Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine
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Posted : Aug 8, 2011 00:15
MultiBand Compressor is great tool but you should know how work with (Theres many ways do things right and at the same time many ways to do things wrong) . Did't understand from your post why you need to use it on the mix , why you do so and what you trying to get ? . I didt understand from your post if you realy produce your music or just mixing music (When this is nice - But when you mix you dont need nothing but your ears) , Mixing work has nothing to do with MultiBand Compressore and made after the all process alreay done , Sounds (Each one in your project) alreay got his effects and those , So i realy dont get what you are trying to do , So please make all more clear so we could write you more specific when we know what you realy do or need . Look , I use MB Compressore on 90% of my sounds (But you should not take me as example because im a compulsive/Almost 'Slave' to this and i dont know how i live without - Just love it ! And i dont think its damage the sound , Not at all , Its inverse for sure) Now .. (And i back for the first word's i have wrote in here) - Its all depending of your work , Out side live tools , And then you just want take 1 sound or few and put them in Thats fine too (I dont know i read you looking for an outside MB when you have it in your producing program already as a standard , Cubase/Nuendo - Dont know about others) . Pls write here more details so may we can help you more (I understand your point of view but also want to understant for what the use and how you work so may can help you get there and fix those thing for you - Here by giving you some tips - But for this i need to know more things if you know what i mean - Put one of your track/Song here or somthing , I dont know , 'Edge of string' Because i dont like write/Talk in the air .. Must hear) . Now .. If the sounds already got compressors at the process of produce so why put it again on the mix .. You crazy ? You want kill the sound ? - The dominant sounds , (Usualy BassKik) in your music will be sound strong and others (Hh Loops ,Percussions , Atmospheres and mellos will disappear (Its already good so why to destroy ? Why ? Tell me .. , Cant understand that , Realy)
So im expecting from you to be more clear and let us know what you want to do And what you want to get ..