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Near death experience

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 11:35:11
I have read some stories and watched some video clips about people who have had a so called "near death experience" and i find it very interesting.

I have noticed that the people who have had this kind of experience very often have experienced it in a very similiar way. They often talk about first seeing themselfes from outside.Observing their body but still being alive.Then they are sucked into somekind of a tunnel and then a light which they define as god appears.Many people talk about " life reviews" which is like that you are going through all of your life since you were a child and experince many parts of your life again,and you see how you have effected others and how others have experienced you.

Many people see their own personal cultural religious figures in that light.All religions are interpretations of the same thing,the interpretations are different because of the different cultures and timelines that they arised in,yet, they are all different angles of the same thing.

They view it as the source of everything.Like life itself. They often describe it as a feeling of unconditional love.Not like a sexual love,but more as a feeling of bliss,connection with everything,love for everything and total peace.Many people cant describe it,it is like it is beyond words.

If you have any thoughts about this subject, please share some of your ideas about this, if you feel like it.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 13:19
everyone has had a near death experience its just that they cant recall it...when your coming out of the womb of your mother, that is a near death experience too           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 14:15

On 2010-03-24 13:19, Xolvexs wrote:
everyone has had a near death experience its just that they cant recall it...when your coming out of the womb of your mother, that is a near death experience too

True, imho... a near death experience is one of many ways a human can have an out of body experience, a glimpse of what lies behind the veil. Essentially these are the same glimpses we might experience with psychedlics, meditation and other means to reunite with our internal and eternal selves. From my experience our ability to do so is directly related to how well a person is able to "let go", to not resist the tidal wave of love when it swoops in to our consciousness to carry us away to the source.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2010 21:44
I had atleast one ,that has minted.As a child Ive fallen into deep waters and was drowning ,I could not swim back than.
I did not expect to come back,and I was not scary even though the colurs and all was like a lonely trip and somehow so slow or silent and than some helping hands have rescued me as i was going donw and down with the bubles all around .It would be to fast I believe.Without help I would definetly be completely away,probably in the next seconds.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 26, 2010 18:29

On 2010-03-24 14:15, kazuku wrote:

On 2010-03-24 13:19, Xolvexs wrote:
everyone has had a near death experience its just that they cant recall it...when your coming out of the womb of your mother, that is a near death experience too

True, imho... a near death experience is one of many ways a human can have an out of body experience, a glimpse of what lies behind the veil. Essentially these are the same glimpses we might experience with psychedlics, meditation and other means to reunite with our internal and eternal selves. From my experience our ability to do so is directly related to how well a person is able to "let go", to not resist the tidal wave of love when it swoops in to our consciousness to carry us away to the source.

well by those experiences DMT is released in our brain, it explains all:
          to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  620
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 14:05
We all had near death experiences with the use of very powerfull drugs. This is where and why many strong visions came to us all. Ourselves were trying to survive at that moments...           ---RealPsyLifeForRealPsyPeople---
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2010 21:58
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  557
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 20:43

On 2010-03-24 14:15, kazuku wrote:

On 2010-03-24 13:19, Xolvexs wrote:
everyone has had a near death experience its just that they cant recall it...when your coming out of the womb of your mother, that is a near death experience too

True, imho... a near death experience is one of many ways a human can have an out of body experience, a glimpse of what lies behind the veil. Essentially these are the same glimpses we might experience with psychedlics, meditation and other means to reunite with our internal and eternal selves. From my experience our ability to do so is directly related to how well a person is able to "let go", to not resist the tidal wave of love when it swoops in to our consciousness to carry us away to the source.

... a child being born is a "birth experience" ... much different from a near death one ... with the former you come out clean slate - (re)born ... with the latter you can (sometimes) retain the memory of the experience and the life you have lived.

a wise man one told me ....
'everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die!'

b'om b'om!!           "... b'om ..."
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - Near death experience
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