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Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Need advice 1 min and a quick tip thanks..pls :)
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Need advice 1 min and a quick tip thanks..pls :)

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  305
Posted : Jun 8, 2015 01:30:57
Hi this is my new room eq that i tried plus sum sound division techniques.. I am trying to test the sound quality and get some feedback from anyone .. Heloo any 1 there

1. over all sound volume?
2. kick and bass ??mid kick to loud/soft ? maybe the sub Kick?
3. Would this be a good setting for my speakers
4. Overall quality of kick and bass? not style or leads

I look forward to hear from chew aliens lol

Ariba de duche

love and light
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  63
Posted : Jun 12, 2015 14:35
hi , try to put your kick on the same note as your bass is, overall not bad sound
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  305
Posted : Jun 14, 2015 00:21
Hhehehe Thanks Argonauticus i will give it a go

Love and light
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  147
Posts :  377
Posted : Jun 19, 2015 17:58
cool man ! ,bass nice and deep and it got a nice funky feel to it mate ! yeah the kick can be tuned a bit , or find the boom of the kick and cut in the same freq your bass , around 80 till 100 , overall creative stuff mate , good luck
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  305
Posted : Jun 20, 2015 16:37
Hi B-recluse thank you very much .... thanks for referring me to the sweet spot 80 to 100.... I have this song as a basic reference to my room environment.. its sound nice i have the sub bass frequencies as different layers...

I do have one question if you have time...

?? low sub frequencies .. if i put my sound up like to the max on my amplifier certain sub frequencies sound distorted like its to loud for the speakers... So i end up with a lower output in volume from the speakers.. if i cut a few frequencies i start to loose the kicks sub punch i no longer hear it clearly ,,, i also get like a hollow sound if i over work it Do you have any advice ???

On a side note i find that kick in this specific song does not distort when at max on my system.. i have been messing around with new ideas and other kicks ... I mainly produce music at night so i cant put up the volume to loud and when i wake up its sound great at a low volume... mmm

.. If any one has advice please feel free to comment thanks ... and love and light to all
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  147
Posts :  377
Posted : Jun 20, 2015 18:09
maybey this helps ? if you got a lot low freqs on the bass example key F0 44 Hz and the kick got also low freqs , around that spot , the bass eats the sub away of your kick ! now i really make a pretty wide bell with a Q of 2200 to 3600 and cut on my sub 44 hz about 5 db or more on the bass , ok you loose some sub on your bass but your kick can life in that place on it even sounds tighter , if you like the bass more warmer on the sub , a good plug in is maxxbass from waves on a send buss or in your bass group or in your bass instrument it self . ps low shelf is good for low feqs too ,if you cut your bass with a low cut ,on low freqs on a bass you notice that it adds more harmonics and gets louder and starts to distort also t much . i cut more on my bass then my kick , you can turn that process around, if you want the bass to be dominant
well if you want i can send you some examples ? let me know bro . NAMASTE FROM YOUR STONED BROTHER !
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  305
Posted : Jun 21, 2015 00:11
Cool advice i think it might actually be the bass interfering i will still need to confirm 2morrow going to give it a try tonight i have had a look at the difference so far on my original sub kick and its was 3db lower than my new attempts at 0db also noticed that the other sounds are about 6db louder hehehehe ..... i think i will make a personal reminder Note and print it as a reference to have my leads around -12 or -9db ......

Ok one more question ??

What do you think makes my ears push the sub so high instead of my mid level frequencies leads etc.......

I used to have a theory that on a rainy day there is more bass if its realy cloudy too + air pressure sunny days ,my judgment seems off mmmmmm .... any thoughts

Well its stony outside every day no mater if it rains

love and Light ---- :)
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  147
Posts :  377
Posted : Jun 21, 2015 14:30
also try fabfilter pro MB ( multiband compressor ) percfect to scoop the low end off here is a example what i found to show you !
SKIP TILL 10:15 MIN and it will show you what this baby can do ! Also check the other video's not psytrance but you can learn allot from it ! i think that the bass has so many sub and by boosting we cause more problems ( boost only when its really needed ) with mixing I sample my kick ,and bass and bring them to 0db , and bring buzz levels around -6db or lower like -12db ( for allot of head room ) and mix them in so they work together . So example my kick is around 1.0 db and my bass is arround 2 or 3 db behind it ! like i said before i lowered my kick and bass buzz so your other buzz'es also on the level as the kick and bass buzz level ! so i make my leads on a insert track about 6db or or sometimes a bit louder , with knowing and checking that i stay below the bass and kick ! louder elements ( leads with allot of voices , you can bring them a bit down ! I learned that you can hear instruments better and fuller in around 6db or lower 10 db So your buzz is lower but you will hear that your instruments comes really present in your mix ! ok bro what kind of software you use ? i use ableton i can send a set up with some examples so you can see it visual , i more a visual man ( hha,ha ) just give me a adress were i can send it to bro and i happy to share , to help . BACK TO THE KUSH WHAT TASTE LIKE FRUIT MMMM , HAPPY DAYS BROTHER NAMASTE
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  305
Posted : Jun 22, 2015 02:49
Sweet comments defiantly going to give it a go i will check later for fab filter 2 morow mmm i have tested it once befor and i did like it very much.. ok Regarding a project i will send you a pm , lets give it a few days i am going to try solo just for now i would like to see the difference cool

i am using ableton tooo

I have a echo goals gina 20 audio card
specs 20bit
windows 95 suports xp Yaaaa
has asio 2

Monitors in my dreams
function one 2000000000,000,,,,,wats from outer space
No seriously monitors hifi lg 60wats year
sub 80 wats connected to left Chanel of hifi Yaaaa

pot or pot, pot or pot its all pot lol

Thanks B-recluse

Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Need advice 1 min and a quick tip thanks..pls :)
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