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Necton Like ?

Couscous Cosmos

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  8
Posted : Jul 27, 2010 23:49:18
I'm searching for hard psyfunky stuff as in "Children Of The Noizy Village" by Necton. This album rocks and i'd like to hear some other jewels like those.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  2184
Posted : Jul 28, 2010 00:11
That album does rock. Haven't heard anything like it myself, as far as story and musical diversity.
Curious to hear some responses

Actually, you might check out Eraser vs Yojalka's first album Round 1. Production is not as clean, but they mix it up pretty good and there's some juicy moments in there that are good for years of listening pleasure.

Couscous Cosmos

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  8
Posted : Aug 9, 2010 13:29
Thanks for the advice... Really cool stuff, and you can download their last album for free on ektoplazm. Enjoy
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Necton Like ?
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