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most psychedelic animal

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 13, 2007 23:59
skazi           VA - Momentum vol.1 - Compiled by PhaseTech

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Posted : Dec 14, 2007 04:56

Whales n dolphins

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Posted : Jan 6, 2008 11:11
maybe you?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2008 11:34

On 2008-01-06 11:11, psy-goa wrote:
maybe you?

no no no, not you,

it's me..


On 2007-11-23 07:36, sure_smoke_alot wrote:

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2008 16:15

The Elephant (thanks to exotic for the tip!)

Elephants on acid


What happens if you give an elephant LSD? Researchers solved this mystery on Friday 3 August 1962, when Warren Thomas, director of Lincoln Park Zoo in Oklahoma City, fired a cartridge-syringe containing 297 milligrams of LSD into the rump of Tusko the elephant. With Thomas were two colleagues from the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, Louis Jolyon West and Chester M. Pierce.

The dose was about 3000 times what a human would typically take. Thomas, West and Pierce figured that if they were going to give an elephant LSD they'd better not give it too little. They later explained that the experiment was designed to find out if LSD would induce musth in an elephant - musth being a kind of temporary madness male elephants sometimes experience during which they become highly aggressive and secrete a sticky fluid from their temporal glands. One may also suspect a small element of ghoulish curiosity was involved.

Whatever the reason for the experiment, it almost immediately went awry. Tusko reacted as if he had been shot by a gun. He trumpeted around his pen for a few minutes and then keeled over. Horrified, the researchers tried to revive him with a variety of antipsychotics, but about an hour later he was dead. In an article published four months after the event (Science, vol 138, p 1100), the three scientists sheepishly concluded: "It appears that the elephant is highly sensitive to the effects of LSD."

The experiment instantly made headlines. Faced with a public relations disaster, the scientists protested their innocence. They had not anticipated the elephant would die, they insisted. In their experience, LSD was a powerful hallucinogen but rarely fatal. West and Pierce helpfully noted that they themselves had previously taken the drug.

Thomas tried to find a silver lining. They had learned that LSD can be lethal to elephants. So perhaps, he mused, the drug could be used to destroy herds in countries where they are a problem. For some reason, his suggestion has never found any takers.


What I find suprising is that the poor demented elephant died. Now the dose was about 3 000 times stronger then the average human dose, so maybe the cause of death was heart failure, over heated - stress induced heart attack. .. I've always learned that LSD can not kill you. This surly changed that view. -BUT 297 milligrams, thats insane!! Those retard scientists could have started out smaller.. jesus. And the artical doesnt say what caused the death.. In this case, sciense failed terribly. 3000 the dose. IDIOTS!

EDIT: More information

NOTE. No humans (recorded) have died because of a large dose of why did the elephant die? Maybe it reached instant enlightment and was forced to die because there was nothing on earth for it enymore. a direct touch by God.

Quote: If you see the face of God, you will die


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2008 16:53
On 2008-01-06 16:15, spytooned psytones wrote:

The Elephant (thanks to exotic for the tip!)

Elephants on acid

what a complete waste of good acid!! and you'd think scientists were supposed to be the smart ones!

i would have to go with the panda

          ~what lies before us and what lies beyond us is tiny as compared to what lies within us~

Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Jan 6, 2008 17:05

Quote: If you see the face of God, you will die

No you wont, because god does not exist.

There may be some unnatural powers in this world, but they 100% do not like humans.           Triplag Music


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Posted : Jan 7, 2008 02:49

arny!!!           one toke over the line sweet jesus :>

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Posted : Jan 7, 2008 06:56

turtle !!           Spread Love.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2008 11:36
@nEuro... ehehhee what about delhi jungleee green helicopter flies that captain ifan was sending hhehehaaha

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Posted : Jan 9, 2008 11:28

On 2008-01-08 11:36, zmandan wrote:
@nEuro... ehehhee what about delhi jungleee green helicopter flies that captain ifan was sending hhehehaaha

for sure zmandan those were the original pyschedelic thing ive ever noticed in my whole life and that too 1000 of them together... heheh... hard fucking coree... hehehe

          Spread Love.

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Posted : Jan 9, 2008 12:35
following from the elephant example.....

i once read (cant remember the exact specifics) that proportionately to its weight the creature that can take the most acid (and certainly therefore is the msot psy animal) is the mouses - rats!!!...more than humans!!
the elephant was indeed the one that, always proportionately to the weight, was the less resistant; that explains the terrible experience of Tusko!

If i look at the appereance and characteristics tho.....i would too go with the platypus.....
it actually cannot see but feels everything by an electrostatic force that acts like a radar........we still didint understand how these creatures survive etc....pretty amazing..!!!

aum namah shivaya

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2008 09:10
Here are a few serious contenders:

THE Flamboyant Cuttlefish (check out the video):

The Amazing Cup moth caterpillar (and some others):

These Anemones (yup they are animals):

this spider:

The slender loris:

The Saiga Antelope:!Saiga_Antelope.jpg

The Zaglossu:


the Pangolin:

The Caponi:

Long Eared Jerboa:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2008 02:51

On 2008-01-19 09:10, Aluxe wrote:


stop scaring me

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Posted : Jan 20, 2008 16:08
the jellyfish... trippy
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