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Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Naga Helix :: 7/29 in NoCal :: Grapes Of Wrath, Bodhi, Amanda, Parus, Catalyx, Wichdokta & more
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Naga Helix :: 7/29 in NoCal :: Grapes Of Wrath, Bodhi, Amanda, Parus, Catalyx, Wichdokta & more

the dog of tears
the dog of tears

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  399
Posted : Jul 31, 2006 23:38
Excellent party, hope we have more at this ridiculous location- psy trance party on the side of the road!!! Grapes of Wrath were excellent, their live set had my soul and guts spilling out on to the dancefloor, while their dj set had me funking out like a mad monkey. Beautiful. Aaron followed up with on of the craziest sets I've heard in a while, esp. loved the new Osom tracks (everyone MUST buy Peace for the Wicked). Tom was also excellent, for me it's great to hear the dark sounds all day long.

I missed the XLR8R but I guess it was a bit warm for that any ways. The beach right by the dancefloor was also very very nice-- being right by the dancefloor, it was an excellent escape spot when I wanted to still hear the music. Oh, and the drive home was fantastic! Highway 70 is really something to be seen.

Great job Aaron and other Mindful folks, nice LA representation, awesome party!

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Posted : Aug 1, 2006 01:08
I'm tre sad I missed this one =(

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2006 01:40
I'm glad an excellent time was had. I knew it would be! I missed you guys a lot

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Posts :  499
Posted : Aug 1, 2006 03:36
wow. just wow.
i love this location.

got to hang out with Bodhi and Tom... and the Grapes (who are WAY cool)

The Grapes' set was very good, and they played some stuff I'd hoped they would, but OH MAN, Catalyx' set after sunrise was BLISTERING.

Definitely worth the 8 hr drive... I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Thanks to all who made this possible, including those who attended.

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  1075
Posted : Aug 2, 2006 21:43
absolutely a fun party, getting there at 10 am on saturday morning was a blessing because we were able to chill out in the river and spend some quality time chilling with family members from north and south.

i really enjoyed everybodies sets, i don't think i can list a best out of the bunch although seeing GOW really made my year. There's just something about hearing those tunes straight from the computer (considering that most of the labels they are released on have the WORST mastering ever....apoxina...cough cough.)

i hope there's another event here in the near future. until next time!!           We are all family. We put the fun in disfunctional.
-PsyCircle on Tribe-
- Arahat -
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  208
Posted : Aug 3, 2006 20:31
im sure it was a killer time for all of u.. i wish i could have made it also... i was looking forward for the grapes.. but it sucks we had event same day in the south.. aaron.. hope to see u all soon.. peace           Gorump Peyya - \\\"Mystery of Nitzzy\\\"
VA - \\\"No Mercy for the Weak\\\"
eniChkin - \\\"A Particle of Infinity\\\"
VA - \\\"Ten Reasons to eat dust\\\"
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Naga Helix :: 7/29 in NoCal :: Grapes Of Wrath, Bodhi, Amanda, Parus, Catalyx, Wichdokta & more
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