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Motion Drive - In the Dirt (Iono Music)

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  254
Posts :  2638
Posted : Jul 14, 2010 21:47
have been hearing this album only recently, and it more than deserves a comment of praise

im not really into psy prog as much as id like to be, but i would definitely rate this album right up there with the likes of ovnimoon, suntree,zyce & flegma

great music to just groove to at work or a sunday afternoon

@ motion drive - great album! hope you guys end up making some rumble pack tunes too! 
rumble pack / motion drive
Rumble Pack

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  270
Posted : Jul 19, 2010 15:13

@ motion drive - great album! hope you guys end up making some rumble pack tunes too!

thx for nice feedback and yes, i can assure you theres some good news comming soon concerning new Rumble Pack tunes ;-) 

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Posts :  10
Posted : Jan 27, 2011 00:04
I must say I agree on Basilisk that there is very little proppa progressive.
To be honest very little proppa psy music in what form soever.
Personally I like psy in various ways, Prog/fullon and all it's sub forms.
The thing is (and that's personal) I'm missing psy elements.
Things that make you go....ow.
Again we're talking about abstract sounds and emotions so it's hard to put them in words.

Also I don't really care if music is innovative or not. I just't care if it's groovy, funky and
have great sounds. And I can't say that this album has any of this. (sorry, just want to be honest)

I do like to emphasize that the overal groove and production are very good!
Also I like to mention that I really like your Rumble Pack track - Restrucured.

That's some nice boogie woogie psytrance with squelching psysounds. Sound that make me go ow!.


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Posted : Feb 8, 2011 02:13

On 2010-06-18 13:39, Dj Cowan wrote:
Great album brother!! i like the fact that not 2 tracks sounds the same, every track has its own storry and flow, witch make the album worth listen over and over again without tuggle throo some tracks!

And then you know how happy i am to hear some good old Motion Drive production in some tracks!! Really good stuff!

All the best with the album and also your new released EP!



Yes, album is grate and mostly new in trance. Is not it? I suppose it is.
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Posts :  53
Posted : Jul 14, 2012 23:23
I know this topic is pretty old, but i got this album a while ago and find it absolutely amazing! 'Heart Of The Sun' is one of my all time favorite prog trance tracks, if not my favorite. It's just perfect and it feels like your melting floating trough the universe on your way to the sun. Hard to describe but everything is right!

I must say I disagree that this album is not groovy or it doesn't give you a wow feeling. It does for me big time so i guess it's just personal preference. Perhaps it's not super psychedelic but does it have to be? The lines between prog trance and prog psytrance are big and there's a lot of everything everywhere. I think Motion Drive really has a sound of it's own, totally different then other prog trance. Great album, one of the best I own.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Motion Drive - In the Dirt (Iono Music)
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