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Mp3! The future? Yes or No?


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  226
Posted : Mar 22, 2004 08:44
say ...cut the middle men out ...cuz of them the prize increases and the consumer suffers ...reach out directly to ppl .....and like the stock market ....artists should collectively make a website and sell their stuff there .....for so long if artists have been manipulated...this way they get a chance to manipulate what is rightly theirs ......but there r too many loop holes in this.....also record companies try to cover there losses by charging us the extra $ 5/10 .....copy rights have become a joke ......

or a simple thing is BARTER .....FREE TRADE......but with entry fees .....and amount of that will go to the artists....           I'm tripping on this KILLER drug these days -HOOCH.....

Started Topics :  12
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Posted : Mar 22, 2004 11:42
forget about the money for one second.

People who make trance music spent years to learn how to adjust the frequencies so that sound gets fatter, and with mp3 you just cut off half of those frequencies.

People can hear the difference between original cd and mp3, especially if its played on big (loud) soundsystem. I know I can.

So, it's not just stealing music, its disrespecting the artists by destroying their music with cutting the frequencies and lowering the sound quality.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 22, 2004 12:55
Mp3 won't be the future - as I said, .ape gives you 100% losless compression, the EXACT same quality as a CD. It's a matter of time before people replace .mp3 with a newer standard, just like VCD was replaced with DivX. And then no one will bitch about quality. Is there a way to stop file sharing? I doubt it. Traders always find a way to make themselves feel good about having loads of new shit that no one else has. Worst case - it'll go back to be a bit more underground (no massive filesharing software, but still with private FTPs and stuff). 

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Posts :  57
Posted : Mar 24, 2004 19:14

People can hear the difference between original cd and mp3, especially if its played on big (loud) soundsystem. I know I can.

In fact, you probably can't. But download WinABX and try it for yourself.
E-Watt Records
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 24, 2004 19:32
Beru777 this only opens *.wav files no?           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."

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Posted : Mar 24, 2004 20:07
I think that downloading music and paying for it is the way forward. Bcoz there is no pysical object to make, everything will b cheaper. The web shops won't have any massive overheads to pay for, like normal record stores . Consumers will b happy bcoz it will b alot cheaper, artists and labels will b happy bcoz they get their money.

Maybe the download sites could let u download the artwork as well?

Is it just me, or have CDs got way too overpriced? No wonder so many people download it.


Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Mar 24, 2004 20:09
In UK the prices are overpriced indeed. The prices in Twisted site are outrageous.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Evil Doctor Inc
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  41
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Posted : Mar 24, 2004 21:59
mp3 is outdated

would a stock broker put his money in Iron/Steel/widgets
probably not there is no future in it.

the future is dvd quality
one step higher more info/cd
more tracks/cd
super quality/ track

Mp3 is for music collectors
phat or Wave is for music lovers

do the math


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  226
Posted : Mar 24, 2004 22:16
ppl will always opt for things that r readily available ....i.e is easy to get and "freely" available

now i know that i can get movies in less than 600mb and in super quality ...but then there aren't enough ppl selling/trading those ...hence i have to go for vcds .....same applies with music i guess....

and mp3s r for music collectors ....rightly said ....but when we start getting bigger
(in space) HDDs ppl will definately opt for nicer quality .....

right now i/we may crib about the system .....but the opinions change when i/we become a part og the system....

          I'm tripping on this KILLER drug these days -HOOCH.....
mono mono

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  314
Posted : Mar 24, 2004 22:40
As far as DJ's getting the "latest unreleased" music is concerned.

Most professional DJ's have aminiable relationships with the artists. The DJ wants the latest tracks, the artist wants opinions from the DJ and crowd response. It's not uncommon for artists to send tracks (CDR via snail, or, mp3 via internet) to DJ's. Most of the DJ's I know are very protective over material I send them- not that i'm some hot commondity, it's still appreciated. They usually get preliminary versions.

As far as music distribution is concerned:

There ~will be~ two types of music buyers: most people (in developed nations) will probably download music, for free or fee, instant gratification. The other type of buyer is interested in the actual packaging and considers the artwork to be, Not unlike vinyl collectors. These will be far fewer in number. Oh, then there's the third, "the classic buyer", a dying breed. These are people like my mother who randomly buy a "Love Songs for Lovers" collection. Of course, there other subsets, like people who don't have broadband internet access will still use the old channels. And in 'third world' areas, they'll buy pirates from the streets...usually pop, hip-hop, and rap. That's where the cassette market is still thriving.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 21:31
well, i think the main problem is the quality, if you use your mp3 tracks for home listening, no problem!!, but some people play this tracks in parties, and this is not good, the quality is not the same than the originals or a good audio copy, this is the thing, maybe for domestic use is ok , but never for profesional use.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  2014
Posted : Mar 31, 2004 15:09
I can clearly hear the difference between cd-audio and mp3. Anything under 192 kbps is way lesser quality in sound than cd-audio. Just check the basslines and hi-hats. Listen real well and play an mp3 and then the cd-audio variant. Hear it?? Well, I know I can, so I'm sticking with cd's... (Until another media comes along, like dvd ofcourse)           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2004 03:54
the true like it or not is that mp3 is the better way to expand music and most of the trance producers have to thanks mp3 is seels because i already download mp3 and then buy the originals .also a funny thing is people saying that mp3 is illegal yeahp trance partys are full of illegal drugs and no one talks against it most every one uses them without care about the people that works almoust in slavery conditions in bolivia and peru and afganistan but no they are worried with the sales of artist that are with is pockets full of playing mp3 only in free partys because if whe are paying in a party whe want quality.but lets face it almoust every one downloads .besides i dont have money to order 1 cd in every to weeks i wish i suport the thing the best i could but who suports me.ofcourse the original sounds a lot of better

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Posted : Apr 2, 2004 12:04
I just hope that the quality will become better.

First we had Vinyl with great quality, then CD with already lesser quality then Vinyl, now mp3 ???

I am looking and hoping for DVD quality - 24 bit 48k.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2004 12:13
WAV was past and WAV is future.

Wave rules.

at present for downloading stuff over internet mp3 rules
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