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MP3 vs. WAV which is better? stop the talk! - SHOWDOWN - Are you up for a test?


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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 19:44

On 2009-09-10 19:30, Loopfreaks/Electrofreaks wrote:
Of course people can’t hear the difference on their bad soundcard on their computer. But test it on a prober rig used at prober parties and you'll notice the difference.

with all due respect, but that is nonsense.

You are talking as if PAs would be high end speakers. A fine pair of HiFi speakers easily sounds better than most rigs. on most PAs (especially those at psytrance parties) the difference is even smaller. The definition needed to show the difference can almost not be achieved with a speaker for high volumes.

Furthermore I've done blind tests with friends here with professional gear from soundcard to speakers. noone could identify the 320kbps so far.           Most of my music for you to download at:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2009 20:32
but if you listen to a track very loud you can judge it better imo..many people produce and even master at low volumes thus if it gets played loud you hear how actualy the mixing / processing sucks..

i know it has nothing to do with mp3 vs wav actualy..

and yea..i ment the illegal ones many dj use to play sadly..          -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
The Chilling Spirit

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 09:56
Arrgh, 320kbps MP3 was bloat, is still bloat and will always be bloat. Use -V 0 instead or a better codec (Ogg Vorbis).

I do not like buying lossy music because than I cannot encode it into other formats without losing a considerable chunk of quality.

People who provide 320kbps MP3 have no understood how it works or try to sell snake oil. 

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  1033
Posted : Sep 11, 2009 11:36

On 2009-09-11 09:56, The Chilling Spirit wrote:
Arrgh, 320kbps MP3 was bloat, is still bloat and will always be bloat. Use -V 0 instead or a better codec (Ogg Vorbis).

I do not like buying lossy music because than I cannot encode it into other formats without losing a considerable chunk of quality.

People who provide 320kbps MP3 have no understood how it works or try to sell snake oil.

The reason why I dont use VBR 0 is because some mp3 players use more battery to decode them and some don't even play them or tend to glitch. But Assuming the grafic from your link is correct you are right, in that case the gain in quality for a 320kbps doesn't justify the gain of file size. I didn't know that.           Most of my music for you to download at:
The Chilling Spirit

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 22:17
Oh, I did not know (or forgot) that. Suddenly it makes a bit sense. Dang. 
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 23:43
OGG Vorbis has a big flaw and that's that no one has made a decoder with a proven upper bound on memory usage, so it's possible that some .ogg files couldn't be played on a given player due to not enough ram.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 12, 2009 00:41
But yes the best argument for not using lossy codecs is that each time you encode you lose *more* data.

Ex: you can't make a DJ mix out of .mp3 files and then encode it into .mp3 without noticible quality loss. You can't use .mp3 drum samples in a track and then encode the track into .mp3, etc...

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Posted : Sep 13, 2009 12:25
@ SCM -

thanks for doing this

I've been listening on a pretty nice blue sky 2.1 monitor setup and I'm having some trouble confidently picking out anything but the 128 - which is pretty much what I expected. Nothing like some good solid scientific investigation to stamp out some of the elitist wankery many of us tend to exhibit from time to time

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Sep 14, 2009 14:49
i made my vote and posted IM to you SCM.

again most my problem is that when saying mp3 i dont hate the fomat (i use it too for demo and internet) but i say you do lose something , and in most cases its bad encoded and illeagal so its better to stay safe , and if you ask money for your sets then buy some cds.

there is so much pro why to play originals as dj and so many cons to play mp3. simple. no need to be snob to know that. just like you dont open movie theater with your downloded screener. if thats the quality you prefer enjoy alone at home.
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Sep 14, 2009 17:14
i've just noticed on a small party i played, one of the djs payed burned audio cds with mp3 files, the sounds are not bad quality, but they need a better eq on the mixer then the wav ones, they loose their power on the bassline and add too much noise on the high tones.           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 16:19
did the test, was pretty confident about answers for everything cept 320 and wav, which i wasn't 100% on. did you get these test files straight from cd tho? cos comparing all of the wavs to other cds i had none sounded as 'bright', and i think if better source files were used the difference would have been more noticeable, in the high end at least. there were also a few pops and audio glitches in the files.

easiest to tell the difference was in the alternative pop ones i found, cos the production was better then the electronic type stuff.

possible to pm answers?
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Sep 15, 2009 17:14
count the delays at the domestic track , i think that was the one that open my eyes. (its the fullon track)
listen carefully wich file has the delays (around 0:10) more bright and last longer or atleast stay more apearnt i know its 'small' details but thats where the quality comes.. also listen to the piano and voal very carefull (high end) and also count in your 'instinct'.. some freqs we can feel but not hear.
the 128 sound very dull thats for sure , if anything make sure it is good rip and better also leagal one. and never re-compress. dont use mp3 as video sountrack that you gonna re-export. dont mix mp3 and export the entire mix as mp3 , thats the main issues on the technical side.


Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 11:53
pops and glitches? better sourcefiles than the original CDs?
Anyone else noticed pops and glitches?

Anyways:           Most of my music for you to download at:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 12:06
there was a pop noise during the alternative pop track, right after the vocal comes in i think. that's why i was just checking if they came straight from cd. anyway, i managed to correctly identify each of the different bitrates + wav it seems. i was however listening to them on a pair of monitors that retail at $5000 and a $2000 interface so i would hope to be able to tell the difference
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - MP3 vs. WAV which is better? stop the talk! - SHOWDOWN - Are you up for a test?
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