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Mp3! The future? Yes or No?


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  82
Posted : Apr 3, 2004 07:59
4 points:

1) mp3 is not the future. It is an old technology now. One or more lossless formats will become the standard.

2) Downloading is here to stay. It will become more legitimate as more sites which are sanctioned by artists/labels start to "sell" digital tracks.

3) Labels should start focusing more on producing a "product" - eg with additional artwordk, or embrace the DVD-audio and video standard and produce in 5.1 surround, with visual additions.

4) Labels should focus more on making each track on the CD a killer. This helps remove the problem of only finding 2-3 good tracks on a CD, which encouranges illegal downloading.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2004 08:50
The trance scene is a two-headed beast. If Son Kite were making basically any other form of electronic music, they would not be playing in front of ecstatic crowds of thousands. So the big questions: Why can a Son Kite live set bring them indescribable joy, but a Son Kite cd sell only 4.000 copies over two-three years? Or, Why can Solstice get 10.000 people to come a party in the same location with the exact same line-up year after year, but not move 10.000 units of its extremely well-promoted and well-produced releases? The answer is obvious: the experience of this music is in the party. This is what makes it special, this is what people want. Bottom-line: The best dance music makes you dance like a lunatic. And when you can share that experience with other dancing lunatics, the whole crazy world seems to make sense for a few brief hours, or for a few brief days. The home experience is simply a distant shadow cast in the mind by experiences on the dance floor.......In conclusion, I think everyone has to come to peace with the unfair nature of the economics of this business. If not, you'll just go mad with frustration. The era of sustainable cd sales in this market are numbered, but there are incredible moments still out there. Money might be hard to come by, but learning experiences + personal connections + emotional catharses are always waiting around any corner. Analyze the situation rationally (admit that people are not going to stop downloading, and they are not always going to buy the best music, and that for every one who appreciates your hard work there are five who want to rip you off), and then make your choice--in or out? It sucks when your parade gets rained on. But it's self-defeating getting hostile with the clouds. Rainclouds are a given, just like markets and human nature. Get wet, or look for shelter elsewhere. It's up to you. Where do you want to be?

Taken from the article:

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 22:57
Yes ?
Krono Psy

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Posted : Dec 18, 2009 01:49
for people who doesn`t dj and just wanna listen at home i think mp3 is gd enough but for djing wav is the stuff that does it gd...

but overall as a label manager dj and producer fck mp3 hehehe

wav the wholle way           KRONO_PSY/ICCRecs/LYCANTROP Recs

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  84
Posted : Dec 24, 2009 22:15
If someone wants to earn money from producing music, go mainstream. It's as simple as that.

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Posted : Dec 24, 2009 23:00
^ Not true. There are plenty of independent artists who are not "mainstream" making decent money. The problem is, when artists rely too much on music sales itself. There are artists who sell peanuts in terms of recorded music, but create a comfortable living for themselves from live performances, merchandise and the likes. To add to that, keep in mind "mainstream" music isn't easy to make. It comes to some, it doesn't to others; so, it isn't as simple as go mainstream. Also, many non-mainstream artists lack any business acumen, have no idea how to market themselves; so how the hell will they make money? Putting your music out there isn't good enough for the world to beat a path to your door.

With regard to the topic, the future isn't necessarily MP3 or any other format. Different segments of the music buying market (as limited as it is) have different needs. Yes, the skateboarder who grinds around with an iPod is happy with 128 Kbps Mp3, but not necessarily audiophiles, DJs, producers etc.

Topic closed.

Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 07:59
I think this debate is never ending...
Personally, i would like to see how many people can differentiate between. a 320 kbps mp3 or a wav, on a decent sound system....

320 may have a slight loss in quality, but i guess its good as playing a Wav... this is from my experience playing at some soundsystems. I heard that, somebody like a Ritchie Hawtin also plays 320.....

Beat that??

Demoniac Insomniac

Started Topics :  85
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Posted : Dec 25, 2009 12:51
i use mp3 only if i dont have any other source, 99% of the dj sets are wav tracks, mp3 music often sounds to me like the bpm is not the sime +- 0.5 bpm change, the kick sounds more pitchier, u don't have the warm bass, and the high freq kills your ears           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 25, 2009 16:37
the future will be decided by the many , not the few , and the many have decided , mp3 are pure awesomeness , and that u can get all the music free just adds to that awesomeness

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  84
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 17:00

On 2009-12-24 23:00, bbgun wrote:
^ Not true. There are plenty of independent artists who are not "mainstream" making decent money.

It's not what I meant. I just find laws, copyrights and commercialization of this scene being against the true spirit of Goa, hippies and psychedelic experience altogether. For me, this scene always was about "letting go", "non-attachment", "anti-consumerism" and "spirituality". When I see artists complaining because their expectations wasn't been met what else can I say? Go mainstream. Sharing your music for free should be mandatory in this scene. Making one life-changing trip is worth way more then let's say... 10 bucks?

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  741
Posted : Dec 26, 2009 09:25
I understand your point of view. But, there are artists who are working on psytrance full-time to delight your ears. While this scene maybe about letting go, non-attachment, anti-consumerism, and spirituality to you, it doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else. Frankly, I'm not very amused by this whole hippiness. In fact, most things evolve from their "true spirit"; change is only inevitable. And, I think it's just absurd to say "Sharing your music for free should be mandatory in this scene."

Also, I understand the value of a life-changing trip and I won't undervalue it. But it's for artists to decide whether or not that's more valuable than ten bucks or not.

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  84
Posted : Dec 26, 2009 17:58
True, change is inevitable... and it's also true that means of music distribution and even the whole idea of intellectual property are challenged. Few members of Pirates' Party have been elected to the European Parliament and it's a clear sign of those changes. I believe in free culture and - with my anarchistic background - I see this whole "pirating" as an evolution. It's obvious that every change cause painful reactions (like frustration or anger) in people attached to dying forms of social conduct. The truth is that the only way to get rid of so-called piracy is to control Internet and put people in jail.

What makes me wonder is that the whole idea of piracy has change a lot during last two decades. Previously sharing cassettes and copying new music was socially approved and no one was challenging that. It's the corporations that lobbied for new laws and spent huge sums of money to launch "anti-pirate" propaganda. How can I treat with seriousness complaining artists when I know that their frustration isn't caused by someone downloading his music but by forms of behavior that were born out of plain greed? There's many more questions and answers when it comes to "piracy". Even arguments that piracy has contributed to the downfall of music industry is debatable.

I'm starting to do some DJing so I'm buying some CDs just for the quality of music and to support artists. But this whole war against piracy on this forum makes me wonder: why? If someone is downloading non-free content from Internet... so? Does anyone feel better when he unleashes his frustration on someone else? No. It's pointless and it spoils good atmosphere in this scene.
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