Nano recs and Alchemy recs in mex... anyone?
Fraka Phil
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Posted : Sep 19, 2007 11:45
Greetings to all!
It has come to my mind that since i have been in Mexico i have noticed very little presence of alchemy and even more Nano. Why is this i ask myself? Is it that the mexican scene is not that intereted in these 2 magnificent psychedelic producing labels? Ist it too expensicve for promoters? Is the scene not ready for theirs sounds? I dunno.... but i would like to know ur opinions.
Thank you to all who participate in this thread and i look forward to read ur comments.
Much love and light
  You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Timothy Leary |
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 19, 2007 15:49
Fraka Phil
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Posted : Sep 19, 2007 18:21
On 2007-09-19 15:49, kin beat wrote:
well for what i know Shove* whom is also a member here is a label Dj from Alchemy Recs....
let him give us that answer....
Yes, im sure Shove will be the right person to guide us in the alchemy side of the topic. Question now is Nano...
All the best and nuch love and light
  You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Timothy Leary |
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Posted : Sep 19, 2007 19:27
hello friends!
in my opinion is beacuse the producers like the same music as allways to get more money so the same artists of compact, eskimo, etc. i would like to see rinkadink again or protoculture there is alot of good artist in those labels
thats my opinion good luck to all!
visit: |
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 19, 2007 21:48
one of the things we must consider in this matter is pretty much how those record labels are maket in our side of the planet, i think IMO that underground music will always be there for you to discover, however when you live a in a country where most of the people arent used to do so, then they will only listen to what they have available, few are those who seek and discover then show that to their friends so they appeal to dig that....
for example in the case of Guadalajara, it seems like if it was a union of workers of electronic music, where only Chemical Crew, Com Pact and Hom mega get the chace to come and play every month......
the other 15% are doing their best to bring talent from other places and labels. but thats where it colides as most of those, are people who have never done a party and there is a lack of profesionalism, therefore making the artist feel like, he never wanna come back.......
think if the labels get to find the right people to organize and throw a label party such a Nano Recs, it would be something that personally would love, think about Tristan and Protoculture along with the comercial hippies in 1 party, i d go nuts . |
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 20, 2007 00:49
The masses seem to like compact..hommega...Chemical crew or maybe its just a organizers issue..
I'd love to see Nano records artists or Neuro biotic (panick,altom) but no....i ask how many times is enough for eskimo??? bizarre contact, besides i dont like em i have to see em in every flyer., but i dont want to start bitchin'' i guess its like TV, if u dont i like certain channel u change to another. |
Shove/Teen Sluts
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Posted : Sep 20, 2007 03:18
Hi mister Fraka phil! As all of us know .. one of the main points that artist from Alchemy and Nano are not so demanded in Mexico is because many promoters actually just care to have profit in their events! So they book comercial artist to have massive parties and for sure their pockets full, i heard that many people is interested to book some nano and alchemy artist but they make their plan, start working on a project but in the end the parties just fall down and didnt happened!
About prices for sure thats not the reason .. . we cant compare how much will cost to bring gms or infected mushroom than Rinkadink and Protoculture...
Other reason i think is because most of the people didnt listen this kind of music in the parties, because most of the djs that plays in big parties in Mexico play the same stuff or music that people want to listen... so i think is a good idea to start showing to all the people that there is other option of music .. that makes you think and trip .... one of the main reasons because i like psytrance... So i hope that soon some people start thinking to have some good artist on their line up... for sure will make a difference in our parties... good music = good party ! So well work hard to get some freakers from nano and alchemy that they are really crazy to come to Mexico and have some fun .. The first one that is coming is Burn in Noise from Brasil.. one of the new alchemy artist... his live is awsome... its a MUST! . HeŽll be showing in Radiance fest 20 /10 ! ... So if anyone is interest to bring some Alchemy or Nano artist... just need to ask! |
Fraka Phil
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Posted : Sep 20, 2007 12:05
Hello everybody!!
Thanx for all ur input. I would definitely have to agree with the point of the the usual suspects... com.pact....chemicl crew.... utopia.... It seems that because promoters are just interested in money and not reall the scene it has led to a very, perhaps i may be wrong if i say this, but superficial aspect of psytrance... perhaps a more clubby, ibiza type approach...
Dont get me wrong, every person is entitled for his own taste of music and style... but it just seems that the majority of the scene is built on these sounds. Do you think the people who never heard artists from alchemy or nano would appreciate what they are hearing or understand the music itself? Perhaps there is a lack of label djs to move the music around and get bookings for events?
Mexico is a magical country, one that i have grown to love like a real mexican for its good and bad. I think that the music from these labels are perfect for the setting mexico offers. I mean picture in a nice morning sunrise with Hydrophonic or headroom or tristan or Shane gobi or shove or rinkadink or protoculture... instead of vibe tirbe, bizzare contact, perplex, etc... This amigos imho is pura cajeta!!! hehehe
But i hope to see the day that a nice festival with nano and alchemy. It would be nice to bring something refreshing to the scene and a different sound with much soul in it.
Also for those alchemy freaks out there, after Radiance festival by SOE, you can see shove at colima on the 27/10 at the Frakalaka Fest.
Much love n light!
  You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Timothy Leary |
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Posted : Sep 20, 2007 18:16
Why don't we make a wishlist of 10 labels and projects that haven't played much in Mexico and that people is dying for?
that way we can see how much demand they have and maybe we can convince some promoters to book 'em I'm sure anyone of us will be more than happy to assist those promoters
Fraka, we haven't met yet but I've heard a lot from you, best of luck with Frakalaka I'm glad that you are enjoying Mexico lindo y querido
Love and light for you all
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
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Posted : Sep 20, 2007 18:43
as i see it the problem is not with the artists or the labels, the promoters want a lot of people in their parties, and as we all know, if you put in your party names from the israeli full on, or the more famous names (talamasca, eskimo, spun records) it will sure you party with a lot of people like we all know the big parties of maia and of cookie, even the trance-it parties.
in the prog area its different, you get almost all the artists from all the labels, big and small (mostly iboga), and then you have people but not a lot, but really nice parties like from tony and mara, or vedant and odiseo.
but soon soon you will get altom in mexico and vazik is bringing silicon sound(neurobiotic).
so if you look good you will find exactly what you want, if not in DF you will find it in GDL.
3 more weeks, im coming back, see you all at the radiance, vazik i told you i will not miss this one |
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Posted : Sep 20, 2007 18:44
and shove i hope to meet you this time, dont run back to brazil again |
Shove/Teen Sluts
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Posted : Sep 21, 2007 17:22
Ill be there Razg... well blast together again! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 3, 2007 00:15
personally love nano records, alchemy, ambivalent, time code, and that stuff rocks. way more trippy than cheesy melodic stuff. i think people need to be educated in trance, or in musical in general. there is a lot of people getting into the scene that were listening to the most comecial ppopiest "musiccc" before listening to psy... if more djs played thismusic in parties, the more people will get to like this music. i always include these artists in my dj sets and never fail to set the dancefloor on fire. way better than the regular - generic trance.
i volunteer to this hard job of spreading it to the masses,,,,
Fraka Phil
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Posted : Oct 9, 2007 17:05
Hola amigos!!!
Well i think we have come to the point where it pretty much the answer speaks for itself between all who have posted.
I sincerely hope to hear more djs spinning this type of sound. Nano, Alchemy, ambivalent, nuerobiotics, etc....are by far more psychedelic then what is being played in the scene at the moment. Of course its al relative depending where u are. I hope that the people who are not familiar yet will be able to recognise and appreciate the quality sounds coming from these label.
Perhaps, who knows.... the day will come where we can have Headroom, Regan Nano, Pogo, Laughing Buddha, Protoculture,Hydrophonic, Commercial hippies, Rinkadink, Flip Flop, Touch Tone, Sketchy Pimps, Shove, Shane Gobi, Broken toy, AMD, Dickster, Tristan, Freakulizer, Hemisync, Beatnik, Allaby, Burn in noise, (which by the way is at the Radiance festival by Sounds of Earth, for those who dont know), and Zen Mechanics. I think i would be the first one to buy a ticket. hehe
Thanx to all who participated in this and for all u psychedelic lovers out there and djs, lets all do our part to help promote this sound so that when the day comes..... people are ready!
Much love and light!!
  You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Timothy Leary |