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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Morphic Resonance - "Trip To The Stars EP" (DAT Records)
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Morphic Resonance - "Trip To The Stars EP" (DAT Records)

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Oct 2, 2017 01:52:41

Neo Goa or whatever you want to call it has never impressed me. I dunno if it's modern production values but it fells like they just take all the layers and jam them together until it a mash of melodic noise designed to give the listener the biggest headache possible.

I loved the old sound of the 90's because the music breathed & had space to it. Sounds floated around rather than tried to force themselves on you.

Morphic Resonance never impressed me until this release for that reason, he seemed to be just another Suntrip artist make that Suntrip style of modern "Goa" that could only possibly work on a massive sound system. Headphones just don't suit this style.

Then this release came out & I was blown away. Firstly, I was never a big Pleiadians/Etnica/Crop Circles fan back in the 90's as it just didn't;t click with me, but as I grew older & DAT has been reissuing these classic I suddenly find myself enjoying their style.

Mr Resonance manages to take the sounds and give them a modern twist while not losing the old vibes. He reworks all the sounds and melodies in to his own style, adding the modern baseline, kicks and percussion but allows the music to still breath and give a huge dimension to the sounds.

If only Filteria & his ilk could work more on giving such depth to their music I'd love the new Goa styles.

This is a really great EP where the tracks never seem to get old despite their length & the story is told as a story, not as a mind crushing dance floor smasher.

While I'm all for DAT sticking to their mission statement of reissuing long lost classics & unreleased psy/Goa remastered
I'd definitely be keen for a sub label of a few more EPs or even compilations of modern musician remixing classics to such a wonderful degree as this.

I just wish I was 20 years younger, kids & job free and still dJ'ing at gigs so I could share this with the crowd. Maybe my kids will be the next generation. I need to be in bed by 9:30pm or i can't function properly           Cuntus Maximus.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Morphic Resonance - "Trip To The Stars EP" (DAT Records)
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