).

to me rassicm is the last thing to believe in. i find it so perfect that we are so many and so different ant that we stay in interraction in a way that was impossible 100 years ago. i would find it so boring if everyone around me had the same mentality.
it is the difference what makes the world interesting, not the similarity actually. that is why if plus and minus meet, they absolutely fit to each other.

and still looking to find what is going on in the russian scene. a link or sth?

heheheh you obviously never spent time in a prison.... they keep the whites against the blacks so they both dont get together against the guards...

but in general society its not a conspiracy, a crafted racism, people in the lower classes commonly are against others in the lower classes because they are competing.
smart leaders know not to encourage this because it can quickly get out of control. selfish leaders use this hate to get elected.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 11:54
i was "in prison" in kosovo once btw. there we were doing some engagement for peace and for supporting the kids after the war, so i had to go to a prison because of travelling alone in a war territory ( the asses got me on the boundary) . and everyone was against everyone there, with an obvious racial attitude towards those who are different....full supression of minority.

p.s. and nothing is what it looks to be
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 1, 2009 02:57
and everyone was against everyone there, with an obvious racial attitude towards those who are different

Moki I'm from Kosovo and I don't think it is/was that harsh! The conflict here was between albanians and serbs, which still remains...but fortunately is lowering everyday.
I think it's impossible to have a society 'all perfect', but I have a feeling that it's getting better everyday(u know when it comes to racism and stuff.(optimistic huh)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 1, 2009 15:33

btw ( i know it is not the topic about russian nazis, but still about nazis so i will write a few sentences) ,
they had also this sort of national solidarity in the prison during the war years - it means : " if you are with us, then you have to hate the serbians or respectively the kosovars.otherwise you are against us".

so as i was in this prison ( at that time in those years of war it was actually very "arrogant" of me as a lonely woman to go to war uninvited, so they had to first see what nationality i have at all and am i not a kind of sabotage), while i was waiting in the prison. and there i understood for the first time what is nationalism. the real one. it is a superior complex of the biggest losers. you find it mostly in the wealthy nations but also during war.

i am happy to see you optimistic ! things are getting better, i am happy to hear this. sending you lots of love through the borders my friend. today is a beautiful sunny day, i love it, i seem to forget the violence today. fuck all nazis and nationalists. they are the real losers and will always be. whatever country they protect.

the others are just the professors who know everything about everything by never seeing it. well, i guess it is logical that only a person who has been in a military prison can tell me how it was:). i prefer to believe my own eyes cause they've seen quite a lot more than those professors who try to teach me about reality:)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2009 22:50
wow who cares hasidics run the world, and where i live everyone hates them , you ask why? because theyre jewish and dont have to pay taxes and have like 12 kids they cant suppost and get everything they need for nothing, yet they wont allow you to go be part of their community cause if ur not jewish your the devil. THIS IS THE TRUTH CAUSE I SEEN IT MYSELF. they are dirty and dont take showers and trick people by buying land to start theit cults, and if people wont sell it to them they find an american they pay off who buys it and resells it to hasidics. sorry maybe thats why theres so much hate in the worls, cause they just take and take and dont give anything back to community, anyway so who really cares
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 04:59

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 10:47
On 2009-09-09 22:50, maximjou wrote:
wow who cares hasidics run the world, and where i live everyone hates them , you ask why? because theyre jewish and dont have to pay taxes and have like 12 kids they cant suppost and get everything they need for nothing, yet they wont allow you to go be part of their community cause if ur not jewish your the devil. THIS IS THE TRUTH CAUSE I SEEN IT MYSELF. they are dirty and dont take showers and trick people by buying land to start theit cults, and if people wont sell it to them they find an american they pay off who buys it and resells it to hasidics. sorry maybe thats why theres so much hate in the worls, cause they just take and take and dont give anything back to community, anyway so who really cares

ho boy... you have to live a nightmare
god helps you to get out of this situation
looooool           2 pigs killed 16 years old boy because his voice was tou loud for them 06/12/2008
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 11:02
As tragic as that post was to read, at least it fits the thread title, lol.

Not to mention that Jews don't even acknowledge "the devil".

Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 12:18
I believe it is humannature to "hate" as most of find it takes more control to truly love or to be at peace... racism is just one of the bigger forms of hate...           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 12:38
i dont find any nightmare in the post, except for the jews themselves. it is pity that they are generalised in this way.

i like jews. i have even a jewish ancestor who fell in love with a german lots of years ago, so broke up with the traditions. after that the result of their love fell in love with a russian.

you see, such a triangle...i could never ever hate one of those three groups cause they are all my ancestors. this is why i have a different opinion about the jewish conflict. i agree that they run the financial world but i believe they are not all same. not even slightly. there are so different types of them. and did you notice in the school that lots of genious persons in this planet are jews?

i have a jewish friend ( going with her to israel soon) , she is one of my best friends (studied with her). and she is a russian jew. yes, she got quite a lot of support by the german state. they all do and may be they are right to deserve it, because they are the only ones int he whole world who dont really have a home. can you imagine what it is? no home , no native land, no country. can you imagine what they went through for centuries and centuries???? i find it sad. really sad. especialyl this love at the beginning of my post was quite sad, but it was a real one and broke all traditions of both families....

i think that jews are sweet. it is sad to generalise like that. anyway i can show you hundred tausands of other ppl who do nothing in life except being feeded by a state. even in this forum.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 14:51
and what about the Kurds? also some time no country no home, and the gipsies in eastern europe without any basic rights like health care or right to go to school etc... and btw none talks about those, neither they got the benefits wich other above mentioned do have. they got their country on cost of others, and having all the benefits anywhere in the world.
ok we know world is unfair but please are Kurds not sweet enough?? or gipsies?? btw. gypsies in europe were also slaughtered in WWII, but they seem to be inferior then jews ..
          to use your head you have to go out of your mind
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