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need help on the psy scene in US...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 20:26
so liking psytrance = enlightenment ??

bullshit. There are plenty of people in the US who are completely attuned and aware and don't listen to psytrance. Liking drum'n'bass or hip-hop doesn't mean you're "backwards", this insular psytrance elitism is completely ridiculous and self-defeating.

Maybe getting out to the West Coast and meeting some cool people is in order to rectify your hopelessness..

's just another party..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 20:31
Yeah maybe enlighten wasnt the best word... I shouldnt have confused "enlighten" in the specific sense of enlightening somone to a particular idea (psytrance) and enlighten in the broad sense (Americans becoming more broad thinking in general). Enlighten is a problematic word. Anyway I just meant it as a half-joking statement of my exaspiration with the state of things. Wasn't really expecting to get taken so seriously.... If only people would take me this seriously when Im actually serious... :s
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 20:37
But the goal is to enlighten in the general "englightened person" sense, no? In which case psytrance is helpful as a vehicle, but so is, say, underground hip-hop..

and in general, I find Americans to be much more open-minded than most Europeans I've talked to. At least the people here in Colorado and on the West Coast.

and yes, this is coming from a person who grew up in Moscow.
's just another party..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 20:58
For me the issue isnt who is more or less enlightned... its about direction. I feel that America is less enlightened than it was 10 years ago and that is what is scaring me.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 21:08
well, that's more politics than culture, imo.

plus I think people are a lot more aware than 10 years ago, at least from what I have seen. The government is a lot more conservative, though..
's just another party..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 21:24
Poltics dont happen in a vacuum. IMO the neocon rise is clearly a cultural reaction against the counterculture. What is happening now reflects widely held sentiments of nationalism and religious extremism. People may have more access to information, which is a kind of awarness, but that isnt all there is to awarenss.
These are hostile times for countercultures in the USA, I dont see how that can be denied. Just look at what happened to the rave scene. Utterly crushed by drug enforcement on an unheard of level.
Theres mad cool people here in this great country, but these are tuff times for cool cats...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 21:35
hmm.. The counterculture I see is a lot stronger, much more unified, self-aware, and active than it was 10 years ago. The conservative government is partly to thank for it.

But I think this also depends on where you live, the region, the state, even the city. To give you an example from my locale: there are 10 times more parties, art openings, and general happenings in Denver these days than 4-5 years ago, the city is rocking non-stop.. but 20 minutes away in Boulder, there's barely any nightlife anymore, compared to utter non-stop party mayhem of 5 years ago. Do I blame either of these on the government - no, it's local politics, and how the municipalities decide to develop their respective cities/towns.

As to death of rave culture.. I don't think it had anything to do with the Drug War, it was more self-inflicted, imo. Fell apart like overcooked noodles.

's just another party..

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 23:23
I think the conservative has helped alot. It's broken people out of their shells. I have seen more people get involved the last few years around the midwest than ever before. Everywhere I go seems to have more involved, aware people, so unsure where you are from that is such a dead zone.
mono mono

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Posted : Mar 22, 2006 04:57
this topic is starting to drift but, hey, it's always interesting to talk the state of affairs...

I think it's more to do with fear and security. When I came back from India i kept thinking i've entered the "United States of Scared Shitless". We're talking about people who never leave their comfort zone. And in the US, it's too easy to NOT leave that zone, unwitting fear. Look around and see how big the insurance industry is, everything is insured, everything. When i saw the day-to-day life in India, these people were just doing what they had to, no assurances of security, they don't act scared, they're somewhat connected to the daily existence, where their food comes from, where their shit has to go. This more fundamental issue of fear and it's side-effect, security, are probably the primary reason bush got his votes. I don't think it has broken anyone out of their shells, they're still scared, and with current foreign policy the damage will last for years to come with more reason to be more scared. </rant>

That said, we have the many resources here and I think the psytrance genre/scene is growing in the US. In the end, it seems to come down to the land/venue because there are plenty of dj/artists here willing to contribute. And we seem to be having more events each year.

mono mono

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  314
Posted : Mar 22, 2006 05:07
let me add that it's the trauma trance that's getting the new subscribers. It seems to be a new way to get an energy fix, a substitute for punk rock. Perhaps with less emotion....

early on, most of us go thru that "psytrance enlightenment stage". Later, we put it into its pidgeon hole and resume the wonderful wide wide world of music.

better get your licks in now 'cause i'll be leaving for Turkey real soon.


mono mono

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  314
Posted : Mar 22, 2006 05:09
let me add that it's the trauma trance that's getting the new subscribers. It seems to be a new way to get an energy fix, a substitute for punk rock. Perhaps with less emotion....

early on, most of us go thru that "psytrance enlightenment stage". Later, we put it into its pidgeon hole and resume the wonderful wide wide world of music.

better get your licks in now 'cause i'll be leaving for Turkey real soon.


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
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Posted : Mar 22, 2006 06:40

have fun in turkey           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Mar 22, 2006 22:17
psy to politics??
quite a drift there.....
but i just wanna thank the people who decided t help out.....thanks fr the sites.....and now i have a general impression about the psy scene here in the states
i was just hoping that, here in columbus, the psy crowd would be a 'crowd' and not just a group of 10-20 true psytrancers.....
i guess ill just head t NYC when i feel like meeting tons of people wid positive vibes....
thanks again fr the help guys.....boooom           The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people
who really know where it is, are the ones who have gone over.
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - need help on the psy scene in US...
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