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More local elements or... PsyTerrorism

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 17:52

On 2009-12-08 17:50, PsyTerrorist wrote:
no need to make only shiva images just because its a "psy" party.

I haven't been to a party for MANY years now in any country, where all the decor is Shiva etc. Maybe you've just been unlucky?
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Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 17:54
If I spent lots of time painting some deco, I'd be well pissed off if someone threw a "dirty" ink bomb on it.

I am not keen on indian deity decos either, 15 years of them are enough, but I don't mind them and they are certainly not going to ruin my mood at a party that was full of them, as long as the music was good.

And I would not enjoy any less a slamming tune that included cliche trance words in the title/artist name.

That's how I feel about it.

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 18:12
what's wrong with my beloved chai?? And please do not destroy any art of others.
I understand your point,and would find it fine to have a more diversity of decoration .Personally I love a hinduistic deco i feel really good and secure to take off but i understand your point.I am a hardcore coffeee junky but I always was looking forward to test the chais on nice psy events.Well,the most of them are punched a bit with water ,the self made are always the best though ,but sometimes there are really nice .
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 18:22
PsyTerrorism           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 19:48

On 2009-12-08 17:52, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2009-12-08 17:50, PsyTerrorist wrote:
no need to make only shiva images just because its a "psy" party.

I haven't been to a party for MANY years now in any country, where all the decor is Shiva etc. Maybe you've just been unlucky?

i understand what you'r trying to say, but the deco stuff is just one example, the top of the iceberg.

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 19:56
yeah put some hot chick's in the backgrounds, and undressed fayrs dancing in tables !!... and let your hair grow's,,, and please, forgett your bike !!!


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Posts :  16
Posted : Dec 8, 2009 21:11

On 2009-12-08 17:54, disco hooligans wrote:
If I spent lots of time painting some deco, I'd be well pissed off if someone threw a "dirty" ink bomb on it.

if its krishna stuff, just dont bring it to universo. you were warned. kidding

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Posts :  16
Posted : Dec 8, 2009 21:25

On 2009-12-08 18:12, TheOneWhoMakesYouCrazy wrote:
what's wrong with my beloved chai?? And please do not destroy any art of others.
I understand your point,and would find it fine to have a more diversity of decoration .Personally I love a hinduistic deco i feel really good and secure to take off but i understand your point.

hehe, nothing wrong with your chai.
and about the fluor bomb i already said it was a joke, some kind of psy protest but of course not meant to be violent or destruct other people arts.
its nothing isolated, as i like hindu deco aswell. i guess it has more to do with the word you used "diversity", in all levels, music, parties, etc
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 22:09

On 2009-12-08 17:13, Ascension wrote:
I'm not sure what flat land and corn would look like in a psychedelic context, but that'd be the local flavor of where I'm at. 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 9, 2009 11:10

the real psy-triedaaaaaa
Psy Terrorist you have BEEN LAID-OFF by BEEN LAID-IN
Blow the brain
Keep the body          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 9, 2009 14:19
im all for short circuiting the mixer at goagil gigs every time
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 9, 2009 19:03
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Dec 9, 2009 20:21

On 2009-12-09 14:19, mk47 wrote:
im all for short circuiting the mixer at goagil gigs every time

<3 <3 lol           
The Way Back
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 9, 2009 20:39

On 2009-12-08 15:42:37, PsyTerrorist wrote:
this is a strange manifesto for more local elements at psy parties.

give more value to the local traditions instead of just importing a model of psytrance party.
No more hindu images, and shiva stuff for deco. No more chai, i am not hindu i want to drink our traditional cofee.

No more artist, tracks or parties using names as "space"/ "alien". give more value to your language, besides of beeing more creative.

if you dont listen to our demands, there will be no other way than the psy-terrorism

Our first psy-terrorism act will be at Universo Paralello fest, since it became so international. the high prices excluded many local people that used to go to parties.

during the night we are going to bomb some deco with hindu references, using a "dirty" fluor ink bomb. next target will be the chai.
help us making psy-terrorist acts in your own country

Well said...!

Save the old times...!!!

Not the terrorism!!!
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Dec 10, 2009 16:29
if our demands are not met we will torture the tofu and behead the cabbage and mutilate the mangos and yes we will blow our minds with the chillums and then we will pull the plugs of the sound system in the middle of the party
muahhahahahahahajideeeens we now wear jeans
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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