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neonazism in russian psyscene

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 14:47
in russian psy board topic
wich calling to ppl, jews, caucasian nationalities, chinese and other "non russian" ppl

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 15:22

On 2007-02-16 14:47, Alias wrote:
in russian psy board topic
wich calling to ppl, jews, caucasian nationalities, chinese and other "non russian" ppl


i (and many others here) can't read russian so the link is pretty much useless as proof.
seems to me though that the topic starter isn't a regular forum member but some guy "spreading his message" on the internet.
so maybe one should not draw parallels between the russian psy scene and racists.

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 15:28
Sadly, racism is prevalent in much of Russian society           -Healing is everything-
Clara x
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 15:30
Sadly, racism is prevalent in EVERY society

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 15:31
This is so true           -Healing is everything-
Clara x
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 15:47
the website was closed

here is the prove 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 16:09

i (and many others here) can't read russian so the link is pretty much useless as proof.
seems to me though that the topic starter isn't a regular forum member but some guy "spreading his message" on the internet.
so maybe one should not draw parallels between the russian psy scene and racists.


hhh.....what is regular member?

i feel some hatred in your words!

as a jew ....and im living in moscow...i know
better then anyone whats going on now in moscow....
this website( is the biggest psy board in russia...some users in the forum have swastica as avatar
when the topic was few minutes there was 11 pages...

the topic start with this words:
"fuck all xachi(insult name for darker skin people)
qoute some comment and translate:

" xachi to the gas chambers"

i dont want translate more comments becouse its disgusting!

this is not saying that all russian psy scene are racists....i love russian ppl...all my friends here are this is not any propaganda


IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  1477
Posted : Feb 16, 2007 16:46

On 2007-02-16 16:09, Alias wrote:
hhh.....what is regular member?
i feel some hatred in your words!

hold your horses!
i was talking about the aeroboard forum.
i presumed that the topic you presented was probably created by a person who is not a regular forum member but some racist activist. ok?
what hatred do you sense in these words?

and like i said: i can't read russian so the content of the topic wasn't accessable to me.
thanks for bothering to translate some of the replies. it gives a broader picture of the content and i can understand your concern and disappointment.

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  14
Posted : Feb 16, 2007 16:54

On 2007-02-16 16:09, Alias wrote:

i (and many others here) can't read russian so the link is pretty much useless as proof.
seems to me though that the topic starter isn't a regular forum member but some guy "spreading his message" on the internet.
so maybe one should not draw parallels between the russian psy scene and racists.


hhh.....what is regular member?

i feel some hatred in your words!

as a jew ....and im living in moscow...i know
better then anyone whats going on now in moscow....
this website( is the biggest psy board in russia...some users in the forum have swastica as avatar
when the topic was few minutes there was 11 pages...

the topic start with this words:
"fuck all xachi(insult name for darker skin people)
qoute some comment and translate:

" xachi to the gas chambers"

i dont want translate more comments becouse its disgusting!

this is not saying that all russian psy scene are racists....i love russian ppl...all my friends here are this is not any propaganda



It is worrying you feel this hatred!

It is often possible to really sense a tangible emotion on the internet, I often do this!

Surely nobody is advocating racism here           -Healing is everything-
Clara x

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  660
Posted : Feb 16, 2007 20:54

On 2007-02-16 15:30, Outolintu wrote:
Sadly, racism is prevalent in EVERY society

Based on my experience, racism(especially traditional racism as opposed to avert/modern racism) is significantly more prevalant in Russia than in Western Europe/ North America
but there is definately no significant cause of concern for the russian psyscene in particular. Just one dumbass with an internet connection.           We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 21:04
Balvani!!!!           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 22:16
duck off aeroboard we are in isratrance without any rasizm or Peace people           Dance is - As a matter of fact, socially admissible public analogue of the sexual act :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 22:25
Sounds great, lets get Hitlers message out, kill all the jews and non arian. Thats the way to go, oh, and btw, kill all the russians bolschevist pigs as well... they are inferior and non worthy.

I as a dane with blonde hair has nothing to fear, so Im all for it, and while we are at it, we might rape all your women as well !!!

What the FUCK ?

This is the sickest thing ever, who ever propelled these people to get into the scene ?

I feel too sick to puke. Too upset to cry. Too disgusted to retreat.

Are you sure these guys are not just some sort of pranksters taking the piss on people like I did in the beginning of this post ?

Else, nothing makes sense anymore.

Very psychedelic people, bringing nazism into the scene, very psychedelic, very different. Only shows that the door into psychedelia is a two way trip.

- Krell           Label DJ>
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 22:41
racism, sadly, exists everywhere. there are racists of every colour and "religion". why call out one hater on a forum and make him representative of the russian psy community? this seems as hateful and irresponsible as posting a racist message yourself. keep good vibes alive.

one love, kArO

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Feb 17, 2007 00:04

On 2007-02-16 22:25, Krell wrote:
Sounds great, lets get Hitlers message out, kill all the jews and non arian. Thats the way to go, oh, and btw, kill all the russians bolschevist pigs as well... they are inferior and non worthy.

I as a dane with blonde hair has nothing to fear, so Im all for it, and while we are at it, we might rape all your women as well !!!

What the FUCK ?

This is the sickest thing ever, who ever propelled these people to get into the scene ?

I feel too sick to puke. Too upset to cry. Too disgusted to retreat.

Are you sure these guys are not just some sort of pranksters taking the piss on people like I did in the beginning of this post ?

Else, nothing makes sense anymore.

Very psychedelic people, bringing nazism into the scene, very psychedelic, very different. Only shows that the door into psychedelia is a two way trip.

- Krell

I blame Dark Psy
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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