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most dynamic trance artists??


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Posts :  19
Posted : Apr 26, 2008 19:53

On 2008-04-23 00:28, Pavel wrote:
There is no dynamics in Psy Trance. What are you tolkin about? The mastering kills it all nowadays.


Seams to me that many (not all) doesn`t know the diffrence between Dynamic and "loudness effect" When you compress, you kill dynamic!!!!!! well.... now i said it!!

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Posts :  19
Posted : Apr 26, 2008 19:55

On 2008-04-24 05:29, Synaesthesia wrote:
Tight sound is cool,
Good mastering never kill dynamics, instead can make a mix sound powerfull, and in extreme cases can make a weak musician sound like a master. In the other hand wrong use of mastering can kill the mix and dynamics of course, making all sound boring and tired. This is a matter of good mastering and bad mastering. Of course in todays psytrance sound there is a trend of using distortion a lot, but that just give us some very good harmonics, ear candy stuff on the digitally created instruments, since we are not recording real bass players, are we?.

Experiment Euphoria with Com.pact, Dacru ,Trancelucent, Tactical, Utopia, Magma, artists...

Well, before anyone starts talking about mastering (notice: im not a mastering engineer) Read the Book of Bob Ludvig!!!

PS.not picking on you Synaesthesia
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 27, 2008 12:47
you guys didnt understand what this thread is about or decided to take it to a technical/mix/production level.....
what deathsexchaos wanted to discuss is wich artist makes the most complex music!

i say double dragon again!

Cheers.           "....or is it???"
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Apr 28, 2008 13:41
they understand but like said b4 by pavel its offtopic joke and evryone takes it seriously. hehe funny.

personly i try to take it to maximum versability inside the music cause its good for the dance but without loosing the repetative pattern that is the actual 'trance' mind mode.. as well working on free style , dark , prog and some more forms of the psy side.. some under diffrent alias but he who cares know whats going on.

some more dynamic artist must be electrypnose , maybe less inside the specific track but once you hear 50 tracks of his you can see how much he have to offer , from chill throu fullon into dark and all in maximum proffessional way. 

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 15:16
most of them push it up to -8 rms so...

bye bye dynamics xD


Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 17:10
it's really depends on the artist and the style they are producing. It's true that's in most of darkpsytrance I hear, dynamics and EQ is not really well made. And true also that's many artists put maximum things inside a track and then there is no more space to let the sounds express itself. Personaly Where you can find best prod is especially in prog (even if it's not really my cup of tea except 2 or 3 example) or minimal where the prod is just killer. But the quality of prod is something really important beceause it's a part of creativity. You can recognize a style just by listening the prod. And this is important in all kind of music. A good mix can help the guy who is in charge of mastering to give him a direction for mastering. After it's really depends on the colours you want to give, more bright, more deep, etc. It's a matter of taste and it's personal to each artist.           Nia KOR
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 00:27

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 00:59
@ deathsexchaos

Trance? Trance = to get into a state of trance via repetitive drumming/music. Trance is not meant to change melody or direction ever 30 seconds.

What you refer to is electronic pop music equal to dance music.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 1, 2010 13:20

A dynamic artist would be defined as someone who is constantly making tracks in different styles, not staying stuck in one current, evolving, experimenting, progressing...

When he his playing at a party he will quickly change his track list according to the vibe on the dance floor, throw in a track here and there cause the crowd is liking this or that...

That's how I understood the question...           «They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.»
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 2, 2010 01:01
Well those artist he listed does not seem to hit the category of artists that has evolved

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 2, 2010 13:34

On 2010-05-02 01:01, Beat Agency wrote:
Well those artist he listed does not seem to hit the category of artists that has evolved

Very true, they are somewhat undynamic to say the least..
Inactive User

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Posted : May 2, 2010 16:10
Elysium/Elysium Project!

Puts the D in Dynamik!

no seriously... Trancelestial Psychobabas... fucking track of the 90's for me... the first time I got high to that track, I think was one of the most exciting moments of my life as a trancer/raver... until this day that track has been my PSY (not Goa) anthem!
          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Inactive User

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Posted : May 2, 2010 16:15
The melodies, the samples... the tribal drums... the acid( well I know it isn't any 303 coz Mr Elysium once said on Psynews he don't like the 303)... it's just psytrance 101 for me!

BTW any story behind making this track? Gear used? when/were?           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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