Myagi - 3 Years Of Sunrise - "an uplifting electronic masterpiece, 4.5/5" - dj mag
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Posted : Oct 14, 2008 01:04:48
Hello all!
Just as a quick heads up, "3 Years Of Sunrise" in CD format will be avail in physical stores and online very shortly, but is avail direct from me in the meantime, so long as you have a paypal account.
You can check the whole album here:
prices are (in canadian)
cd - 15
t shirt - 15
both plus magnet - 25
(plus shipping)
email me at myagi at myagimusic.com
Digital download wise, it is currently out at beatport as a full mix (individual tracks to follow very shortly) and at itunes as well!
on a side note, i have a new "page" at facebook which will allow you to check out lots of tunes, post photos vids etc., and loads of links and gig info. feel free to contribute if you like!
link is here:
or just look up myagi music and you'll find it!