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Mp3! The future? Yes or No?

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 14:27
That's Utopia mate.... There will always be tons of peer to peer sharing on networks shared by friends..... I dont see any solution in the near future... sadly.
You also forget a very important thing called promotion and marketing... just tell me how a small artist is going to promote himself without any money online? He/she will drown in the sea of the well-off artists/labels and endless new releases daily. It's not as simple as you put it...

i doubt that many but the top 50 artists will see much traffic on their personal webshops (if they decide to try that out) and I doubt that many of them will be able to compete in the established shops. It still take clever and professional promotion to capture customers and sell music !
14-year old e-tard
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 14:33
Yes, but the situation will get better. Just because there is no easy way out of this today, does not mean that we should stop trying to make things better for the future and digital downloads are a good measure against these problems.           Me>You
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 14:45
You stil forget people's attitude. The attitude with many of the people today and many years ahead will in my opinion be:

"Why pay for anything you can get fo free"

"We are intitled to take what we want - it's our right "

ect. ect.

Sorry but I am not as optimistic as you are. People's moral and ethics have simply change over the last 10 years and today many people - especially younger ones, no offense, they are just more frequent on the internet than older people - with exceptions - see it as their right to take whatever they want - for free! They just dont see that it's wrong because they dont feel they do anything wrong or illegal behind their screens and therfore they see it as a total normal thing to do. I seriously doubt the behaviour will change for many years to come... Especially as the internet and connections get faster and faster....
14-year old e-tard
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 14:58
Once the digital download shops get established and zillions of spoof tracks get on the net, it will be harder to find mp3s that sound good (even listenable) for free. I am positive that a lot of people will change their minds since their favourite track will be a couple of clicks and seconds away. No extra paying for postage/waiting for the mail to arrive, no buying the whole album/compilation for only one track that you like and a legal and pristine quality copy of your favourite track at a price that even more people can afford.
The temtations to turn good again will be to big to ignore. Yes people that are d*ckheads will still do it, but as you said people's ethics have changed over the last years, these services will give people a push to change again for the better.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 15:33
Let's start with this: mp3 is shit compression. It's old news that .ogg is better (even though it never caught on), let alone losless compressions like .ape - eventually the standard will be replaced - so, NO, it's not here to stay. As with old file formats, anyone notice how fast video formats are changing, as before them protocols, drivers and technologies that seemed that there's no way that we'll live without them are suddenly just useless - from 5.25" floppies (soon also the smaller ones we use), the 'imaginary' 640kb ram limit, and so on.

In short, we had this discussion something like 4381265 times. None of us are prophets here, we can only assume that trends will develop. 
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 16:35 my humble opinion...i think the future of music will b some kind of format like mp3´s...(not mp3´s)but surely it is the future!it will always exist vynil and cd´s but the future is some format like mp3´s...
well, i have 2 opinions...
the first is...if u download it 2 hear if it is good, or 2 home listening...well why not download it...or pay 2 downbload it(let´s say an euro 4 a trak, it´s not expensive)
the second is...if u are a professional dj, and u are paied 2 play in a party, well u must ensure u have a quality trak´ point of view....
but the way the world is walking nowadays...the future will b a format like mp3´s...more easy 2 carry, instead of cd´s or vynil´s....           ...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 17:49

it will be harder to find mp3s that sound good (even listenable) for free.

99% of mp3s out there are of shite quality - if not musically, then mastering-wise. The great catch here is that little prefix - "unr." It's the best marketing tool - you can be the "only one" to have this track, and it almost doesn't matter if it's not any good.

EP - I don't think it'll be hard to convince most people to pay a few bucks for a good-quality (320 or vbr mp3 or better) download version of an album, or especially if they can pick and choose 10 tracks to make their own compilation for, say, 5-7 bucks. A lot of people out there DO understand, and they DO want to support the artists. That task should be made easier, though.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2004 10:13

MP3 - PSYCHEDELIC SILENT KILLER           Trancelucent Productions
Boa Distribution
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2004 11:12
look guys to buy cds u know u need money ..........the reason why ppl download mp3s nowdays is because we dont have the money to keep buyin originals...........and in one cd usually out of say 10 tracks 3-4 are worth buyin...........i hope u get my point its not about mp3 its about money.........i love the music but i dont have the money it takes to buy cds so i eventually resort to mp3s.............but if a album is really good i would buy the cd...........

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Posted : Feb 23, 2004 19:52

Efficient DRM functionality ? isn't that an oxymoron ?
E-Watt Records

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Posted : Feb 23, 2004 20:36
What about shn and flac formats?

Any opinions?           "One nation under a groove".

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Posted : Feb 23, 2004 22:31
On 2004-02-23 20:36, technoid wrote:
"What about shn and flac formats?

Any opinions?"

Yes, we did some tests with Toï Doï. All the lossless codecs provide nearly the same compression, about 35 to 40% smaller than wav (as an indication 320kbps MP3s are 74% smaller than wav).

Given the current price of storage and bandwidth, it's not a viable solution yet.           Beru
E-Watt Records

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Posted : Mar 22, 2004 00:16
in the uk, whats annoying is that the governments try and bring psy trance down, stop our parties, complaining about the loud noises and repetitve beats..... yet they are happy to tax us and our music.
the music industry maginalise us yet steal our beats and sounds... remixes them and make loads of cash.
to add insult to injury in order for a club to play music it must have correct licences ... some of the cash goes which goes to government departments the rest of which goes to the record companies.... mostly the big ones. after this if any of the smaller record labels cannot prove a claim for the rest of the cash, then it is distibuted back to larger companies.
what we should be doing is publishing our playlists, and venues, then submitting a copy back to the club, they in turn send this back to music licences, which proves our music as being valid, then some cash will go back to our favourite labels.
moaning about mp3s will solve the problems, we should make the dj's work harder for the artist and do the paperwork!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 22, 2004 00:19
the future would be MP4 or MP5 but thanks to some asshole capitalist companies we still don't have a MP3PRO in a higher bitrate...           DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  44
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Posted : Mar 22, 2004 05:48
itune users (of apple) have downloaded more than 50 million tracks in the US alone.....isn't this a good enough proof that the digital download age is gonna rule in the future?
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Mp3! The future? Yes or No?
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