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My Reflections / Thoughts : After Meditation


Started Topics :  37
Posts :  410
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 12:26:07
These are some of my own reflections about myself and some questions that get answered during my meditation sessions. I dont except all to agree or diagree with the following. I do know that some of these can easily be related to how you feel or what you are.

I wanted to share this as a means of passing on my own learning / reflections with like minded people here.


"Connect with Nature, connect with the living consciousness. Every little being in nature is giving us signs, trying to communicate with us, taking care of us and showing us the right way, the natural way of life. Open all your senses, drop all your fears and feel this connection. Once you connect, you will soon know your purpose and who you really are. Whats holding you back so far is YOU" - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"Suffering is inevitable only because we tend to trust our mind too much. The mind is merely a tool, a part of our physical self which will perish with time. Tune into your inner self, the atman, consciousness and embrace the universal living consciousness. These aspects are on the path of timelessness through mindlessness. Then you will realize that there is no suffering. It is merely a state of mind." - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"The most in-human beings on this planet we call earth are HUMANS in their flesh and form. Look inside yourself and you will find the most in-human you. That is also you. Accept this and acknowledge this but try to suppress this for you have a complex brain given to you with duality which also allows you to make judgments and act accordingly. Dont get caught up in using merely the facets of your false EGO." - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"Expectation and Anticipation are facets of your false ego embedded deep within your mind / sub conscious. Expect and Anticipate NOTHING. Embrace what is in FRONT OF YOU at this very moment and you will have smiles throughout your way of life. You will then learn that everything that happens is a PLEASANT event no matter what way it embraces you. YOU just have to embrace IT !!!" - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"The key to growth, the key to transcend to levels we are all capable of, the key to be happy: Mindlessness to feel selfless and timeless. The root cause of failure today is YOU. The cause of all things negative around you is also YOU. YOU who live your life based on your physical MIND living for TIME. If you want to feel and embrace happiness, first set your own MIND FREE" - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"You are and will always be on the battlefield. The battlefield of Good vs. Evil, battling duality of your own mind all the way. This is the MAHABHARATHA in you. You will always continue to act based on the current situation you are in. This is the ARJUNA in you. You can choose to connect with your inner consciousness and let it be your guide. This is the KRISHNA in you." - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"No one is perfect because perfection itself is defined by a human. However, your true inner self is perfectly balanced. Do not imitate others, dont try to fit in by being someone else, overcome your insecurity by first finding yourself. When you know yourself and have faced your worst inhibitions, nothing else will matter anymore. You are your own driver, believe in yourself." - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"When you achieve success and are at the peak of a task you just successfully accomplished, just look back at the path that got you there. You will almost always notice that the path was pains taking, back breaking path. Most importantly with your head always stooped down. Only with stooped head, broken back, tired legs, dripping sweat to a path higher will you be able to appreciate this success of reaching so far." - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"He who is true to himself and others around him may not have a bed of roses to lay on but shall have a pure and content conscience to live with which eventually paves way to happiness and mortal bliss" - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"Love is merely an emotion within every soul, it lasts till our physical body exists. We only choose to share a portion of it with strangers that come into our lives. Love as a shared feeling can shake several hands with strangers. Your conscious love will love you forever". - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"Your physical self is only a VEHICLE to exist on earth. No point in focusing on it for too long to try and BEAUTIFY it for others to see and drool over in appreciation or lust. Instead, try and find your inner self and be determined to EXCEL its bright side to YOURSELF and the BRIGHTNESS within will automatically reflect off OTHERS around you" - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"We are all just people, identities that were put on this so called earth. we have a purpose we just dont know what it is. we only believe what people want us to believe.....i chose not to!" - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"Pursue your passion with an open mind and carelessness.Share your passion with the world with pride and confidence no matter how small or basic it is.Appreciate others passion with an open mind and without bias.Smile at people that lack the trait of appreciation but excel in criticism.Do not to defend your passion against such people.In doing so,I can guarantee success will knock on your door sooner than you expect". - Swaroop Guhathakurta

"Its better to find happiness in little things in life and smile a lot more It eventually leads to contentment and very soon we will stop expecting anything from anyone or returns on an act / action by ourselves. In doing so we also will learn to eliminate all negativity that has broken mankind today and the path to self realization will pave its way eventually". - Swaroop Guhathakurta


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Cosmic Tandav

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1026
Posted : Mar 8, 2011 10:32
some nice interesting words bro..
good stuff!! 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  1465
Posted : Mar 8, 2011 16:07
My realization after 3 years of meditation:
"Everything changes" > this realization - for me - leads to everything else, no need for more words for me

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Mar 15, 2011 14:25
beautiful ideas and a wonderful conclusion           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Mar 16, 2011 01:20
Nice ones

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  249
Posted : Mar 16, 2011 08:43
very nice words
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  1465
Posted : Mar 17, 2011 00:21
Yah, I also like the realisations of Sanathana
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Mar 18, 2011 09:07
The point of light
Will make you wise
You sit upright
With your mind in sight
Quietly close your eyes
Thoughts will subside
Soon you realize
Lightness inside
Brightness outside
Colors will sparkle
Clouds will shine
Your eyes will twinkle
And you will carry a smile
after deep meditation in a traffic jam           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - My Reflections / Thoughts : After Meditation
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