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Mp3! The future? Yes or No?

Goa Constrictor

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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 01:52
I have noticed that mp3 is a very intresting subject in many trance forums. Most people in the forums are against the downloading, especially the DJs.
What also is very intresting is that psytrance and heavymetal are the most popular indiependent musicstyles to download.
Its also very intresting that most DJs now adays have soooo much new and unreleased music (see the top10).
So who are all these people that download mp3 psytrance? Anyone in this forum?
Cut the bullshit:
Most DJs (if you dont have your own label or if you are a big name) play mp3s in their sets!
And most people who likes psytrance (everyone in this forum) downloads it.
Why all this hush hush? This is just a fact.
Lets start a debate about what labels and artists can do to survive instead of pretending something else. Mp3 is here to stay, weather you like it or not.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 07:38
108th time           ------------------------------------
Beyond Logic!
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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 15:42
Goa Constrictor:
"Lets start a debate about what labels and artists can do to survive instead of pretending something else. Mp3 is here to stay, weather you like it or not. "

Hey thanks constrictor ! I've been trying to launch this debate for weeks in the various threads that touched the MP3 subject.

The problem is that people are not ready to buy MP3. Partially because some keep on smearing the sound quality, saying it is shit, which absolutely isn't true (download WinABX and try it for yourselves guys !). Another reason is that people like to have a physical object for their money.

But there are probably other reasons and I'd be delighted to know about them.

I still think that MP3 is the easiest and cheapest way to buy music, and the best way to reward artists for their hard work.

E-Watt Records

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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 15:45
On 2004-02-19 05:19, IPGuards wrote:
"if its illegally obtained its destructive"

I'll believe that when I see the actual psytrance CD sales figures for the last 10 years.           Beru
E-Watt Records
Lucas Aly
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 16:55

On 2004-02-19 01:52, Goa Constrictor wrote:
I have noticed that mp3 is a very intresting subject

yeah! very very interesting...           we are one.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 18:35
MP3s are already the past... WAVs are the future

Luckily for anyone setting up technology to sell mp3s the switch up a step won't take much... I won't get into the topic of djs playing mp3s though since that just makes me too damn angry. I only do it when there isn't much of an alternate choice i.e. when I play a tune like Magnetrixx - Didgediroo, or Antiscarp releases (many of which are really good and quite overlooked)... 'La Calamar - Baizzon feat. Zig' is a really nice tune from them but I go off topic here... point is: don't play so much MP3s you jerks!


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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 19:06
How many topics is it possible to have on one subject? ;-)
FluoSamsara (Oxygen)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 19:37

On 2004-02-19 15:45, beru777 wrote:
On 2004-02-19 05:19, IPGuards wrote:
"if its illegally obtained its destructive"

I'll believe that when I see the actual psytrance CD sales figures for the last 10 years.

Im with you on that on Beru777

About buying mp3...well, the reason for its success is the word "free" attached to it...If u spend money, at least spend in some quality, better 1 cd in wav than 3 in opinion...

About mp3 djs, well, I don't really like that...and I don't agree that "most" djs play mp3...many do, but many are also quite adicted to buy all the latest stuff every week, I know a few like this...

One thing I don't get is why ppl buy some albums that they have oportunity to copy in wav...Basically they are just paying for the cover and pictures, sound will be exactly same, I find that a bit of a consumist atitude, is like u have two jeans, exactly the same, one no logos and other has a calvin klein (wathever just a stupid example) logo, some ppl prefer to buy the Calvin Klein ones and pay 10x more just because of the logo...

Yes, I know its to support artist bla bla bla but you can still use the money to buy another album . Lets face it, its impossible to buy all the good music being released, there is just too much!

But definetelly, Djs playing mp3 shouldn't be paid, if someone wants to dj mp3 for free, go ahead, but if you wanna make some money you gotta spend some also, and it must have quality!


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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 20:44
"About buying mp3...well, the reason for its success is the word "free" attached to it...If u spend money, at least spend in some quality, better 1 cd in wav than 3 in opinion..."

Not in mine but... Sometimes I want an album and I have a choice between downloading it and listening to it right away or spending 20$+, getting it in two weeks, knowing that 1.5$ will land in the artists' pocket (if he's lucky). Sometimes for just 2 tracks that I really like... (and I think using soulseek is a PITA)

I would be more than happy to give the artist his 1.5 bucks, or even 5 or 10 but I can't. I'm saying that honestly, I'm giving donations to websites/webradios I like all the time (for exemple

Don't think that most people downloading MP3s are just a bunch evil, irresponsible thieves. They probably just feel ripped off when they buy a CD.

"About mp3 djs, well, I don't really like that..."

I've heard so many bad DJs in my life that I really don't care if they're playing vinyl, tape, CD or whatever. Just make me dance, that's all I ask (and I know MP3 DJs that are pretty good at that )

E-Watt Records
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 04:54
I don't think "mp3 police" will improve the scene. What it might do is divide the scene between those who have the music and those who can barely afford to buy a CD. I doubt it will help make psy more popular.. something has to be done, but crusades and witchunts ain't it....

I agree with Beru about overpaying $20 for a couple of decent tracks... the majority of all music released isn't very good. demands of the marketplace make it so: it seems there are just too many labels these days all trying to put something out and make a buck - no wonder they're all bitching about not making any money.

thirdly, I think maybe when the kids who download now grow up and have a little more money, they will put some of it into the scene..

lastly, the internet is a great promotional tool for new artists... the wonderful thing about the 'mp3 top 10s' is all the new talent they manage to bring out. Otherwise, all we'll ever get is 1. Astrix 2. Talamasca 3. Skazi, etc. booooring!!
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 07:02
I cannot predict the future.....
so yes, or no, is impossible for me - im not even trying to claim im nostradamus..... although I don't believe in any forseeing           Crackling universes dive into their own neverending crackle...

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 10:49
I will add something from my point of view.
Lately I have trouble finding new cd's in shops, i know about only one shop in Israel where i can find new cds from foreign labels. That's a very annoying fact because it's not like i don't have money to buy cds, i do, but i am forced to buy only israeli releases, because that is something that i can find easily or get an intl credit card which is something that i was denied when i asked for in the bank.
And i really don't like the feeling of buying the cds online, i just can't kick the old habbit of buying the cd and immediately hear the album.
Another thing is that i stopped lately buying compilations. I can't remember when was the last time i saw a compilation with over 50% of it's content being worthy. The last i remember are the Crystal Skulls Part 1 and Unusual Suspects.
Since then Tip is keeping bombing the shelves with compilations that hardly have 2 worthy tracks and Twisted? Well they didn't released any compilation since then.
How bout quality control ppl?
I understand the eagerness to cover the losses by releasing more. I almost see a financial reason (plz enlighten me on this one, i'm more into electronics than economics) to do so, but how about the customer's side???
There are so many problems in the scene, sometimes it reminds me astronomy. It's like a supernova. A tiny mass which expands in space in huge rate and collapses in the end.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
14-year old e-tard
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 12:40
Digital downloads are the future. The option for people to buy/download mp3s or even Wavs from sites that provide this service will take over. A lot of spoof mp3 versions of the tunes will circle the net making it hard for people that steal music to find a good free version of the track. If consumers can pay only 1$ to buy only the few trax they want, without having to buy the whole album/compilation and support their favourite artists at the same time, they'll do it. Fight fire with fire! It is a big bandwagon and everyone is going to jump on it.

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 14:14
I am all for digital downloads when people pay for those downloads but I seriously doubt that anything will change no matter how many online services there will be in the future.... If people can save 1 dollar then they'll still download it illegal and free..... it's not and have NEVER been about money - It's a attitude issue !
14-year old e-tard
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 20, 2004 14:23
With good time, there will be so many spoof versions of tunes on the net that it will require a lot of time for people that steal music to find a good version. More and more people will find that getting their favourite track for say 0.7$, instantly, pristine quality, with a clear conscience (for those who have some dignity left) ,without the world pointing fingers at them and with the knowledge that there's actually going to be more of their favourite underground dance music if they support their favourite artists/labels, is the way to go.
This is all great for labels that do not have big distribution companies and for artists that are not signed on big labels (or at all) to be exposed to the world...without having their music stolen!

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