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My name is Ben


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  142
Posted : Feb 22, 2011 23:50

On 2011-02-22 23:08, VJBENJAMIN wrote:

On 2011-02-22 08:21, Scatter wrote:
A sanctuary at a party? Why not have the party be the sanctuary? I feel it would be hard to keep mind altering substances "out" of a certain dedicated area at a party...meaning you'd have a hard time keeping people who were under the influence out of that area (or even know if anyone is under the influence). It seems to me that allowing people under the influence into this area would defeat the purpose of the area, which means you'd be isolating and alienating people at the same time...which might cause some problems.

I've thought about this a lot, actually. What I want to see is a dedicated party where the no substance rule is actually enforced 100% and not just posted on a flyer and sort of kept in check. A party that people go into pledging to stay sober and keep others sober. Like you said, certain substances can be a vehicle (and I'm not necessarily talking illegal ones here) for an enhanced experience, but I'm thinking if the major intention of a party were to be completely alcohol/drug free, we might see a whole new level of enhanced experience... one that relies completely on the music, the people, and the environment to transport and trance out participants without anything else "muddying up the mixture" so to speak. I think something really special could happen.

to clarify......

Anyone would be able to come into said "area" It would be suggested that no open use of chemicals in that area........I believe in this community and feel that MOST people would respect this suggestion.....

i mean, i wouldnt want to rope off an area or would mostly be a place where someone could count on some sort of support of some kind.....

I also dont think a "sober" party would work.....its not like i would expect people not in my situation to conform to me.........Im all for people enjoying this or that....wish i still could....

What so someone can't drop acid in that area but they can hang out there when they're tripping balls? Doesn't make sense.

Also, I think a sober party would work. It's not about expecting people to conform to you, it's about creating a different environment with different acceptable standards of conduct. What's wrong with rules? Every party has SOME rules usually, whether it be no glass, no pets, etc. Usually the drug rules aren't enforced as well as they could be. If a major point of the party is for it to be substance free, I don't even think things would really have to be "enforced" per say. I think there would just need to be some dissuading of people to not come who really need to be on something to have a good time, and if they did come, there could be promotion from the organizers, djs, artists, etc. to not use make those people feel in the minority. Instead of it being ok to just do it anyway, there could be a feeling that it really isn't ok. I think all it would take would be the leaders of the community setting this example and following through. I'm not talking about a "drugs are bad" approach here, just a "hey, let's not use drugs or get drunk at this party" approach.  

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  37
Posted : Feb 23, 2011 01:32


What so someone can't drop acid in that area but they can hang out there when they're tripping balls? Doesn't make sense.

I do understand what you are saying here.....My thinking is that the same situation would apply as you where saying about a completely sober party.....My thinking is that someone "tripping balls" is not want to hang out in an area that is occupied by folks trying to be in a safe environment for people with issues with would be a respect thing.....Yeah, some folks might stumble up for a free drink and that woud be fine.....Im just thinking about creating a common meeting point for people with issues such as my earlier described points....

At the recovery meetings I go to, we dont kick people out for coming high or drunk as long as they are not acting disrespectful.....

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  142
Posted : Feb 23, 2011 02:07

On 2011-02-23 01:32, VJBENJAMIN wrote:


What so someone can't drop acid in that area but they can hang out there when they're tripping balls? Doesn't make sense.

I do understand what you are saying here.....My thinking is that the same situation would apply as you where saying about a completely sober party.....My thinking is that someone "tripping balls" is not want to hang out in an area that is occupied by folks trying to be in a safe environment for people with issues with would be a respect thing..

Exactly. I want to experience a substance free psytrance party someday. Just once. I just want to see what it's like where NO ONE is on anything other than the music. Might just be wishful thinking, unfortunately. Maybe I'll eventually be able to throw one myself. Here's to hoping. *raises glass of grape juice*  

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  2094
Posted : Feb 23, 2011 18:34
It's not going to happen. There's no way to "enforce" that type of rule. What are you going to do? Kick the fucked up kids out of the party and force them to drive home? How responsible would that be as an organizer or even more so as a HUMAN?

People get twisted, it's always nice for there to be an area where the kids who get overstimulated can go to seek assistance during rough experiences. Having it be facilitated by a sober person is the best way to have this done...and excluding use of anything in that area is a highly respectable request.

Yes, while the idea is nice, it's not very practical to this environment.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  370
Posted : Feb 23, 2011 20:53
I think something like this could be done but the organizers would have to do a lot of ground work. Think of a smaller more intimate gathering. I think if you truly worked with intention and found a way to 'market" this type of gathering you could do it. Remember though it all starts with the organizers 1st. All the normal "ideas" of a psytrance gathering are now gone. It would be up to you to set that foundation and put the intention and energy into something like this.

I have a friend who does something kind of similar to this down in Austin. No alcohol is allowed inside and they prefer no substances. However they do have a raw food restaurant come in and they sell raw organic chocolates and lots of healthy yummy stuff for the body! talk about getting HIGH! lol Makes you feel super yummy and then dance the night and morning away..           Jessica

Atrium Obscurum Add me on facebook at
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  370
Posted : Feb 23, 2011 21:08
BTW I think as a community we should ALL be there to help people out if needed. That might be someone processing some major stuff on psychedelic trip or someone losing their self on a psychedelic trip. Or that might mean helping someone out that has fought addiction and they feel like they might possibly use. Of course there is always personal responsibility but if someone approached me with this issue I would be there to support them and talk to them 100%. I look at this community as family and it's a beautiful thing when we can come together and help each other with no judgement..           Jessica

Atrium Obscurum Add me on facebook at
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 23, 2011 23:52

On 2011-02-19 04:37, VJBENJAMIN wrote:

Pauldo, Hey whats up man, good to hear from you. Ill let Jen know you said Hi, I wonder if Ana remembers Madusa......and her nipples lol.

I brought Medusa over to my sisters to show her after I finished it and she caught my 5yo nephew just sitting in front of her and tweaking away. Funny!

Did you ever get to see her finished? Here's a link:
moondog rain

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Posts :  1
Posted : Mar 7, 2011 16:08
Why not a Drug Free Party? well if you must associate alchohol and drugs with the word Party..
why not eliminate the word and refer to it as a gathering???... Im new to Trance and in all my experiences with the music, the video, and my own spiritual journey, I have enjoyed all parties I have attended without the use of drugs.. My whole experience with parties has come from a friendship made with someone who has offered Sanctuary at parties for decades. I now help him set up at parties and maintain the alter I attend and pray for all the attendies that they too can learn to enjoy trance without drugs. When I get noticed for praying etc... I get the chance to talk
to the people who notice what Im doing making a difference? I don't know but definately planting
seed for thought to these people. Good luck on your journey with addictions...
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Mar 7, 2011 21:27

On 2011-03-07 16:08, moondog rain wrote:
Why not a Drug Free Party? well if you must associate alchohol and drugs with the word Party..
why not eliminate the word and refer to it as a gathering???...

Where music happens, drugs of one type or another inevitably follow, whether alcohol, caffeine, or LSD.

This is in no small part due to the fact that musicians have difficulty getting paid for the music and have to rely on getting a cut of drug sales to survive.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  242
Posted : Mar 20, 2011 03:14

On 2011-03-07 16:08, moondog rain wrote:
Why not a Drug Free Party? well if you must associate alchohol and drugs with the word Party..
why not eliminate the word and refer to it as a gathering???... Im new to Trance and in all my experiences with the music, the video, and my own spiritual journey, I have enjoyed all parties I have attended without the use of drugs.. My whole experience with parties has come from a friendship made with someone who has offered Sanctuary at parties for decades. I now help him set up at parties and maintain the alter I attend and pray for all the attendies that they too can learn to enjoy trance without drugs. When I get noticed for praying etc... I get the chance to talk
to the people who notice what Im doing making a difference? I don't know but definately planting
seed for thought to these people. Good luck on your journey with addictions...

some people associate drugs and alcohol with the words Sunday, Monday-Friday morning and night and lets say maybe just maybe they are no more right or wrong then the sober ones. sobriety can and is as religion just as much of a crutch as drugs and alcohol

@moondog rain
thank you very much for the prayers please keep them coming but don't you think that maybe just maybe your prayers should be for our safety and blessed journey not that we shouldn't be doing something?

it's really nice to hear that you have had great experiences coming into the scene and you have found "a" way but you aren't at all a little curious and open to other ways? and let me make this 100% clear I'm not saying use drugs. some people need to stay 200% away it's just better that way. I don't like beans in my burrito but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get some beans. people need to stay TRUE TO SELF.

I do not have a drug problem never have and really don't do drugs I do burn daily and maybe I like to hang out with a fun guy in the morning (non gay read between the lines for the squares) and maybe drink the holy nectar here and there (but to be honest I per fur silence and non-party setting for the juice sometimes)anyway I'm not an addictive person and I stay far away from the things that rob you of life meth/crack etc.

I'm in no way making light of this post or your issue Ben first off good job on realizing what you need to do and having the balls to do so. I don't have a problem with drugs but I still have a monkey on my back I will share this (haven't really with anyone)I struggle with suicide like no tomorrow hahaha no pun intended but yeah anyway we all have issues that need to be dealt with and it sounds like you are on path please stay there and bring joy to your life and the world.

@the world just be yourself and do what you do and stop worrying so much about other people and what other people are doing please people.

Ben if you need to stay away stay way if you want to gather in a certain way then create it and it will role out how it will. just don't be upset if it's you and six other people, you 7 should get down and enjoy how ever you like.

Shit I would love to see more ribs and hot links at parties but all I get is tofu unless I bring the meat myself and I know there are more of you out know you wants some ribs hahahaha I'll eat the fuck out of a pig mid day at a party with some fresh psyprog in the background, tall can in hand and spliff to wash it all down to me that sounds like a great day. doesn't mean vegans shouldn't come share my spliff and enjoy some good times I'm just soooo damn lovable for you to worry about what I'm ingesting.

much love and respect to you all
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  242
Posted : Mar 20, 2011 03:34

This is in no small part due to the fact that musicians have difficulty getting paid for the music and have to rely on getting a cut of drug sales to survive.

Really dude you really don't think this sends the wrong message to the world for promoters and organizers? kind of off the wall wouldn't you say
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  438
Posted : Mar 20, 2011 15:27
I really do like the idea of this substance free party. For one, if advertiszed properly as being serious, then you will have a great ime because all of the people will be there specifically for the music that they love.

I was addicted to oxycontin and heroin for 3 years. And I went to parties during that time, which were fun and it's a safe place to be messed up at a party. But looked down upon for doing those drugs, but I didn't really have a choice. And I've been to plenty of parties sober, and I have enjoyed myself just as much, if not longer.

But if you're going to throw a substance free party, the lineup would have to be pretty nice for it to stay that way. I've been to parties sober where the music wasn't particularly good in New York, which was fun but if the music isn't good enough to sustain your attention, then something else would end up being searched for to boost the attention levels. For me, parties were never a trigger for wanting to use, but the readily availability of drugs in my presence is too hard to pass up sometimes.

Good luck ben!!
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