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--> Music Review Guidelines EDITED PLEASE READ

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Jun 10, 2007 15:40
These are some suggestions on how to make reviews more informative and specially on how to reply on this section.

There are no rules to write reviews, it is a subjective thing. However information about the label, the artists involved, the cover art design, the track list, the bpms, the booklet and placing links to online stores where people can listen to the samples and actually buy the CD can make reviews more informative and help people interested in the music to discern between what they're more likely to like or not.

Reviewers should express their honest opinion and point positive aspects of the CD as well as any negative aspect with education and in a constructive way. Sometimes saying how the music makes you feel is better than the description of the music itself.

It's important that the reviewer own the original CD.
mp3 is inferior compared to the full quality CD and doesn't bring important information that can only be found inside the booklet, thus reviews based on .mp3 are not allowed.

Artists are not allowed to post reviews about their own releases, for this purpose we have the Promotional Sections. Also only the person who actually wrote the review is allowed to open a thread with it.

When commenting a review, please give your honest opinion. Try to be informative and constructive. If you don't like a review but still feel like writing something about it do that in a polite and constructive way, for example comparing the CD with others on the same style or by the same artists, or highlighting the aspects that made you not like it.

Labels, artists and their friends are not allowed post meaningless comments on their own threads. They're welcome to comment the review, answer questions and post aditional information about the release. Posting empty comments just to bump their threads, give thanks after each reply or make exclusively promotional posts are not allowed.

Enjoy the reviews.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Oct 26, 2007 16:34
I just wanted to ask again to refrain from posting "good luck X, killer album" and to try and post more actual reviews with words and sentences. Thanks in advance, the management.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - --> Music Review Guidelines EDITED PLEASE READ
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