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Nead help in goa!!!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  199
Posted : Nov 9, 2007 20:49
Hello psy ppl. At lost my dream come thry and i flying too goa at 24/12.
Soooo i nead HELP from you ppl who bean at goa!!! some deractions some edvises,prices any useful information!!!!
Thenx!!!!           Don't Wory Be Shanty!!!
IsraTrance Team

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Posts :  1362
Posted : Nov 10, 2007 22:21
Breakfast @ mango shade!           Always agressive never progressive.

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Posts :  20
Posted : Nov 11, 2007 19:46
Well maybe this web site will help you a little .

Good luck and have a nice trip in Goa.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  242
Posted : Nov 13, 2007 16:03

On 2007-11-09 20:49, Psychronick wrote:
Hello psy ppl. At lost my dream come thry and i flying too goa at 24/12.
Soooo i nead HELP from you ppl who bean at goa!!! some deractions some edvises,prices any useful information!!!!

nice to hear that....GOA...from (dec 20th -jan5th)season time.....everything is triple the rates...thats the time when GOA is filled every inch.... For PSYheads.....head to ANJUNA-"Hill top christmas and new year parties are on every year,Curlies,SHIVA-VALLEY for chillout,dolce-vita......paradiso(indoor),i dont like indoor though,especially in GOA....GET YOUR BOOKINGS DONE..or else ull find short of ull find everything everywere,all decent shacks there...which serve israili food.....GOA IS filled with tourists at that time of the year......afer jan 5th and before dec 20th....ull feel GOA IS CHEAP....HOPE IVE GIVEN SOME INFO TO HOLD ON TOO........
"aS YoU ThInK,sO YoU aRe.............."

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  242
Posted : Nov 13, 2007 16:29
and yes.....follow this thread.....

GOA THREAD IN THE INDIAN SECTION..... THIS will keep you updated on whats happening in goa..when...were??????
hope u have a nice time bro.......

"aS YoU ThInK,sO YoU aRe.............."

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  242
Posted : Nov 13, 2007 17:34

"aS YoU ThInK,sO YoU aRe.............."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  199
Posted : Nov 14, 2007 15:24
Thanx you alll!!!!!!           Don't Wory Be Shanty!!!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  242
Posted : Nov 14, 2007 15:26
Anytime brother!!!!!!!!
hope u have a nice time there.........           cOnFuSion Was Never So BeautiFul..............
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  199
Posted : Nov 15, 2007 17:47
Tell me my friend wear too stay???           Don't Wory Be Shanty!!!

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  83
Posted : Nov 20, 2007 21:47
right now Arambol beach. It's the best beach in north Goa and nowadays where there is most activity...lot of fellow israelis too, but also lot of russians. It is 20 mins from where big parties usually are, but its worth it.

You are going at a time when Goa is most expensive, so be prepared to pay between 30-80 usd per day. For bike it should cost you about 12-20 usd, depending on your choice. These things become cheaper if you are staying for long. If you are staying beyond jan 1, then make 2 prices with everyone...after jan 1 everything becomes less expensive.

          past karma is future dharma
Kalilaskov AS

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  513
Posted : Nov 21, 2007 08:09

On 2007-11-20 21:47, v.v2 wrote:
right now Arambol beach. It's the best beach in north Goa and nowadays where there is most activity...lot of fellow israelis too, but also lot of russians. It is 20 mins from where big parties usually are, but its worth it.

You are going at a time when Goa is most expensive, so be prepared to pay between 30-80 usd per day. For bike it should cost you about 12-20 usd, depending on your choice. These things become cheaper if you are staying for long. If you are staying beyond jan 1, then make 2 prices with everyone...after jan 1 everything becomes less expensive.

Yep exacly:)
About the bikes:) 12-20.but this ones for city is very nice:))
Ahhh sweet memories:)

Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Nead help in goa!!!!
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