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need help


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  1
Posted : Oct 20, 2006 02:38
i am looking for a track, i think its old its very psychedelic, for the night.
i remember that the basline is a full 1\16 and a close hi hat follow it and in the end you hear crowd voice.
someone told me its maybe etnica or dino old track.
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Oct 20, 2006 03:41
Welcome to our forum, ddaa.

As you can imagine it will be almost impossible to ID a track based on your description.

With some luck maybe someone can ID it, or maybe if you go through all Dino and Etnica tracks you may find it, but it would really help if you could give us more details, like samples.
Respect!           .
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Started Topics :  1
Posts :  1
Posted : Oct 20, 2006 13:34
as far as i remember there was this synth sound, that was heard all the track, a single sound not a lead but was all along the track, and i think that in the middle there is a stop and than he say some word and it goes on delay with the beat...
its not sound at all like dino or etnica but thats what i was told...
the end is very impressing an fx games with the crowd voice.
maybe it helped?
Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - need help
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